ok. i'm a long time diablo player, been playin since diablo 1 on the playstation. i just started up again though went through a big movin process and accn expired. i was lucky enough to score and gul and a ko though... if any one could find it in there heart i'd really appreciate full talls and maybe a storch for gul+ko. but if not its ok. thanks allot
Pm Me In Game /w *Sodaro
thanks neways guys but i think i got it... my sorc is now usin tals set. spirit monarch, 2 soj's, storch, 10% anni, 5 bo cta but still no boots or gloves... she's hittin about 900 orb. and 3.5k lightning.. so yeah i thinks she's alright i can solo diablo and baal in hell... my next goal is to get key set and see if i'm strong enough to get organs.
Pm Me In Game /w *Sodaro
thanks neways guys but i think i got it... my sorc is now usin tals set. spirit monarch, 2 soj's, storch, 10% anni, 5 bo cta but still no boots or gloves... she's hittin about 900 orb. and 3.5k lightning.. so yeah i thinks she's alright i can solo diablo and baal in hell... my next goal is to get key set and see if i'm strong enough to get organs.