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starcraft 2 mothership!!!
wow is that thing rigged if you guys saw the trailers you'll know what i mean... come on a black hole it freakin sucked up hella air units eek:

Edit: link to see trailer - ~jedi

So what
you can only have one at a time plus that was a demo the guy said there would be changes
I garantee you it will change.
Meh IDC how many changes are made, when it comes out im quitting wow for it, **** black temple im going back to my zergling roots
You say this like they are leaving terran and zerg the same as they were in SC1, I'm sure they also have their equivelent OMGWTFBBQ unit.
[Image: fuggyleetsignj8il7.jpg]
Nobody can handle the leetness of this sig.
' Wrote:Who loves orange soda?
Kel'thuzad loves orange soda!
Is it true?
The game is gunna be just like Warcraft III and TFT.. Just futureistic.. And yet no one realises it.. Its gunna blow Just like War3 did.. They need to update a game, that everyone enjoys still (for some reason) Diablo 2..
First SCII is not going to be anything like WCIII or TFT! Blizzard messed up with WCIII and TFT they are not stupid enough to mess up SCII. They say that they will take as long as they need to build SCII to keep from messing up SC good name. If you watch the Game Play Trailor u will see its like the orangle SC but with more eveoled units and better graphics. U cant make a II with out upgradeing the units. They are upgradeing a game that everyone enjoys SC! If you play blizzard games u play or use to play SC!(Use to play cuz they needed to update it like they are now) Im done with WoW once SCII is out!!
never underestimate human stupidity.
True but i dont think blizzard will be that stupid. (again)
I like the graphics a lot more than WCIII, which is a step up in my mind. Also, I don't think there will be hero units outside of the campaign.
i hope not.
one thing is that if the strategy changes too much, people wont like that. not just that mother ship.. protoss is being overpowered again. i mean look at those zealots.
also, all of that eye candy isnt necessary.
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protoss always had stronger units and but less unit count. remember the only new thing they showed for the terran is those reapers. while the protoss showed 5-7 new units? i hope terran doesnt have to micro like crazy again.
So far, it looks just as balanced as the old one. They just made everyone a lot more powerful, from the looks of it - and that can work well...
Dont bump old threads.

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