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Photoshop cs3 vs Vista?
Took me about 1week to get vista to work like a charm get all the bugs out and once I did it is fast as hell even my network is 100% better. But now I face the problem with some programs photoshop as example. I have been googling my problem and have yet to find a solution.

I have install cs3 as normal I click on shortcut it goes to open as usually then just disappeared... So hmm has anyone encountered this problem with vista ultimate?
You have to change permissions in control panel I beleive.
[Image: Creepysig.png]

Sig made with Gimp2.4 Free alternative to photoshop.
Hmm I will have to try that when I get home, Since I am still new to vista.. where might the permissions be located in the cpanel? I know there is a lot of new features.. Are you on vista as well?

Also wow I think thats the best sig I have seen designed with gimp, I might have to check gimp out also.
Photoshop cs3 won't work on my vista comp either. It installs then gives me some error and closes. But cs2 did what you were talking about and I had to go to the administrative options in cpanel. You have to turn off that thing that makes you click "OK" everytime you push a key. I guess thats windows taking a lesson from linux, which is what I use on this comp.
[Image: Creepysig.png]

Sig made with Gimp2.4 Free alternative to photoshop.
Thanks for your help, I get off work here in a hour I will try it when I get home hopefully my cs3 will work I rely on it for my graphic design site. If not I can always try gimp. I will edit my post later if it works or doesn't work. I didn't get any errors instaling cs3 like you did but I did get what your cs2 did.. So I am crossing my fingers hoping it will work.
Well if it doesn't or you have trouble finding it let me know and I'll run in there and take a screenshot of where you need to be. BTW gimp is way different but the new gimp 2.4 is alot like cs2. You can even import psd files and use ps brushes. Also the made it where you can resize your brush with a slider now.
[Image: Creepysig.png]

Sig made with Gimp2.4 Free alternative to photoshop.
Yeah that worked thanks, I downloaded gimp 2.4 to try and a buddy gave me the rain.anime script lol gimp is pretty awesome. Now one problem I noticed is I can play guildwars, team fortress 2 and hell gate london no problem, but when I play world of warcraft the game plays for a minute I can get into town and then I loose connection and have to disconnect from my network and reconnect, It does this every time but I can play all the other games no problem. Kinda sucks cause I have my 70 hunter.
I don't really know what would cause that. See if there are any updates for vista for wow.
[Image: Creepysig.png]

Sig made with Gimp2.4 Free alternative to photoshop.
Yeah guess it's time to do a google search, Vista is a sob but it should be nice once I get all the bugs fixed. I was play team fortress 2 all night no problem, So it has to be something with wow, Not even sure what to search for I will just type in some random problems, like internet cuts out when playing wow or something.
Just search for wow upgrade or something. Or if it comes right down to it you can run windows xp in virtual box, and run wow in there.
[Image: Creepysig.png]

Sig made with Gimp2.4 Free alternative to photoshop.
windows xp in virtual box

What is this? Is it a Vista feature or can you do this with any windows system?
Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending
Well I assume I could get it to run on vista, I found a topic about problems and fixes with vista and wow on the wow forums. I am trying to keep from doing a dual boot of XP and Vista if I can. I have come so far as just having problems with wow so I can't go back now or I will loose a weeks worth of tweaking to get it to work as good as it is right now.
Dont dual boot. It'll eat up too much hd space. Just look up the program virtualbox. Its an os emulator where you can run various os's in a window and run wow in there. It was originally written in unix for linux to make windows programs run that ordinarily wouldn't run on linux.
[Image: Creepysig.png]

Sig made with Gimp2.4 Free alternative to photoshop.
Cool I will try the few things I found on google if that doesn't work I have also googled the virtual box.. Seems to be pretty user friendly so far.. But I would like to get everything running correctly on vista. I know service pack 2 is coming out soon I am hoping that will fix alot of problems.
Yeah probably, it gets better everyday. I bought a brand new comp with vista and barely even use it lol. I just use it for recording basically. My linux comp is 5 years older than my new one with like 1/4 the resources and it runs twice as fast.
[Image: Creepysig.png]

Sig made with Gimp2.4 Free alternative to photoshop.
Well with a fresh install vista is fast cause you don't have all that extra crap the factory puts on. But the factory also makes everything run perfect before shipment so.. you kinda loose a bit from a fresh install because you are stuck with all the problems. I should of just stayed with XP for now but once I upgraded to vista my ghost partition for factory restore went missing.
Yeah vista has a long way to go.
[Image: Creepysig.png]

Sig made with Gimp2.4 Free alternative to photoshop.

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