09-08-2007, 09:58 AM
I had a panic attack from being stressed with too much school work.
It started with me being sick a day before, and having to make up all of the work, but was overloaded with work and couldnt do all of it. At around 11:00 PM, i wasnt even half way done and had been working for like 4 hours. Then, I started thinking i would never get done, and more thoughts kept on coming and then I started uncontrollably started walking in circles and screaming/crying. Then after about 30 seconds of that i fell to the floor and couldnt control my screaming. It felt like I was going crazy or dying or something, and it hurt my head. Then, while i was on the ground i was hyperventilating. My uncle came into the room and saw me on the ground and carried me to the living room and put me on the sofa. It was pretty scary :-\. I skipped the day of school after that and spent all day working on my classwork.
Scariest experience EVER!!
Wikipedia article on what a panic attack is:
Panic attacks are sudden, discrete periods of intense anxiety, fear and discomfort that are associated with a variety of somatic and cognitive symptoms[1]. The onset of these episodes is typically abrupt, and may have no obvious trigger. Although these episodes may appear random, they are considered to be a subset of an evolutionary response commonly referred to as fight or flight that occur out of context, flooding the body with hormones (particularly adrenalin) that aid in defending itself from harm. [2]
According to the American Psychological Association the symptoms of a panic attack commonly last approximately ten minutes. However, panic attacks can be as short as 1-5 minutes, while more severe panic attacks may form a cyclic series of episodes, lasting for an extended period, sometimes hours. Often those afflicted will experience significant anticipatory anxiety in between attacks and in situations where attacks have previously occurred.
Panic Attacks also affect people differently. Experienced sufferers may be able to completely 'ride out' a panic attack with little to no obvious symptoms. Others, notably first time suffers, may even call for emergency services; many who experience a panic attack for the first time fear they are having a heart attack.(Wilson 1996)
[edit] Descriptions
Many who suffer from panic attacks state they are the most frightening experiences of their lives. Sufferers of panic attacks report a fear or sense of dying, "going crazy", and/ or experiencing a heart attack, feeling faint, nauseous, or losing control of themselves. These feelings may provoke a strong urge to escape or flee the place where the attack began (a consequence of the sympathetic "fight or flight" response).
A panic attack is a response of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS). The most common symptoms may include: trembling, dyspnea (shortness of breath), heart palpitations, chest pain (or chest tightness), sweating, nausea, dizziness (or slight vertigo), light-headedness, hyperventilation, paresthesias (tingling sensations), sensations of choking or smothering or derealization, or the feeling that nothing is real. These physical symptoms are interpreted with alarm in people prone to panic attacks. This results in increased anxiety, and forms a positive feedback loop.[3] Despite the multitude of symptoms and the afflicted's fears a panic attack presents no real danger.
Often when shortness of breath and chest pain are the predominant symptoms the sufferer incorrectly appraises this as a sign or symptom of a heart attack. This results in the person experiencing a panic attack to seek treatment in an emergency room.
The panic attack is distinguished from other forms of anxiety by its intensity and its sudden, episodic nature. (Bourne 2005). Panic attacks are often experienced in conjunction with anxiety disorders and other psychological conditions, although panic attacks are not always indicative of a mental disorder, nor are they uncommon. Up to 10 percent of otherwise healthy people experience an isolated panic attack about once per year, and 1 in 60 people in the U.S. will suffer from a panic disorder at some point in their lifetime. (Anxiety Disorders Association of America)
[edit] Triggers and Causes
[edit] Physiological considerations
While the various symptoms of a panic attack may feel that the body is failing, it is in fact protecting itself from harm. The various symptoms of a panic attack can be understood as follows. First, there is frequently (but not always) the sudden onset of fear with little provoking stimulus. This leads to a release of adrenaline (epinephrine) which brings about the so-called fight-or-flight response wherein the person's body prepares for strenuous physical activity. This leads to an increased heart rate (tachycardia), rapid breathing (hyperventilation) which may be perceived as shortness of breath (dyspnea), and sweating (which increases grip and aids heat loss). Because strenuous activity rarely ensues, the hyperventilation leads to a drop in carbon dioxide levels in the lungs and then in the blood. This leads to shifts in blood pH (respiratory alkalosis), which in turn can lead to many other symptoms, such as tingling or numbness, dizziness, burning and lightheadedness. Moreover, the release of adrenaline during a panic attack causes vasoconstriction resulting in slightly less blood flow to the head which causes dizziness and lightheadedness.
[edit] Symptoms
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[edit] Physical
[edit] Mental
[edit] Emotional
[edit] Perceptual
[edit] Mnemonic
The symptoms of a panic attack can be remembered with the mnemonic: STUDENTS FEAR the 3 Cs: Sweating, Trembling, Unsteadiness/dizziness, Derealization/depersonalization, Elevated heart rate (tachycardia), Nausea, Tingling, Shortness of breath, FEAR of dying, FEAR of losing control, FEAR of going crazy, 3 Cs - Choking, Chest pain, Chills.
[edit] Agoraphobia
Main article: Agoraphobia
Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder which primarily consists of the fear of experiencing a difficult or embarrassing situation from which the sufferer cannot escape. As a result, severe sufferers of agoraphobia may become confined to their homes, experiencing difficulty traveling from this "safe place". The word "agoraphobia" is an English adoption of the Greek words agora (αγορά
and phobos (φόβος
, literally translated as "a fear of the marketplace". This translation is the reason for the common misconception that agoraphobia is a fear of open spaces, and is not clinically accurate.
People who have had a panic attack in certain situations — for example, while driving, shopping in a crowded store, going to a party, experimenting with psychedelic drugs, etc. — may develop irrational fears, called phobias, of these situations and begin to avoid them. Eventually, the pattern of avoidance and level of anxiety about another attack may reach the point where individuals with panic disorder are unable to drive or even step out of the house. At this stage, the person is said to have panic disorder with agoraphobia. This can be one of the most harmful side-effects of panic disorder as it can prevent sufferers from seeking treatment in the first place. Agoraphobia of this degree is extremely rare. It should be noted that upwards of 90% of agoraphobics achieve a full recovery. Agoraphobia is actually not a fear of certain places but a fear of having panic attacks in certain places, where escape would be difficult and/or embarrassing.
The thinking behind agoraphobia usually follows the line that were a panic attack to occur, who would look after the person, how would he or she get the assistance and reassurance they needed? The vulnerability grows from the feeling that once victims of agoraphobia are caught in the anxiety, they are suddenly unable to look after themselves and are therefore at the mercy of the place they find themselves in and the strangers around them. In its extreme form, agoraphobia and panic attacks can lead to a situation where people become housebound for numerous years.
It is important to note that agoraphobia is by no means a hopeless situation. Sufferers often do not realize that they have experienced these same situations before and nothing terrible occurred. Successful treatment is possible with the right combination of therapy and medication.
Agoraphobia is often described as a fear of having 'no place to run or hide' if one does have a panic attack. Common examples include: driving, airplanes, malls, moving out of the house, etc.
[edit] Panic disorder
Main article: Panic Disorder
People who have repeated, persistent attacks or feel severe anxiety about having another attack are said to have Panic Disorder. Panic Disorder is strikingly different from other types of anxiety disorders in that panic attacks are often sudden and unprovoked.[4]
[edit] Treatment
People with Panic disorder often can be successfully treated with therapy, particularly Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and/or anti-anxiety medication or antidepressants. (Bourne 2005)
[edit] Medication
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The Benzodiazepines class of drugs:
While these drugs are highly effective and very fast acting in stopping panic, they are not the best solution. First, the body can build a tolerance to the drug, much like alcoholic beverages, making it need more to feel the same benefit. Second, because of this, there is a high risk of abuse and addiction in some people.
As such, some doctors may prefer to prescribe an antidepressant, particularly an SSRI. Such as:
Which after an initial titration period may be effective at reducing anxiety.
SNRIs such as Venlafaxine can also be prescribed. Studies have proven they may be more effective than the SSRIs for anxiety.
NaSSAs such as Mirtazapine have also been found effective, particularly with individuals whose anxiety and panic causes insomnia.
[edit] Interoceptive Desensitization/Symptom Inductions
One particularly helpful and effective form of therapy is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Techniques used may include those based upon the concept that intentional exposure to the symptoms will help decrease the sufferer's fear of panic attacks. Interoceptive Desensitization intends to desensitize the afflicted from the symptoms of panic attacks. In a study by Barlow & Craske (1989), 87% of the individuals that participated in the two of four treatments that involved Interoceptive Desensitization were free of panic at the end of treatment and these results were maintained at a 2-year follow up. In controlled studies of Interoceptive Desensitization treatments compared to other treatments, those treatments that included Interoceptive Desensitization were found to be significantly superior to other treatments such as muscle relaxation alone, or education or insight-oriented treatments. Indeed, Interoceptive Desensization often leads to a dramatic reduction in the frequency and intensity of panic attacks and as such should be implemented immediately under the guidance of a mental health professional. It is important the patient is given medical clearance and permission from a medical doctor before attempting these exercises.
Symptom Inductions generally occur for one minute and may include:
Many people overcome Panic Disorder and sudden Panic Attacks on their own. It takes time, but in a sense, they ride out the panic attacks and eventually learn that nothing is going to happen during one. Often, they 'taper off' until they are not noticeable any longer. It is for this reason that some psychologists helping people with panic disorders induce them into an attack, so they can see for themselves that indeed, nothing will happen.
[edit] Limited Symptom Attack
Many people being treated for panic attacks begin to experience limited symptom attacks. These panic attacks are less comprehensive with less than 4 bodily symptoms being experienced. (Bourne 2005)
It started with me being sick a day before, and having to make up all of the work, but was overloaded with work and couldnt do all of it. At around 11:00 PM, i wasnt even half way done and had been working for like 4 hours. Then, I started thinking i would never get done, and more thoughts kept on coming and then I started uncontrollably started walking in circles and screaming/crying. Then after about 30 seconds of that i fell to the floor and couldnt control my screaming. It felt like I was going crazy or dying or something, and it hurt my head. Then, while i was on the ground i was hyperventilating. My uncle came into the room and saw me on the ground and carried me to the living room and put me on the sofa. It was pretty scary :-\. I skipped the day of school after that and spent all day working on my classwork.
Scariest experience EVER!!
Wikipedia article on what a panic attack is:
Panic attacks are sudden, discrete periods of intense anxiety, fear and discomfort that are associated with a variety of somatic and cognitive symptoms[1]. The onset of these episodes is typically abrupt, and may have no obvious trigger. Although these episodes may appear random, they are considered to be a subset of an evolutionary response commonly referred to as fight or flight that occur out of context, flooding the body with hormones (particularly adrenalin) that aid in defending itself from harm. [2]
According to the American Psychological Association the symptoms of a panic attack commonly last approximately ten minutes. However, panic attacks can be as short as 1-5 minutes, while more severe panic attacks may form a cyclic series of episodes, lasting for an extended period, sometimes hours. Often those afflicted will experience significant anticipatory anxiety in between attacks and in situations where attacks have previously occurred.
Panic Attacks also affect people differently. Experienced sufferers may be able to completely 'ride out' a panic attack with little to no obvious symptoms. Others, notably first time suffers, may even call for emergency services; many who experience a panic attack for the first time fear they are having a heart attack.(Wilson 1996)
- 1 Descriptions
- 2 Triggers and Causes
- 3 Physiological considerations
- 4 Symptoms
- 5 Agoraphobia
- 6 Panic disorder
- 7 Treatment
- 8 References
- 9 External links
[edit] Descriptions
Many who suffer from panic attacks state they are the most frightening experiences of their lives. Sufferers of panic attacks report a fear or sense of dying, "going crazy", and/ or experiencing a heart attack, feeling faint, nauseous, or losing control of themselves. These feelings may provoke a strong urge to escape or flee the place where the attack began (a consequence of the sympathetic "fight or flight" response).
A panic attack is a response of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS). The most common symptoms may include: trembling, dyspnea (shortness of breath), heart palpitations, chest pain (or chest tightness), sweating, nausea, dizziness (or slight vertigo), light-headedness, hyperventilation, paresthesias (tingling sensations), sensations of choking or smothering or derealization, or the feeling that nothing is real. These physical symptoms are interpreted with alarm in people prone to panic attacks. This results in increased anxiety, and forms a positive feedback loop.[3] Despite the multitude of symptoms and the afflicted's fears a panic attack presents no real danger.
Often when shortness of breath and chest pain are the predominant symptoms the sufferer incorrectly appraises this as a sign or symptom of a heart attack. This results in the person experiencing a panic attack to seek treatment in an emergency room.
The panic attack is distinguished from other forms of anxiety by its intensity and its sudden, episodic nature. (Bourne 2005). Panic attacks are often experienced in conjunction with anxiety disorders and other psychological conditions, although panic attacks are not always indicative of a mental disorder, nor are they uncommon. Up to 10 percent of otherwise healthy people experience an isolated panic attack about once per year, and 1 in 60 people in the U.S. will suffer from a panic disorder at some point in their lifetime. (Anxiety Disorders Association of America)
[edit] Triggers and Causes
- Long-Term, Predisposing Causes- Heredity. Panic disorder has been found to run in families, and this may mean that inheritance genes plays a strong role in determining who will get it. However, many people who have no family history of the disorder develop it.[1]. Various twin studies where one identical twin has an anxiety disorder have reported an incidence ranging from 31 to 88 percent of the other twin also having an anxiety disorder diagnosis. Environmental factors such as an overly cautious view of the world expressed by parents and cumulative stress over time have been found to be causes (Bourne 2005).
- Biological Causes- Generalized anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, hypoglycemia, hyperthyroidism, mitral valve prolapse and inner ear disturbances (Labyrinthitis). (Bourne 2005) Vitamin b deficiency from inadequate diet or caused by periodic depletion due to parasitic infection from Tape worm can be a trigger of anxiety attacks.
- Phobias- People will often experience panic attacks as a direct result of exposure to a phobic object or situation.
- Short-Term Triggering Causes- Significant personal loss, significant life change, stimulants such as caffeine or nicotine, particularly in overuse, can act as triggers (Bourne 2005).
- Maintaining Causes- Avoidance of panic provoking situations or environments, anxious self-talk ("what if thinking"), mistaken beliefs ("these symptoms are harmful and/or dangerous"), withheld feelings, lack of assertiveness. (Bourne 2005)
- Medications-Sometimes panic attacks may be a listed side effect of medications such as Ritalin (methylphenidate). These may be a temporary side effect, only occurring when a patient first starts a medication, or could continue occurring even after the patient is accustomed to the drug, which likely would warrant a medication change in either dosage, or type of drug. Nearly the entire SSRI class of antidepressants can cause increased anxiety in the beginning of use. It is not uncommon for inexperienced users to have panic attacks while weaning on or off the medication, especially ones prone to anxiety.
- Hyperventilation Syndrome- If you breathe from your chest you may tend to overbreathe, exhaling excess carbon dioxide in relation to the amount of oxygen in your bloodstream. You may also tend to breathe from your mouth. This causes a cluster of symptoms including rapid heart beat, dizziness, and lightheadedness which can trigger panic attacks. (Bourne 2005)
- Situationally Bound Panic Attacks- If you have associated certain situations with panic attacks, due to experiencing one in that particular situation, you could be cognitively or behaviorally predisposed to having panic attacks in certain situations (situationally bound panic attacks). It is a form of classical conditioning (Bourne 2005). See PTSD
[edit] Physiological considerations
While the various symptoms of a panic attack may feel that the body is failing, it is in fact protecting itself from harm. The various symptoms of a panic attack can be understood as follows. First, there is frequently (but not always) the sudden onset of fear with little provoking stimulus. This leads to a release of adrenaline (epinephrine) which brings about the so-called fight-or-flight response wherein the person's body prepares for strenuous physical activity. This leads to an increased heart rate (tachycardia), rapid breathing (hyperventilation) which may be perceived as shortness of breath (dyspnea), and sweating (which increases grip and aids heat loss). Because strenuous activity rarely ensues, the hyperventilation leads to a drop in carbon dioxide levels in the lungs and then in the blood. This leads to shifts in blood pH (respiratory alkalosis), which in turn can lead to many other symptoms, such as tingling or numbness, dizziness, burning and lightheadedness. Moreover, the release of adrenaline during a panic attack causes vasoconstriction resulting in slightly less blood flow to the head which causes dizziness and lightheadedness.
[edit] Symptoms
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[edit] Physical
- An extremely unpleasant sensation of adrenaline over the entire body
- Sweating
- Shortness of breath (dyspnea)
- Racing or pounding heartbeat or palpitations
- Chest pain
- Dizziness or vertigo
- Lightheadedness
- Nausea / stomach pains
- Hyperventilation
- Choking or smothering sensations
- Uncontrollable itching
- Tingling or numbness in the hands, face, feet or mouth (paresthesia)
- Hot/cold flashes
- Trembling or shaking
- Feeling of claustrophobia
- Exhaustion
- Feeling of physical weakness or limpness of the body.
- Uncontrollable crying
[edit] Mental
- Loss of the ability to react logically to stimuli
- Loss of cognitive ability in general
- Racing thoughts (often based on fear; a repeated or illogical worry)
- Loud internal dialogue
- Feeling of impending doom
- Feeling of "going crazy"
- Extreme worried feeling
- Feeling of extreme nervousness
[edit] Emotional
- Terror, or a sense that something unimaginably horrible is about to occur and one is powerless to prevent it
- Fear that the panic is a symptom of a serious illness
- Fear of losing control
- Fear of death
- Fear of going crazy
- Flashbacks to earlier panic trigger [citation needed]
[edit] Perceptual
- Tunnel vision
- Heightened senses
- The apparent slowing down or speeding up of time
- Dream-like sensation or perceptual distortion (derealization)
- Dissociation, or the perception that one is not connected to the body or is disconnected from space and time (depersonalization)
[edit] Mnemonic
The symptoms of a panic attack can be remembered with the mnemonic: STUDENTS FEAR the 3 Cs: Sweating, Trembling, Unsteadiness/dizziness, Derealization/depersonalization, Elevated heart rate (tachycardia), Nausea, Tingling, Shortness of breath, FEAR of dying, FEAR of losing control, FEAR of going crazy, 3 Cs - Choking, Chest pain, Chills.
[edit] Agoraphobia
Main article: Agoraphobia
Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder which primarily consists of the fear of experiencing a difficult or embarrassing situation from which the sufferer cannot escape. As a result, severe sufferers of agoraphobia may become confined to their homes, experiencing difficulty traveling from this "safe place". The word "agoraphobia" is an English adoption of the Greek words agora (αγορά


People who have had a panic attack in certain situations — for example, while driving, shopping in a crowded store, going to a party, experimenting with psychedelic drugs, etc. — may develop irrational fears, called phobias, of these situations and begin to avoid them. Eventually, the pattern of avoidance and level of anxiety about another attack may reach the point where individuals with panic disorder are unable to drive or even step out of the house. At this stage, the person is said to have panic disorder with agoraphobia. This can be one of the most harmful side-effects of panic disorder as it can prevent sufferers from seeking treatment in the first place. Agoraphobia of this degree is extremely rare. It should be noted that upwards of 90% of agoraphobics achieve a full recovery. Agoraphobia is actually not a fear of certain places but a fear of having panic attacks in certain places, where escape would be difficult and/or embarrassing.
The thinking behind agoraphobia usually follows the line that were a panic attack to occur, who would look after the person, how would he or she get the assistance and reassurance they needed? The vulnerability grows from the feeling that once victims of agoraphobia are caught in the anxiety, they are suddenly unable to look after themselves and are therefore at the mercy of the place they find themselves in and the strangers around them. In its extreme form, agoraphobia and panic attacks can lead to a situation where people become housebound for numerous years.
It is important to note that agoraphobia is by no means a hopeless situation. Sufferers often do not realize that they have experienced these same situations before and nothing terrible occurred. Successful treatment is possible with the right combination of therapy and medication.
Agoraphobia is often described as a fear of having 'no place to run or hide' if one does have a panic attack. Common examples include: driving, airplanes, malls, moving out of the house, etc.
[edit] Panic disorder
Main article: Panic Disorder
People who have repeated, persistent attacks or feel severe anxiety about having another attack are said to have Panic Disorder. Panic Disorder is strikingly different from other types of anxiety disorders in that panic attacks are often sudden and unprovoked.[4]
[edit] Treatment
People with Panic disorder often can be successfully treated with therapy, particularly Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and/or anti-anxiety medication or antidepressants. (Bourne 2005)
[edit] Medication
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The Benzodiazepines class of drugs:
While these drugs are highly effective and very fast acting in stopping panic, they are not the best solution. First, the body can build a tolerance to the drug, much like alcoholic beverages, making it need more to feel the same benefit. Second, because of this, there is a high risk of abuse and addiction in some people.
As such, some doctors may prefer to prescribe an antidepressant, particularly an SSRI. Such as:
Which after an initial titration period may be effective at reducing anxiety.
SNRIs such as Venlafaxine can also be prescribed. Studies have proven they may be more effective than the SSRIs for anxiety.
NaSSAs such as Mirtazapine have also been found effective, particularly with individuals whose anxiety and panic causes insomnia.
[edit] Interoceptive Desensitization/Symptom Inductions
One particularly helpful and effective form of therapy is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Techniques used may include those based upon the concept that intentional exposure to the symptoms will help decrease the sufferer's fear of panic attacks. Interoceptive Desensitization intends to desensitize the afflicted from the symptoms of panic attacks. In a study by Barlow & Craske (1989), 87% of the individuals that participated in the two of four treatments that involved Interoceptive Desensitization were free of panic at the end of treatment and these results were maintained at a 2-year follow up. In controlled studies of Interoceptive Desensitization treatments compared to other treatments, those treatments that included Interoceptive Desensitization were found to be significantly superior to other treatments such as muscle relaxation alone, or education or insight-oriented treatments. Indeed, Interoceptive Desensization often leads to a dramatic reduction in the frequency and intensity of panic attacks and as such should be implemented immediately under the guidance of a mental health professional. It is important the patient is given medical clearance and permission from a medical doctor before attempting these exercises.
Symptom Inductions generally occur for one minute and may include:
- Intentional Hyperventilation- Creates lightheadeness, derealization, blurred vision, dizziness,
- Spinning in a chair- Creates dizziness, disorientation
- Straw breathing- Creates dyspnea, airway constriction
- Breath holding- Creates sensation of being out of breath
- Running in place- Creates increased heart rate, increased respiration, perspiration
- Body Tensing- Creates feelings of being tense and vigilante
Many people overcome Panic Disorder and sudden Panic Attacks on their own. It takes time, but in a sense, they ride out the panic attacks and eventually learn that nothing is going to happen during one. Often, they 'taper off' until they are not noticeable any longer. It is for this reason that some psychologists helping people with panic disorders induce them into an attack, so they can see for themselves that indeed, nothing will happen.
[edit] Limited Symptom Attack
Many people being treated for panic attacks begin to experience limited symptom attacks. These panic attacks are less comprehensive with less than 4 bodily symptoms being experienced. (Bourne 2005)