03-12-2008, 07:31 PM
Almost everyone who's played the good old World of Warcraft game has probably heard of the Uldaman instance. The end of the Uldaman questline leads players to the Tanaris Desert, to the front doors of Uldum.
However, the quest line ends there, as Uldum hasn't actually been built by the developers yet. That being said, we have an update that brings some hope for the fate of Uldum, even if the future of the Uldum instance still remains up in the air.
Responding to questions about the future of Uldum, Blizzard CM Drysc was spotted on a particular thread, saying the following about the Uldum instance:
No, it's definitely a dungeon we're keen on opening at some point. Whether that can actually happen or not, or when, hasn't had any final decisions announced. It's a location rich in Titan lore so it's of course something everyone is excited to see come to fruition.
I find the door still interesting as something has obviously broken out. Was there something meant to be contained within Uldum, to be forgotten, that's escaped? Possibly something we don't even associate with the Titans or their creations. Maybe something we take for granted, I don't know, but I like that idea.
While this doesn't shed much information on the fate of Uldum, it's still good to know that the developers still keep Uldum in their minds. This is especially noteworthy, seeing as Ulduar, another homebase of the Titans, will be making an appearance in the upcoming expansion, Wrath of the Lich King.
In the meantime, we suppose we'll just have wait for more information to come along. Rest assured that we'll update you on new info for the instance when it becomes available.