03-06-2008, 07:40 AM
Moving onto the south-western corner of Kalimdor, today's Around Azeroth screenshot of the day takes a look at the bugged tower found in what looks like Cenarion Hold in the Silithus region. The image taken was credited to player Vexxia of The MishMash Crew on the Velen realm.
Vexxia explained how she risked life and limb to take a shot of this great panoramic view of the tower. After taking the screenshot, the miniboss spawned on the map but was fortunately taken care of by her pet. We guess it was a good thing that she didn't make the trip alone.
As always, WoW Insider is always on the look out for interesting screenshots to post on their website. Any interested parties can contact them through the email found on the source link below. Hopefully we'll get to see more World of Warcraft screenshots from them once again in the near future.