06-29-2008, 03:28 PM
here is the recent WotLK news
Quote:Q&A Grab Bag
Quote from Blizzard staff
Raids & Dungeons
- Sunwell Plateau is the last content patch before the expansion release.
- There isn't any plan to nerf Kil'jaeden right now, he's intended to be the last boss before the expansion and is meant to be hard.
- Raiding armor sets and PvP rewards sets will look different and won't share the same model anymore in Wrath of the Lich King.
- Uldum was on the original list of dungeons to be added to Wrath of the Lich King but right now it's still unsure if we'll see it or not.
- Raiding armor sets and PvP rewards sets will look different and won't share the same model anymore in Wrath of the Lich King.
Class Mechanics
- Most of the shaman totems, Unleashed Rage, and Battle Shout are some of the buffs changed in WotLK to affect the whole raid instead of the party.
- Dynamic Line of Sight will be introduced in WotLK PvP, for exemple a pillar might move up and down every 20 seconds, or we might have movable items. More info about Arenas in tomorrow's panel.
- The attacker/target range mechanics are being re-evaluated it might be changed for Wrath of the Lich King to fix most of the existing bugs, including the ones affecting the attack range of Feral Druids.
- Even if it looks like a lot of classes are being changed to make them "more hybrid", but developers still want to keep the classes as distinct as possible.
- There is a plan to give player access to two talent specs to switch between them without having to respec all the time. More details in the future.
- You will be able to use your flying mount again at level 77, and might be able to take passengers at level 80.
- A harbor will be added to Stormwind to transport players to Northrend, a new zone will be added in Northern Plaguelands as the Death Knight starting area, and an arena will be added to Orgrimmar in place of the existing empty one.
- Inscription trading skill is intended to be for both casters and melees, inscriptions benefits every class. The current plan is to use herbalism as the primary gathering profession.
Death Knight
- People playing a Death Knights will see the original voice of their race slightly modified to make it sound more ... Death Knight-ish.
- Tanks will be interchangeable in 5-man dungeons but tanks will have a speciality in 25-man raids. Death Knights will be best against casters and shouldn't be too far behind on other encounters.
- Dagger specialization will be improved for rogues in Wrath of the Lich King.
- There isn't any plan to change the soul shard farming as it's part of the class, but an "emergency soul shard" ability might be added.
- There will be a new model for the Druid's Dire Bear form and the Dire Cat form will be introduced.
- Retribution paladins will share their itemization with Death Knights and Warriors. Their group utility will be increased by making them more efficient DPS-wise.
- The plan is to improve the warrior specs to make sure that DPS warriors would be able to tank a little, while protection warriors would be able to DPS slightly more with new abilities like Shockwave.