03-22-2008, 11:24 PM
It seems like there's going to be a truce this coming Sunday between the Alliance and Horde factions of World of Warcraft. In case you've forgotten, this weekend is the celebration of the Noblegarden feast.
This in-game event started by Blizzard usually takes place during the real-life Easter Sunday. Its celebration, furthermore, is highly similar to the real one. Here's how Blizzard describes the event:
On this joyous day, it is customary for the nobles and lords from each race to hide coins, candy, and the occasional treasures within special eggs painted to look like wildflowers.
These eggs are then scattered around the major cities for the citizenry to find. From heroes to commoners, and everyone in between - the feast of Noblegarden is meant to bring communities together to share the joy of life and friendship.
This event was only originally observed by Alliance members but the the Horde eventually appreciated it and adopted the Noblegarden feast event. So lay down your weapons this Sunday and let the great hunt begin.