03-09-2008, 12:41 AM
The recent trend in Around Azeroth seems to be that of anything floating or flying in Blizzard's World of Warcraft. Last time, visitors were treated to a view of the allegedly floating city of Silvermoon. This time, Around Azeroth features not a floating city, but rocketeer shaman.
It was player Zerotes of Blizzard's Earthen Ring realm who sent in the picture that you now see above. Zerotes explained the WoW screenshot as follows:
When it was revealed that Druids would be given an instant cast flight form 2 levels sooner than any other class and at a tenth of the cost, there was heated debate. Now, another hybrid class is expected to get this treatment in the upcoming patch - Shamans. Harnessing the elements of Wind and Fire, Shamans will gain the ability to propel themselves through the air, making them Rocket Shamans... burning their fuse out there alone.
Well, we'll take Zerotes word for it. Seriously, though, the Around Azeroth campaign is still ongoing. If you have an unusual screenshot that you'd like to share with the rest of the world, flying shaman or no, do consider sending it in.