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Ohhh snaps.
So as it seems recently the Zerg units have been released!
Check out the screen shots!!!

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Those are some pics of the Zerg units
now heres the unit list:


The overlord fulfils the same role within the swarm. It has the ability to attack. For the overlord to be able to detect invisible units you will have to upgrade the trait.


Zerglings have lost their controversial wings and appear to have smaller bodies. Very cheap units and are able to form into banelings


The hydralisk remains the ideal Zerg trooper,able to attack ground and air. There is also a rumor going around that Hydras will be able to do a Melee attack.


Lurkers are visible while burrowed.
Nothing much changed, morphed from Hydra


Still the same Muta, attacks multiple targets, still unknown if it will be able to morph into a Guardian or a Devour.


Baneling can be morphed from a Zergling, its a suicidal time bomb.


The roach is a very fast moving unit that recovers health quickly.


The Queen has become a keystone unit for the Zerg, it is able to control the Zerg base defense. It can extend the creep of the Zerg, and can create a toxic like creep, make buildings regenerate quicker.


The infestor replaces the defiler. It can cast dark swarm, unknown about Plague and consume.


This unit replaces the suicidal scourge. Instead of suiciding itself it "corrupts" the unit and causes it to fight on YOUR side.

Swarm Guardian

Like original Guarding, also creates broodlings.

The brute of the force, large massive armor and hp. The tank of the Zerg force.

Infested Terran
Suicidal Trooper.
Looks like a ****ing cartoon.
Wow Frater Sad
This game looks sick, i think its awesome
i seriously cant wait until it comes out. Thanks for the pics, zerg is my favorite race Smile
Lol. The pictures must be resized! X_X

I never liked the Zergs. I only see the Hydralisk and Mutalisk on the website yesterday though, and theres only two on it now I just checked. Did you get all these snapshots and details in the StarCraft II forums?
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I think those pics look sweet. WoW looks at lot more cartoony than that.
As long as darkness flows through my veins, I will never cease, As long as my dreams still haunt me, I will never show mercy, and as long as evil lives I will never die.....
Zerg has always been my favorite race, strongest race in my opinion.
And i got these from a different forum.
well zerg isnt the strongest race if your just starting to master the game, i mean a noob playing zerg will get pwned but if ur experienced then i agree it is the strongest race
Exactly, one hatch can spawn 3 guys at one time
think about that...
while gateways baracks etc
one guy at a time

plus Dark Swarm and ultras just owns...
Well I think its very balanced. And I think if both players are very good and equal in talent, Terran would beat Zerg for sure.

Zerg are most powerful because their main strategies of survival are pretty simple, they mass. If they lost units, its fine because they were relatively cheap. Of course thats not their only strategy, but in general, they tend to mass units.

The Protoss has extremely strong units, however they are very expensive so if you lose a few, your sometimes screwed.

And Terran are versatile, and need strong micro.

Out of those three, creating a bunch of Zergs are the easiest of them all to fight with, so everybody feel they are the strongest, because they can play better.

For example, if you let an above average noob to play with Terran on single player vs the computer they would lose. But if they use Zerg on single player vs Terran, they will win. It is simply much easier to use Zerg.
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hmm. i agree with frater, it does look like a cartoon, with the graphics like that. will you be more zoomed out than that? b/c seeing each little detail really isnt that important.
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I agree with you but if you take it to the pro level, my level.
Zerg is one of the toughest races you can match up against.
I dont just "mass"
thats typical newb shit.
Gotta love 'em Smile

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