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Liberator Guide
I have been playing liberators since early 1.09. I know some of you don’t like the use of Sorb / Stack gear, I use them, because there in the game, sorry if some you won’t agree with how I duel.

A liberator is a charge / hammer paladin. A liberator is a great 1v1 paladin, but can still hold its own in public games.

1. High Res
2. Decent charge damage
3. Decent hammer damage
4. High life
5. Hits FCR/FHR breakpoints easy
6. High Dr/Max Block

1. Low AR
2. 75% FCR
3. Gear Dependency’s
4. Many different setups of gear.
5. Having a lot of Gear (Res Sheilds, FCR rings / Sorb Rings / Angelics, Ammys, and Weapons)
6. Low Defense(5k usually)

75% FCR is extremely easy to maintain, and in some cases I go pure charge, or pure hammers
86% FHR is also easy to maintain via the use of a spirit shield, and Charms, if you can’t hit it with other items.

Charge setup
75% FCR
86% FHR

FCR setup
125% FCR
86% FHR

These breakpoints are optimal for most pvp situations, but they will probably change based on who your dueling, you might need to drop FHR/FCR gear for Ar/Res/DR when dueling certain classes.

1. Hammer (1st)
2. Conc (2nd)
3. Vigor (3rd)
4. Baim (4th/5th)
5. Charge (4th/5th)

1 Point Wonders
Mediation (Optional
(These are Musts)

Salvation Vs Resist Aura, I suggest Salvation, only because you need all the points you can get for Damage (If you follow this layout, you will be level 98 before everything is maxed.

Blessed Aim VS Charge – Maxing what first, If your like me, you don’t like leveling, so you will probably stop at around level 90. Blessed aim = Higher hammer damage and Charge = Higher Charge damage / AR. I suggest Blessed aim first, because this will make your 125 FCR setup a viable setup, while if you max Charge 4th, your hammers will be really weak when dueling with the 125 FCR setup.

I have tried both and I suggest Maxing Baim, and then rest in charge (if you plan on leveling to 98, or 99, it really doesn’t matter.

Some other players suggest putting points into Resist lighting (At least 10) So you get +5 max lighting res. This is mainly a personal choice and based on your gear.

Stat allocation:
Strength: Low as possible for all your gear
Dexterity: Enough for max block with any shield or just your vs. melee shield (personal choice, but max block is a must
Vitality: Rest after max block
Energy: Pump this so your ES shield is godly~!!!! ~ (LOL)


1. COA – DR/2xSocs/Res/FHR/skill Obvious why this is first choice
2. Shako – DR/2Skills/Life/Mana A great second choice, and better than COA if you can’t hit the Strg cost
3. 08 Valk (Non-ladder only) – Besides FCR/FHR/FRW theres not much else this has to offer not a great choice really.
4. Kiras - Res

Paladin skill circlets aren’t a great choice, because they offer no DR, virtually making your charge absolutely worthless when dueling any kind of melee class, although they can be used vs. casters.

I suggest getting Coa/Shako/Kiras.

1. Rare/Crafted Pally ammy with 2skills/strg/dex/FCR/life/Mana any of these are ideal. Your choice
2. Maras – Decent 2skills/res/attributes
3. Highlords – 1skill/DS/light res – DS is the main reason for this ammy, making your charge hit twice as hard
4. Angelics combo – AR/Life
5. FCR/Strg ammy – This is my favorite choice, this opens up other gear slots for other items, and helps you hit certain breakpoints
6. Nokazon - +Fire res/ + Max fire res.

1. Enigma – Teleport (must), 2skills, life, 8DR, and Strg. This is the most versatile armor in the game.
2. Coh/GA – I can use this with base res, and only use it for BM / fun purposes vs elemental classes
3. Treachery – Fade

Weapon: (I carry 4 weapons at the minimum, but you can do it with 1 or 2 (charge weapon and Caster weapon)

Charge Weapons:

1. Doomz – Medium Damage, 2skills, Holy Freeze aura
2. Ebotdz – High Damage, 30 Stats, Indes
3. Grief PB or Zerker – High Damage, Indes and ability to Smite

There are many other charge weapons out there, but these are the best. No If ands or buts.

Casting Weapons: 125 FCR weapon
1. Hoto – 3skills, 40 FCR, 40 Res (If Perf)
2. Wizpike – 50 FCR/ 75 Res and open socket (I Suggest 15 res/ 15 FHR)

Name any better 1’s.

Melee/Caster Shield: These are your Vs. none elemental classes, although Spirit is great when dueling most elemental classes.
1. Paladin Spirit – 2xskills 35FCR/55 FHR/Res (when getting a spirit, you want to get 1 that is Low Strg, 40+ Base res shield, and 35 FCR, although a 30FCR spirit will work.)
2. Hoz – 2xpally skills, +2 Combat, Strg, Dex, and high Block, but not much else except that you could Ber/Cham it.
3. Eexile – The only reason for choosing this is the high defense, since you don’t have max HS, your defense will barely break 10k.

Once again, these are the best,

Res Shields: These are for vs. elemental classes. IE: classes that have massive –res.
1. 4os pally shields with base 40+ Res, (Non-eth) Socket these with Ptopaz / Prubys / Psaphires. I realize most of your will criticize me for this, but you will think me if you get these, when you don’t get 2 shotted by a blizz sorc or a FOH pally. (there is no need for poison res shields, antidotes will server you there.

Bo Shit:
1. 6/6/? CTA /w +3 HS and Spirit
2. ?/?/? CTA and sigons shield / lidless

1. Trange gloves: FCR / Ice Res

These are your best and only choice

1. Arach - 20 FCR / 1skills / mana
2. Dungos – DR / Vita

Res Shields:
1. Tgods – + max Light res
2. SnowClash - +Max Ice res

I suggest getting all these I have listed, they will allow you to last longer vs elemental classes/melee/caster based classes. (I have all, and use all)

1. Spurs – any spurs will be good (Res/FHR/Stats GREAT!)
2. Marrowwalks – Laugh at me I know, but these things are great for stats, 20strg/Dex is amazing on a libby.
3. Waterwalks – Dex/Life not much else
4. Sandstreks – Vita/Strg and FHR, great choice for viability.

I choose Marrows over all, spurs are great, but I like 20 strg/dex more than anything, I can get res / FHR from else where, making spurs to me, worse, and not worth the cost.


1. FCR Ring – 10% FCR, Stats. I use 1 10% FCR with 20 Strg on my primary setup. (good for using Dungos, if you get a 10-20FCR Ammy.)
2. Raven – CBF, Sorb, Dex, AR, Mana. OMG! A great ring. Mainly for the CBF (good opening up sockets).
3. Angelics Combo – AR/Life
4. Crafted/Rare – these rings can have amazing stats, just be smart when using this.
5. Sojs or Bks – Your choice, bks add life, sojs add mana, each add 1 skill(use these with 125% FCR setup if you can.)

Sorb Rings: For Bm duels / duelers

1. 2x Ravens – Cold
2. 2x Dwarfs – Fire
3. 2x Whispers – Light

You shouldn’t need poison res rings.

Charms: Many different choices and its just a personally choice

1. Ptorch 20stats/?? Res (best choice)
2. Anni 20stats/?? Res (best choice)

Other slots:
1. 9xPcombats /w 40+ Life
2. 10x 20 life Scs/Res/FHR (Depends on what you need)
3. 37x 20 life Scs/Res/Fhr (Depends on what you need)

I don’t suggest anything else. I have tested all, and they work fine, but plain pcombats are a horrible choice.


Head: COA (2x bered)
Ammy- Any listed
Chest – Enigma
Weapon – Grief/Doomz/Ebotdz (your choice)
Shield – Pal Spirit 35% FCR /w 45 Base res
Gloves – Trangs
Rings – 1x Raven, And any other listed
Belt – Dungos or Arach (Allows for you to use different rings/ammys)
Boot – Any of the listed

Charms: Any listed

Note this is with ideal gear, if you don’t have ideal gear, your ring/ammy/belt will change.

This is a basic public Setup:
75% FCR
86% FHR
40+ DR

8k+ Hammers

FCR Setup VS any:

Head: Shako(None needed DR vs classes) Kiras ( Vs. Elemental) COA (VS melee/Windys)
Ammy: FCR/Slippers
Weapon: Hoto/Wizzy (I suggest hoto)
Shield: Spirit
Belt: Arach
Rings: FCR/Ravens
Gloves: Trangs
Boots: Any listed

Charms: Any listed

This will give you:
125 FCR
86% FHR

DR+/Res+/+Skills (depending on what your dueling)


For most strategies I suggest a Charge setup with 75%, I don’t care how you get there, just do it.

These are my strategies, and are built for my play style, which I use a lot of Res, and Sorb if I need it. So if you play GM expect the difficulties to be different than the 1’s I posted.


Difficulty – Easy to Hard
Make sure you have a Raven on when dueling these guys for the CBF mod. Use a charge weapon with a 75% FCR setup, I would suggest max Damage Reduction. Just charge these guys, smite if you want, tele hammer if you want. For Bm – Doomz if you want.

CS Zon –
Difficulty – Easy to Hard
This all depends on you, if you sorb its easy, if not it can be quite difficult, and if you GM stack, its still quite easy. Charge these guys down and kill, play offensive. Smite if you have to, or tele Hammer, I suggest 75% FCR.

FC CS Zon –
Difficulty – Easy
Make them heal you.

Hybrid Bow/Jav
Difficulty – Medium to Hard
IF you have the gear, these guys really aren’t that hard, your gonna need res, your gonna need DR, your gonna need CBF. These guys usually don’t have bo, so there life wont be the best, and there damage is low. You must go offensive, if you have the res, and DR, this duel is over, tele stomp them and hammer.

Poison Zon
Difficulty – Easy to Medium
They pack a punch, but they can easily be charged and killed, if you having trouble, use Antidotes. Just roll over these guys.


Trapper Sin –
Difficulty – Easy to Medium – Fire or light (I suggest 75% FCR, and 86% FHR)
This is a res duel, if you have the res you basically win. If not, you’ll have to use skill to win, I know one of the only few times. If they are defensive, not much you can do, but charge them down and kill them, or tele onto them and spam hammers. Most Trappers are going to spam MB, if they do use vigor charge to get away, try to keep salvation on at all times. If your using a doomz for this duel, I suggest you tele onto them, and spam hammers, or just charge them down, this duel really isn’t that difficult for you.

WW Sin –
Difficulty – Medium to hard
These guys will try to use Traps with a combination of MB to put you in charge lock, and then tele or Kick and WW. These guys rely on Poison and OW to do damage.

To kill these guys, you can either charge them or use hammers. Never charge into a WW, or Tele onto them and Hammer, You can unsummon lock then if they run off, Ideally you’ll want to keep a hammer field around you. Start out with an offensive strategy, and try to kill them, if they are doing too much damage, back out and hide in a hammer field.

WW Sin/Trapper Hybrid –
Difficulty – Medium to Hard
These guys use the same strategy above, but their traps actually do damage, stack/sorb there traps, and treat them like a normal wwsin.

Kicker –
Difficulty – Easy to Hard
Meh, if you survive the initial kick you usually win, Charge them down, hammer, whatever.

Barbarian –

Conc. Barb – Easy
Charge, then hammer, and laugh while doing it.

Singer – Easy
Charge and laugh while doing it.

WW Barbs (Just gonna group them together) – Easy to Hard
If these guys are running, charge them, if they are walking, just play hammers. Stack your DR, and synch and spin hammers. The BVB’s will be easy. The BVA’s/BVC’s will range from medium to hard, depending on there AR.

Just synch around and cast hammers, play defensive, if they switch to Widow charge or tele-hammer. If they only WW, get near them and cast hammers, these guys can pack a bunch, so don’t charge into them, if you play offensive, but not teleing onto of them you should win with ease. If you play over offensively, they will probably win.

Wolf barb – Easy
Charge/Hammer = win!

Druid –

Fire Druid – Easy

Throw on some fire res, and charge them and kill, if they are max block, go 125% FCR, and unsummon lock, tele, till dead. There Summons shouldn’t give you that much of a problem, and they won’t hit that hard. If they are using an infinity merc, kill it first, then go for the druid.

Summon Druid – Easy to Medium

Most tg, so don’t worry bout them, but those that duel, will tele onto you, and will have a merc with pride, so there summons hit extremely hard. Throw on some DR, and charge, if Max block, then go 125 FCR, or 75% and smite them out of summons, then hammer/tele hammer. Once again, kill merc first.

Windy – Medium To Hard Always 75% FCR/86% FHR (I suggest Grief as Charge Weapon)

Non-max Block windy – Charge, and kill, maybe dodge there nados, if they are defensive. If they like to telestomp, tele under them, and charge down, and spam hammers around your self, when they telestomp, walk out and charge them, there summons should be dead, or move away from them. If they tele out, tele/charge after and kill before they can resummon if you don’t kill them, rinse and repeat, if you don’t kill them with charge, hammers might. This duel should be about 30:70 you, since they aren’t max block, but these guys can have upwards to 7k life, so the duels could last a while.

Max Block Windy- This duel is hard extremely hard to win. But is doable. I have manage to get my win record to about 50:50 vs these guys.

Once again, charge / tele down under them, and spam hammers. There FCR isn’t as good as a pure vita druid, but it is enough against you.

There are several ways to do this, just hide in a hammer field, and when they tele onto walk out, and hope a hammer will kill them. Or when they tele onto you, smite them out of summons and hammer/tele hammer onto them, and you will probably kill them if you do this right, (there fhr will probably be lower unless they use FHR GC’s/SC’s). If they tele away you can chase and try to kill, or stay where you are and repeat the strategy.

I suggest trying the 2nd strategy, if using grief, you could actually kill them with smite. (charge is rarely an option here)

Necromancer –

Bone Necro – Medium to Hard (75%/Charge vs non max block or 125% FCR and 125% FCR always vs max block) – My suggestion is just do 125% FCR, because you will have to do that vs max block necros, so just get good at it.

The Non max block necros shouldn’t really give you a problem, charge can usually kill them, or you can just play hammers vs them. Just charge them down, and kill, if they bw you tele out of it and repeat.

If play hammers you can synch, or Unsummon lock + tele. This comes down to skills. Max block, same as above, if they vive, afk for 3 mins and come back.

Poison – Easy
Use antidotes, and res gear, if max block, hammer, if none max black, charge, if they summon afk for 3 mins, not really hard.

Summon – Waste of time to duel. Hammer to kill summons, then hammer him to kill, use res vs caster summoner, and use DR vs Melee Summoner.

Paladin –

Aruadin – Easy

Put res/sorb (fire or light or both) then just unsummon lock and tele, they will die easy enough, even if they hurt you, you will kill them before they can kill you.

Foher – Easy

Put light res/sorb and kill, Hammer, charge, smite whatever.

Hammerdin – Easy to Hard

If they use HS, go 125 FCR, if they don’t put on a weapon, and charge pk them, and teach them to use HS.

If they HS, it will be a winner of skill, do whatever works best for you synching or Teleing. Use 125 FCR.

Mage (Foh/Hammer) – Easy to Hard

Put light res/sorb on, and then just play hammer v hammer against them. You can charge if you want, or you could just play libby, 75 and 125 FCR will work. Once again, it will become who is better skilled duel.

V/t and T/v – Medium

Stack/sorb and make them a basic smiter, the v/t’s will hit harder than the t/v’s. Use 75% FCR setup and charge, if you want to bm more, use doomz. Charge them can be dangerous due to the fact that they can lock you up, and they hit for extreme amounts. If they decide to charge/smite you, then just charge down and hammer, the hammers should kill them, although they can get lucky and get a charge pk. Just keep hammers spinning and you should win this.

Zealer – Easy
Charge, hammer, whatever, these guys don’t stand a chance.

Charge – Keep hammers spinning, they will try to just charge pk you. These guys can hit for 40k, but they aren’t really that hard, if they aren’t usually a shield, just charge pk them, and laugh at them.

Sorceress - Easy

Remember I use stack/sorb so these guys don’t bother me. I either charge pk, or hammer, depending on Res. If you stack and sorb I suggest you do the same, if not, make your own strats.

My Liberator:
LVL: 91
Life: 4-6k
Hammer Damage: 6-10k
Charge Damage: 7-11k
Res: 400+ With all.

Thanks to Jester/Pat/Alex for the rushes, gear, and many test duels.
Thanks to the duelers of Useast NL for duels.
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