02-21-2008, 07:10 PM
Ever wonder what it would be like to wear darkness like a cloak? Well, you're in luck. Ubarjabula, World of Warcraft troll shadow priest of Blizzard's Uther server, recently gave us an idea of what it would be like to do just that with the Around Azeroth screenshot above.
For maximum sinister effect, Ubarjabula donned a Merciless Gladiator's Satin Hood, sat atop a mount, cast the shadowform skill, and stood in front of the shaft of light emanating from Shattrath's Naaru.
Ubarjabula's screenshot is only one of many that World of Warcraft players have sent in to Around Azeroth. If you have an unusual screenshot that you'd like to share with the rest of the WoW population, why not send it in? Just click on the source link below for guidelines and directions as to how to do so.