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Hey All
Lol. On base. And of the 6 or so bases on this island I happen to be on the worst one. Bad ass here though. seems to rain every other day, but it's a lot better then the hot season. Brks ain't too bad, but remember I AM in the Marine Corps. We get the worst shit. Major diff between these brks and others is that these are typhoon proof. I've done a lot of shit already. Not one of thoses guess to stay in my room and play video games all day. A tip if you go to Japan. When you go out in town make sure you have plenty of yen before you go. I might be a Lance for a while cause my MOS is slow promoting cause they phasing it out. If I reinlist I'l have to get a diff field.

Anyways that's what's goin on. Lot's to do here.

Darkemperor121 Wrote:Have fun! Go to the Olympics!
Lol don't even know where it will be at. Haven't had much time to pay attention to hat kind of stuff.
Live, Learn, then STFU.
I am Jack's smirking revenge.

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