10-04-2007, 04:50 AM
I finished watching the last "episode" last night, and wow. There was alot of deep stuff in this miniseries. I think the American Japanese only platoon was the bravest of all, and the most noble of all. They were recruited from internment camps and wanted to prove their loyalty to the country. Some of the unneccessary battles they were put through were utterly horrible. Hearing the vets talk about fighting on the ground in Europe and in the Pacific was absolutely stunning. There were part's that nearly made me cry, it was that incredible.
Ken Burns made a great film and timed it right, 1000 WW2 veterans a day are dying in the USA. If you are lucky enough to know a vet of the war talk to them and ask them about their experiences while you still can. Salute them too. I will be ordering the box set of this for sure so I can watch it again.
Ken Burns made a great film and timed it right, 1000 WW2 veterans a day are dying in the USA. If you are lucky enough to know a vet of the war talk to them and ask them about their experiences while you still can. Salute them too. I will be ordering the box set of this for sure so I can watch it again.