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Byzantine Republic
yeah i know many fo you woyuuldent like seeing this, but theres nothing else to do, so without further adios.. i present the Byzantine Republic. for some reason there arent any spoiler tags, so itll be long. sorry.

Time line of the Byzantine Empire version 4. I think.
feel free to rip it into itty bitty pieces, cause im always looking to improve it.

this history is not real, but rather based on an alternate time line. The time line i will be documenting is from the PoD which is in 632. roughly. the backstory is provided for those who don't know.

502-628: Byzantine Sassinaid Wars. Sassinaid Persia got the advantage early on, but Byzantium managed to drive them back all the way from Constantinople and into the Persian Capital. the Capital was razed and Persia collapses.

525-565: Justinian I retakes the lands that were once roman.

600: Most of italy was lost to the Lombards.

632: Islam is founded and Byzantium was overrun. a few years later the battle of Yaromuk was an Islamic Victory. Egypt, carthage, Mesompiea was lost permadently.

727: the Caliphate attacks Constantinople and fails. meanwhile Byzantine forces drive the Muslim from anatolia. the Eastern Front stabilized when the Caliphate gave up on trying to Destroy Byzantium after decades of warfare with no perciable gains.

800: the pope seeing as Byzantine influence in italy is waning, crowns the frankish King

854: Gunpowder is Discovered when a preist accidentally blows up part of a church when a candle falls on the strange powder he found in a nearby quarry. Byzantine scientests concluded that properly channeld with a projectile it woudl make a impressive weapon. Byzantium introduced measures to make it top secret and only used by the most elite troops.

925: Using 40,000 men armed with gunpowder, levant is conquered from the Muslims.

965: a muslim counter attack is laubched and managed to score early victories ( at heavy cost) but Byzantium mobilized its soliders at the time and defeated them in a titanic battle at Damacus. the muslims were defeated, retreated but managed to inflict damage from there to the Siani Penensula.

1071: the Turkish peoples dont even think about attacking Byzantium and its neumerous vassals, they settle into Iran instead, after trashing the Persian empire who was already there.

1220: the mongol Empire is rumored to exist at this point. Survivors from the earlier wars gradually spread word that a dangerous force is heading to Europe to conquer the area.

1261: the Abbisaid Caplihate falls when Baghad was taken and razed by the Mongols.

1270: Battle of Manzikert: a large Byzantine force of 20,000 was defeated by 5,000 Mongols. they begin their steady advance to Byzantine Territory, Byzantium builds up the military by conscription of every able bodied men hired a lot of Forgein militaries and enlisted help from italian city states, and increasing Fortications. the elite troops were gathered up to defend the core area of Byzantium.

1275: moingol advances were slowed by Byzantine fortications and they had to use addtional men to break through them

1277: in the largest battle in the known world at the time, 1 million Byzantine and allied soliders (around half of whom were Byzantine), mostly conscripts meet the mongol force of 300,000. the Results are ntohign short of Diasterous on btoh sides. 40,000 Byzantine and 360,000 Allied soliders were killed, wounded or captured while 250,000 mongols were killed wounded or Captured. the Remainign mongol forces made a move of desperation and Broke through the Byzantine fortications and took Ankara. a Byzantine counter attack ( a pincer tactic) destroyed the mongol force with few survivorrs, however a further 124,000 Soliders were killed in the process. Byzantine Emperor Manuel III is prasied for his Generalmanship and Skill in combat.

1278-1361: the Byzantines do a very slow, very tedious and bloody warfare to regain the lost areas of Byzantium. of particular note was the battle of Jerusalem. the mongols adopted a defensive stance, and managed to withstand the seige for 3 months, but Byzantine forces managed to liberate the city.

1453: Serbia revolts and declared its independence from Byzantium, Serbia managed to take large parts of the Balkans before being Defeated at Thesselonica. then the Byzantine military pressed itno Serbia territory, defeating them left and right. the Battle of Nelgrade was a Serbian victory, until Byzantium took over the Coastal part of Serbia and managed to defeat them at Belgrade. the Royal family was executed. Serbia surrenders and is reabsorbved back into Byzantium.

1492: Columbus Discovers America. and word soon spread into Byzantium. Byzantium however was unable to follow up on that Discovery due to it being too far away.

1524: Muslim armies all armed with gunpowder invades and easily takes Levant and parts of anatolia. Byzantium realized that it is no longer an elite weapon, chose to introduce it to all forms of military. it retakes anatolia but coudlent retake levant.

1557: some person located in Nicaea invented the term Byzantium, from the old Greek City. it spread like (relatively) wildfire and quickly become a popular name as the Eastern Roman Empire.

1560: seeing as everyone describes them as Byzantium or the Byzantine Empire, and seeing as the ERE nowadays looks nothign liek Rome, the Government decided to adopt the name Byzantium.

1612: Byzantine military officials thought abotu eastablsihign a colony somewhere in the new world, possibly with Britians help. it was investigated by both Britian and Byzantium, and they found that there are several sites avaible for them. Byzantium buys these lands, and those lands are held by the British until the Byzantines can claim it.

1652: the area has been colonized with New Ankara as Capital (located at real Georgetown), the area is now populated by 20 million people.

1705: the Industrial Revolutuion starts in Copnstantinople, and soon spreads to other nations, dispite Byzantiums effort to limit it. Byzantium becomes industrrialized in just 76 years.

1712: Russo-Byzantine Wars: Russia Demands passage through the Bosporus and Darndelles STraits, Byzantium refuses and war breaks out. tthe Black sea is a warzone as Russian and Byzantine Ships destroy eachother. after 3 years it is clear that it is a stalemate with Russia capable of feilding more ships and Byzantium feilding somewhat fewer heavily armed advanced ships. the war ends on a Comprimise. the Bosporus strait is internationalized and all nations may cross it, providing they pay a small fee, but is closed during times of war to protect its own interests.

1776: american Revolution: the Americans revolt agansit the British Empire they suceed due to Secret Byzantine Assitance in Equipment and manpower ( the ships were disguised as privateers and the People Mercenaries from many nations (so as no one nation is blamed))

1783: the United States is formed (from the Confederation). Byzantium immedately Reconizes the Governmebt and builds an Embassy ( which looks a lot like the Hagia sofia, only much smaller and less ornate) in washinton DC.

1812: napoleonic Wars. Byzantium declares neutrality, saying it dosnt want to fight a war. meanwhile Washinton DC was partially razed by British forces. they purposely left the Byzantine Embassy alone.

1861-1865: American civil war: the Confederates attack at Gettysberg and wins. sort of. they got beaten Back by Union forces. Byzantium secretly mobilizes its military in case the Union falls.

1863: the Seige of Washinton is sucessful and the city is captured, the Government that survived the Executions of the white house moves to new York. the confederates made their greatest mistake: Razing the Byzantine Embassy and killing everyone inside. Byzantium Cocidencely delcares war the next day, and upon hearing the embassy massacar, the population is united aganst the CSA.

1864: New york falls as the Union troops are Disorganized and unable to respond to new attacks. Abraham Lincoln and the remanents of His Government manages to Escape onboard a Byzantine Battleship (very advanced (for its time) highly experimental ship).

second half of 1864: 200 Byzantine ships bombard the Eastern coast of the CSA, and destroying its naval power. soon a major Byzantine group, led by Lincoln lands near Delware and fights their way in. similar landings are held in Maine and Florida. the Area is liberated after heavy fighting. the United States is reconsituted.

1865: the Confederacy surrenders as Byzantine forces liberate the rest of the Eastern coast and began to move south. Lincoln thanks Byzantiu for its help, and promises that the USA will support Byzantium.

1872: the people revolt at Constantinople demanding a Democratic Government. the Byzantine Emperor Visited America and asks whether a democratic country is really a good idea. the President gives the Emperor a 300 page report on how a Democratic Government is a good idea.

1890: the Emperor Changes the Government to a Constitutional Monarchy, giving people the right to vote on a representive. Women are giving the right to vote, slaves are freed (to the displeasure of some families and even some slaves), and finally a Federal Province is created, emcompassing 5191 square kilometers, containign Constantinople and several towns. a small area, containing Old Constantinople, is the City Core. everythign else is the Metro area.

1909: Germany and Austria Hungary Declares war on france. Britain and Russia Dclares war on the Central forces.

1910: becaise germany is a very industralized highly populated nation, Paris was taken, but German forces due to their lack of mobility cant extend beyond that point. trench warfare becomes common.

1912: russia is defeated and signs an armicense with germany. Germany sdeclares war on the Byzantine Republic.

1913: facing the German forces the Byzantines were forced to retreat until they reached the Thracian province. then the ressitance stiffens. they dug a large system of trenches in the thracian province.

1913-1918: Seige of Constantinople. ththe german forces advanced with heavy casulties on both sides. they reached the Theodesian wall (near the center gate) after a year of heavy fighting. the German artillery bombed that partof the Wall to rubble, allowing German forces inside, but they were repulsed by a truely vicous Byzantine 1st Army. after a while both states has commited so much manpower to the Constantinople area, weakening the German army elsewhere (german occupied france for example only has 200,000 men). Spain Declared war on Germany and suprise-liberated france, french and british troops overrun German forces in several places,liberating paris but was stopped at the marne. at approximately the same time a large British Naval Group launched a pincer attack At Adrainople. the vcvity is captured and the Largest known Army group of germany is Isolated. 2.9 million german men are trapped.

1915: Austria hungary is annexed into Germany.

1918: 1 million German men launch a relif strike at the British army group at Adrainople, it fails with massibve casulties, meanwhile the German army group is losing the battle, so it makes one last desperate strike at the Government District. it suceeds, only up to the Byzantium walls ( the innermost one) when surviving elements of 6 armies stop the german advance.

1919: the German army in control of most of. Constantinople was blockaded, and a much larger Joint Byzantine British army group retakes the capital from the Byzantine and Theodesian walls with horrendous ccasulties. liberates Constantinople. Germany surrenders, dispite controlling large areas of Europe.

1920: treaty of varsalles: Germany is reduced drastically to a much smaller Area and forbade a standing army of more than 1 million, and to pay heavy war reperations to Byzantium and france.

1922 the Russian Revolution is sucessful...for the most part. Byzantine forces were able to indefinately hold the Cacasous reigon. the region forms its own Government (the cacasion Republic) with the capital at Volgograd.

1924-1931: the Soviet union recaptres the Cacasion Reigon, with heavy Byzantine casulties. the Government has been executed.

1935: the Basil class supercarrier is launched From Constantinople. the first ship is named Enterprise. it is the Flagship fo the Byzantine navy and still remains in survice

1980: the Byzantine Republic reorganizes their Capital province, merging the Federal District, Thracian and Nicomedian provinces together, it is done that way to eleminate cofusion about Constantinople.

1994: the Byzantine Republic is delcared a green nation. with Hydro, Nuclear and wind power sources. Nuclear sluppies 80% of the power.

2004: hundreds of Byzantine scientests has announced that Global warming is false, and released their findings tot he International community. he scientests had to agree that Global warming is a stupid mistake. the Emperor urges the countries to go green anyway, lest they actually cool off earth.

facts about Byzantium. version something.

[SIZE=2]Population: 193 million
Military Size: 2 million active 3 million reserves and 1 million paramilitary.
Human Development Index: .980
Gross Domestic Product: 8 Trillion Byzantine Dollars
Capital (and largest city): Constantinople
Ethnic Groups: 75% Byzantine, several hundred Reconized minorities.
Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Current emperor: Barabas IV (1991- present) (barabas Dyantasy took over circa 1890)
Establishment: Roman Kingdom 753 BC, Roman Republic 509 BC, Roman Empire 27 BC Byzantine Empire 330 AD, Byzantine Republic 1890 AD.
Religion: 67% Christianity 28% Islam, 3% jewish, 2% minor religions.
Area: 1,332,878.6 km2
population denisty: 144.8 people km2

Map of the Byzantine Republic

[Image: NewBitmapImage-1.jpg]

the Byzantine Republic used to the the Roman Empire until 330, wherein it was split into the Eastern and Western Halves of the Empire. the Western Empire fell to Barbarians and the Eastern Roman Empire took the name Byzantine Empire to differ themselves from the late Roman Empire. the Byzantine Republic survived invasions, betrayals, invasion again, social upheavals, Napoleonic wars the Succession Wars and Both world wars mostly intact. the Byzantine Republic Today is now one of two superpowers on Earth, and it is lead by a Benevolent Government Since 1840. it is one of the most well liked nations on Earth and is usually the leader in technology.

Constantinople is the Number one Technological, military, industrious, Cultural, Economic, Tourist, and Religious Center of the Byzantine Republic. It contains 32,272,356 people.

Districts of Constantinople
Government, cultural and Historical Districts
Business District
Research and Devolopment District
Industrial District
Residental Districts

the City of Constantinople itself contains the Government, cultural and Historical districts. everythign outside of that is suburbs and sometimes considered to be part of Constantinople.

This Entire Area houses 32 milion people and it houses one city and its metro area of Constantinople. this city includes many national parks and wide open green spaces for recreational uses. it also includes millions fo trees planted to Create a forested nature feel. and imported japanese trees, and other exotic trees and animals make this city one of the most romantic cities on earth.

The Production center is located in Beyoğlu, a suberb of Constantinople to the north of the Horn, it contains most of Constantinoples Industry. contary to popular belif, the industry do not pollute like coal plants, the exaust they emit is pure water which helps keep Constantinople nice and green because of usually frequent rains.

The Financal Center is located on Levent. most of the worlds businesses are located there. such as Microsoft, Coca Cola, Pepsi, General Motors, International Oil and many other large Corperations. the Center is well enough away from the strait so as to not ruin the ancient skyline of Constantinople.

the Military bases are scattered throughout Constantinople, usually in the outer Areas. the Army base is located inside a building just behind the Theodesian Walls. the Navy Base is based in the European Side of Constantinople, providing a large area to Maintain the Navy. its Headqarters is insde the Theodeian walls. The Air base is is also inside the walls, but its further inside.

the mainmethod of transportaion is a an extensive line of carefully designed and placed subways and monorails, the roads are one way because of the density and the anceint location of said roads. cars are not allowed, and buses are common vehciles for transportation.

The Byzantine Republic is devided into 14 provinces. the largest cities are provincal capitals.

Constantinople F.D.
Greek Province (largest City: Athens)
Yugoslav Province (largest city: Belgrade)
Bulgaria Province (largest city: Sofia)
Albania Province (largest city: Tirana)
North Anatolian Province (largest city: Trebizon)
South Anatolian Province (largest city: Antioch)
West Anatolian Province (largest city: Nicaea)
East Anatolian Province (largest city: Malatya)
Central Anatolian Province (largest city: Ankara)
Cyprus Province (largest city: Nicosia)
Crete Province (largest city: Heraklion)
Crimea Province (largest city: Sevastopol)
Sicily Province (largest city: Palermo)

the Republic is Mostly Eastern Orthodox Christian, with a large Islamic and a small jewish minority. the Eastern Orthodoxy is praticed by 900 million followers. a small space in Constantinople containing the Hagia sofia and the surrouding space has being set aside purely for the Patriarch. it is not a seperate nation. the Patriarch is the religious leader of the Eastern Orthodox world. he often makes speeches on current events, and visits numerous third world countries to offer aid.the patriarch is an elected position, by the inner circle of his advisors.

Government System
the Government is a Federal Monarchy. Every position (except the Emperor) is Elected. the Byzantine council has 190 (10 per province) members to govern the Republic. it is elected. the Leadership role is Elected only if the Emperor has no family. if he Does have a family, the Eldest Son will be Emperor. the Council Elects its members every 4 years.

Most technological research occurs in Constantinople, and prototypes for new technology is Exclusively Tested there. our best Technology is the Carrier Planes.

the Byzantine Republic is the sole nation to launch and maintain a vast number of satellites orbiting Earth. it made a manned landing on the moon in 1954 and established a moon base in 1970. tit made a manned mars landing in 2004.

Cloning has been forbiddden on human subjects, but cloning of Food items are permitted. clonign of any animal not normally used as food is forbidden.

The Byzantine Army is widely considered to be the strongest Armed forces in the world. totaling 3 million armed men and women. most serves in the army but some serves in the Aviation and Navy as well. the Army saw action in ever major conflict from the Start of the Roman Kingdom (in which it is the only direct ancestor). it mantained a standing army of 250,000 since 1025. it has been increased before WWI to ten million total.

there are 3 branches of the Byzantine Military. Navy, Aviation, and Army.

the Byzantine navy has historically been somewhat weak, but advanced and experianced. this is due to Greek fire and later Gunpowder. the navy grew to be an important factor after the new world is discovered.

the Byzantine Republic has 95 ships, from big aircraft carriers to light submarines.

the Navy's Flagship is the Basil Class Aircraft carrier BRS Enterprise. it was launched in 1935, and rebuilt in 2001 to modern specs. it is the longest serving ship in the fleet, and due to extreme care, it still looks brand new.

the army is the main component of the Military. it is large and somewhat advanced. in recent years the military has upped the mobility of the troops, hereby increasing the effectiveness of the Army.

the Byzantine Republic has the worlds oldest Air fleet (1850) and it is also the most modern and fastest in the world. there are talks to make a Carrier Plane that will, among other things, supplement the Aircraft carriers.

Major Cities
These cities hold 2/5th of the population collectively. they all contain 5 million people. they are all located in the mainland.

Ankara (12 million people)

[Image: 2hgwxzk.gif]
President of the Mathalamus Republic, Representative of Insane Creative people.
Alignment: True Neutral
Not impressed. Revise, and do more research. Find out from several sources which information is correct. Cite sources. Etc.
[Image: d3609717.jpg]
FraterPerdurabo Wrote:
Skye Wrote:You don't like it? Why is that?
Probably because I fail to appreciate the beauty in what I see around me constantly.
Cool story man, but you didnt really leave room for a conversation here or a discussion...
Lux Aeterna Wrote:Not impressed. Revise, and do more research. Find out from several sources which information is correct. Cite sources. Etc.

i did a ton of research, used wikipedia, and i cant site sources, being an alternate time line.

Ares Wrote:Cool story man, but you didnt really leave room for a conversation here or a discussion...

well tis simple. tell me if its good or not. if its not, constructively tell me why.
[Image: 2hgwxzk.gif]
President of the Mathalamus Republic, Representative of Insane Creative people.
Alignment: True Neutral
Mathalamus Wrote:i did a ton of research, used wikipedia, and i cant site sources, being an alternate time line.

well tis simple. tell me if its good or not. if its not, constructively tell me why.

i guess its informational but you know tell some sort of story, maybe some leaders?
well i ahvent really planned out who is the leader, for obvious reasons. everything was largely the same until about 1025, after that all the leaders are different. the Barabas family became the the only surviving Byzantine Royal family by about 1890 onwards.

oh yeah i missed something: there is a fairly new siege engine named the Death projector. the idea came from median mod. it basically operates the same.
[Image: 2hgwxzk.gif]
President of the Mathalamus Republic, Representative of Insane Creative people.
Alignment: True Neutral
well get more detailed into this man, give the events some faces and names
i tried that once. until i heard about the butterfly effect. i can do it, but ill need to do some thinking.
[Image: 2hgwxzk.gif]
President of the Mathalamus Republic, Representative of Insane Creative people.
Alignment: True Neutral
Mathalamus Wrote:i tried that once. until i heard about the butterfly effect. i can do it, but ill need to do some thinking.
and dude for future reference
dont give two shits what anyone else thinks about your interests, dont be afraid to post what you think/feel. They can all go **** themselves, so post away and share your thoughts.
Ares Wrote:and dude for future reference
dont give two shits what anyone else thinks about your interests, dont be afraid to post what you think/feel. They can all go **** themselves, so post away and share your thoughts.

that's why i posted in the first place. however i need to keep it reasonable. slighty.
[Image: 2hgwxzk.gif]
President of the Mathalamus Republic, Representative of Insane Creative people.
Alignment: True Neutral
What am i reading?
[Image: my.php?image=mychemicalromancesignatou1.jpg][Image: carmenelectrastockmaniptl8.jpg]
Nex Wrote:What am i reading?

you are reading an Alternate timeline of Byzantium surviving until today.

and some facts about Byzantium as well.
[Image: 2hgwxzk.gif]
President of the Mathalamus Republic, Representative of Insane Creative people.
Alignment: True Neutral
Mathalamus Wrote:i did a ton of research, used wikipedia
Just as an aside, you do know this is an oxymoron, right?

Ok, back to the in-depth history lesson on the jizzantine...err byzantine.
[Image: 2cxck74.jpg]
jedimaster86 Wrote:Just as an aside, you do know this is an oxymoron, right?

no. wikipedia is still the best site for research, seeing as its not biased one way or the other.
[Image: 2hgwxzk.gif]
President of the Mathalamus Republic, Representative of Insane Creative people.
Alignment: True Neutral
Mathalamus Wrote:no. wikipedia is still the best site for research, seeing as its not biased one way or the other.

-DKP for you. Wikipedia is not credible, lol.
No compassion- like having a straight faced orgasm.
i don't see how its not credible. the history matches up with other sources as far as i can tell, and the details are kind of vague from that far back anyway.
[Image: 2hgwxzk.gif]
President of the Mathalamus Republic, Representative of Insane Creative people.
Alignment: True Neutral
Wikipedia, as a whole, is not credible- it is open to anyone who wants to spread misinformation, hoaxes, ect. Sorry if it sounded like I was trying to discredit your thread.
No compassion- like having a straight faced orgasm.
My only advice is this dear.
Edit your posts and check for spelling errors as well as proper punctuation.
Capitalize and you will be taken more seriously.

A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...

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