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HELM: ok u need 2 of these for this build a griff and a valk

WEP1: also need 2 of these eth titans and +4 tstrokes

WEP2: a bow faith, wf best options also maby an ice wouldn't be bad i myself use a cta in a gm bow


SHEILD2: none

AMMY: Cats eye- for fr/w and ias note use cresent moon for lvlin for the 15% mana leech

RING1: soj

RING2: need a few rings in inv for this for different chars ur dueling
raven, bk, whisp, dwarf note use a manald for lvlin for the 7% mana leech

GLOVES: rare +2 jav/20 ias with other mods or magical +3 jav/20ias

BELT: need 4 of these arach, stormclash, tgods, dungos

BOOTS: eth treks if u can get other wise just treks, and hotspurs for fire res

ARMOR: coh archon or dusk doesn't make a diff

CHARMS: 10x 40 lifer jav skillers 9x 20/5 all res 1x anni also keep 9 20/5 charms in inv to max ur res if needed


STR: u need to have enough to be able to switch gear as needed so don't use the + str from titans, tgods, or ss u can use the + str from coh anni and treks

DEX: also do not use dex from titans or tgods u need to have 217 dex for max block at lvl 90 so use the +dex from anni only

VIT: rest of points go here

MANA: leave at base


These are the skills u need put them in in the order i list them

1 point into the following skills

critical strike
inner sight
slow missles
magic arrow
cold arrow
multi shot
guided arrow

now u are going to max the following
charged strike
lightning bolt
lightning strike
lightning fury
and whatever points u get after that put into power strike

note: for sockets do the following if u use wf 40/15 ias it
soc both valk and griff with 15/15 ias/res
soc ss with light faucet

Forseti_Boi evilgrin:
so umm what are you asking us to do rate it? if so then umm its one of those commonly used build out there oh and you forgot nosferatus coil you can keep that in your stash if you want and i dont think soj is suited for this build
no not a rating just comments about if you think the build is good and try to suggest things to improve it but dont be a tard about it

Forseti_Boi evilgrin:

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