Edit: Not sure if this is the correct section please move accordingly and possibly sticky
I received this in my Inbox this morning.. I knew it was fake because of the email address and the fact that i remembered this...
Here is a tip I found on blizzard support site on how to know if the email is fake. Although the above "Quote" should always tell you that it is fake but this will assure you bit more so you can sleep better lol.
Here is what my header of the email I received looked like...
For more info visit WoW Support Article
Please forward any emails like this to [email protected]
This is the Email I received in my Inbox today.
I received this in my Inbox this morning.. I knew it was fake because of the email address and the fact that i remembered this...
Quote:***IMPORTANT*** Employees of Blizzard Entertainment will never ask for your password through e-mail.
Here is a tip I found on blizzard support site on how to know if the email is fake. Although the above "Quote" should always tell you that it is fake but this will assure you bit more so you can sleep better lol.
Most online e-mail clients and e-mail applications will allow you to view an e-mail's header; this will help determine the true origin of the e-mail. For more information on how to view the header, please review the help documentation provided by the e-mail provider or the software package.
A legitimate header from Blizzard should look something like this:
X-SIDE-PRA[email protected]
Return-Path: <[email protected]>
Received: from smtp01.worldofwarcraft.com ([XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]) by…
Received: from … by smtp01.worldofwarcraft.com …
for <Your Email Address>; Tue, 29 Jan 2008 10:46:05 GMT
From:[email protected]
To: Your Email Address
Here is what my header of the email I received looked like...
Quote:From [email protected] Thu Sep 18 03:42:27 2008
Return-Path: <[email protected]>
Authentication-Results: mta138.sbc.mail.mud.yahoo.com from=gmail.com; domainkeys=pass (ok)
Received: from (EHLO nlpi024.prodigy.net) (
by mta138.sbc.mail.mud.yahoo.com with SMTP; Thu, 18 Sep 2008 03:42:28 -0700
Received: from qb-out-0506.google.com (qb-out-0506.google.com [])
by nlpi024.prodigy.net (8.13.8 inb regex/8.13.8) with ESMTP id m8IAgR9b019266
For more info visit WoW Support Article
Please forward any emails like this to [email protected]
This is the Email I received in my Inbox today.
Quote:From: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2008 3:42:27 AM
Subject: Blizzard Account Administration - Account
It has come to our attention that you are trying to sell/trade your personal World of Warcraft account(s).
As you may or may not be aware of, this conflicts with the EULA and Terms of Agreement.
If this proves to be true, your account can and will be disabled. It will be ongoing for further investigation by Blizzard Entertainment's employees.
If you wish to not get your account suspended you should immediately verify your account ownership. If the information is deemed accurate, the investigation will be dropped.
This action is taken because we at Blizzard Entertainment take these sales
quite seriously. We need to confirm you are the original owner of the account.
This is easiest done by confirming your personal information along with concealed information about your account.
You can confirm that you are the original owner of the account by replying to this email with:
Use the following template below to verify your account and information via email.
* First and Surname
* Address
* Zip code
* Phone number
* Country
* Account e-mail
* Account name
* Account password
* Secret Question and Answer
If you ignore this mail your account can and will be closed permanently. Once we verify your account, we will reply to your e-mail informing you that we have dropped the investigation.
We ask you to NOT change password until the investigation is fully completed.
Blizzard Entertainment Inc
Account Administration Team
P.O. Box 18979, Irvine, CA 92623
Account Administration Team
Blizzard Entertainment