Lol. On base. And of the 6 or so bases on this island I happen to be on the worst one. Bad ass here though. seems to rain every other day, but it's a lot better then the hot season. Brks ain't too bad, but remember I AM in the Marine Corps. We get the worst shit. Major diff between these brks and others is that these are typhoon proof. I've done a lot of shit already. Not one of thoses guess to stay in my room and play video games all day. A tip if you go to Japan. When you go out in town make sure you have plenty of yen before you go. I might be a Lance for a while cause my MOS is slow promoting cause they phasing it out. If I reinlist I'l have to get a diff field.
Anyways that's what's goin on. Lot's to do here.
Anyways that's what's goin on. Lot's to do here.
Darkemperor121 Wrote:Have fun! Go to the Olympics!Lol don't even know where it will be at. Haven't had much time to pay attention to hat kind of stuff.
Live, Learn, then STFU.
I am Jack's smirking revenge.
I am Jack's smirking revenge.