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Trigger help, please my head is about to explode.
Alright, so... I consider myself to have a pretty well understanding of triggers and I have been creating my own and handling them very well.

So, its no surprise that for something to seem VERY simple yet not work would make you do this smartass2, and this mad:, and some of this too Sad, maybe even some of this wacky:.

On to my problem, I'm creating a map (Obviously), and I'm wanting to create tanks at 1 location, and for them to move at another location. Thats easy, right? Ok, I also want this to repeat every so many seconds. So here was my original idea.

Location 1 --------------------------------------------- Location 2.
-----------------------------------------------------Location 3.....

Now if you look up, thats an example of the location layout I have. Location 1 is where the tank would spawn, it would then be told to move the location 2. I made a separate trigger telling the the tank to be removed at location 3 (This way the tanks do not pile up from stopping before being removed). Sorry for all the text I just want whoever is trying to help me to understand exactly what I'm doing.

Alright, so on to the triggers, my original idea was SIMPLE. It looked like this:

Condition -> Always.
Create tank for player 1 at location 1.
Issue order for tank at location 1 to move to location 2.
Wait 1700 milliseconds.
Preserve trigger.

Ok, now looking at that, it tells the game to create a tank, move it, wait almost 2 seconds, then repeat? Well, in-game it does ALMOST exactly that, except the waiting period was longer, so I played around with it to get the timing how I wanted. That being said, I have no problems yet.

Note: This trigger was setup to create, and move more than 1 row of tanks, but thats what they all look like, with only 1 "Wait" and preserve trigger command.

Now, here is the PROBLEM, I decided on the other side of my map, I want the EXACT same thing, except more rows of tanks. I do the EXACT same setup, EVERYTHING the same. Except in-game,the pause between spawns is like 10 seconds or something, and no matter what I change the wait time to, it doesnt affect the spawning time. If I remove the wait period, it does them back to back.

Some solutions I've tried: Switches...
My first solution was to set another location about 4 blocks ahead of a tank spawn location, once the tank drove to it, the switch would set, causing another spawn, after the tanks spawn, the switch is cleared until the spawned tank goes over the new location. Thus repeating the spawn. Well, that worked perfectly until about 5mins in-game it simply stops working?

I have setup switches to clear, wait 4 seconds and set to spawn the tanks, I have tried driving a car off a cliff, I have tried everything else I could possibly think of.

Just a side note, it SEEMS that Starcraft is just buggy with wait triggers? Is this the case? If so its gonna rape me bad, but at least I'll know the problem. Or am I totally screwing something up? Like I said above, I usually do very well with triggers and fix my own problems, but this is blowing me away.

Any help appreciated, thanks.
You're experiencing what's called a wait block. Consider this:
Only one wait action can be run per player at once.
If you have two wait actions running for the same player at the same time, the wait is extended and takes much longer than what you set it to.
Try and make sure your waits don't 'collide'.

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