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mm bot Help me plz !!
I've installed mm bot and so on, me and my friend did it together, i fixed the settings and Sequences, it works perfectly fine on his computer, but when i go with the exactly same settings and sequences on my own computer, The bot won't even move from the Start spot :O ! please help, im in need of help to solve this problem Sad !

Thx / Johannes
Did you configure the settings of your computer? 16 bit ect. Are you getting any errors. Reread manual too.
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KazeCloud Wrote:Did you configure the settings of your computer? 16 bit ect. Are you getting any errors. Reread manual too.

Yes i did all that, Configured 16 bit, 800x600 res and so on, even read the manual, but still.. the bot won't move :/

Here's from the event_bot log file last time i started up the bot

08/26 14:12:30 [I]> Diablo II started.
08/26 14:12:38 [I]> Login done.
08/26 14:12:40 [I]> Character selected.
08/26 14:12:41 [I]> ==> Cycle: 1 => Run: 1 Started. [Games created yet: 1]
08/26 14:14:02 [I]> ==> Cycle: 1 => Run: 1 : Game duration: 0 seconds.
08/26 14:14:02 [E]> Emergency stop: first run creation failed.
08/26 14:14:02 [I]> The first run must return successful status everytime.
Did you life go low? What version of mmbot. Kukbot, Antfamous?
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KazeCloud Wrote:Did you life go low? What version of mmbot. Kukbot, Antfamous?

Nope, full life and mana, starting in act5, But i aint got 24 space free, but the bot would move even if so or ? or is it a requirement to really got 24 space free for allowing the bot to move ? :/ Else i got exact as my friend, can it be my comp screen ? or can it be that my computer is wrong ? :S, thx for trying help me Smile
In the bot.ini, there is a number of free spaces in which you must have in your inventory or it will stop. Also post the event log.
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KazeCloud Wrote:In the bot.ini, there is a number of free spaces in which you must have in your inventory or it will stop. Also post the event log.

Shall i post all in the events_bot file ? Also i tried to re-install Diablo, and placed it in C\Program\Diablo II, i also changed that in the file, But now it says it can't find Diablo II data MOD file, what does that mean ? have i missed somethinn ?:/
you need to download the data folder from
[Image: toomuchowneh8lr1.jpg]

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