02-09-2008, 12:20 AM
While it may be nice to send in a World of Warcraft screenshots with the hopes of being featured in Blizzard's official WoW guide, it's also nice to just chill and record a Kodak WoW moment for fun and posterity's sake.
Chilling is what Saldemor's character did -literally - with the World of Warcraft screenshot you see above. The context behind Saldemor's screenshot is simple: it's that of an undead mage casting the Cone of Cold spell by the gates of Orgrimmar.
Saldemor then submitted it to the WoW Insider Around Azeroth screenshot campaign for all to enjoy. As you can see, Around Azeroth focuses less on specific instanced dungeons and Blizzard special events and more on light, "cool"-looking stuff.
The campaign is still ongoing, so if you'd like to send one in to WoW Insider for variety's sake, feel free to head on over to their site for more details, courtesy of the source link below.