03-07-2008, 12:00 PM
Alrite, as your reading this , you might or might not be in the best shape. For the past 5 weeks i've picked up a pushup program i did my self. Over those weeks i would try to do as many pushups as possible in a day, everyday. I started with 20 every hour. 2 days later i moved to 25 every hour. Now im at 55 (this is where it gets tough). But thats not the point. I don't know how i got the idea, but what i did was try a new way of working out pushups. What i do is have a looping 10 second timer that plays a beep everytime it hits 10second. When i hear the first beep i'd be in pushup position (back straight and arms extended), 2nd beep i'd do 1 pushup and stay up. 3rd beep i'd do 2 pushups. And so on, This method takes about a minute if u can last that long, and extremly effective. I know you all have minutes of wait times if your in a laggy open realm on D2, or flying around in WoW. Do this. Not only does it excercise your pectorals, also your abdominals and triceps. Its great and i began to see results in about 2 weeks. Anyways try it out and i hope uulike it.
BTW for the pushup beep test. Try to complete ure pushups before the other beep goes or else u lose! devilish:
BTW for the pushup beep test. Try to complete ure pushups before the other beep goes or else u lose! devilish: