Pamela Wrote:I was wrong..all Supermods
do not have the ability to physically remove a thread.
Please THINK about what you want removed and post here.
I will take care of it.
Most threads and posts just need to be left alone.
If you feel ABSOLUTELY...a thread needs to be here and I will attend to
Spitfire Wrote:Nothing should really be deleted unless its spam etc.
Hence why i removed mods from being able to perm-delete. Some were deleting masses of threads some with 500+ replys that would have been better left.
This is why we do not just arbitrarily delete old posts. Most posts or threads are a soft delete only,and can still be viewed. Spit also has the site set up in such a manner,that time moves old threads into the Archives.
In the past the Mod of a particular section,had as his/her responsibility... the task of closing,or archiving old threads manualy.
The suggestion was not without merit,and members could possibly nominate,and elect a group of select members,that other members could turn to for the purpose of objectively investigating a matter of contention.
The result of this would be to PM a Mod or,an S Mod,to present the specific conclusion the Judicial Member Panel has decided among themselves. This,of course, would require The Judicial Panel to justify their conclusion with facts,as well as thoughts on the case presented.
Jedi is correct in thinking others would want to assess and debate the agreed upon findings of said Panel.
Welcome to the choices we make everyday as Mods,being scrutinized,and your decisions questioned,by someone else,that thinks that they could have handled it much better than YOU did.
I actually like this idea of giving members more responsibility over the decision making on the Forum.
So why dont we try this? Start a thread outlining what The Judicial Member Panel will be responsible for? All useful...ok let's chant this a few times..USEFUL suggestions on that will be debated in the thread.
Once you decide how the Panel will work ,another thread will follow for SOLEY nominations.
When nominating,give reasons you choose this individual,and YES, you MAY nominate yourself. Every Panel,or Board for a Corporation has a chairman.
This will be whoever you all decide upon ,and your liason to the Staff. A Spokesman if you will.
I can not increase the powers of the Panel,but once elected,they themselves should change their title to something reflecting that they are on the Panel.
All Panel decisions will be taken seriously and either adopted by,or refined by the Staff. To be presented BACK to the Chairman,for further discussion.
While only Panel Members will have this responsibility,they should also listen to all member input.
Does this sound fair? Did you guys want to try this?