08-19-2010, 04:29 AM
PvP Vengeance Pally Build by bobsmith10
And now for something a completely different.... Ok so if you're tired of all the same old character builds and want to try something a bit different I think that this build is worth a try.
Just enought to be able to wear your gear, there is no need to add extra points into your strength.
You are going to want to put up your dexterity until you have max block with holy shield cast, this is self explanatory.
Put all the rest of your points into this, the more you have the better health you will have.
None, you should get enough mana from your gear.
The Gear:
Crown of ages
-plus one to all skills
-Damage reduced (an extra 16% if socketed with Ber runes)
-Faster hit recovery
Angelic Wings
-plus 75 to health
Angelic Halo x2
-plus 20 to health
-massive attack rating boost
Both angelic wings and angelic halo are needed to get the massive attack rating boost, and a second ring will add even more attack rating, if you feel that the second angelic halo is not needed then a Raven Frost would be your next best option because it also gives a great attack rating boost but also has plus to dexterity, cannot be frozen, and cold absorb.
Chains of Honor
-plus two to all skills
-life steal
-plus to strength
-plus to resistances
-damage reduction
Verdungo's Hearty Cord
-Faster hit recovery
-plus to vitality
-damage reduced
Dracul's Grasp:
-plus to strength
-life steal
-open wound
-chance to cast life tap
Sandstorm Treks
-plus to strength
-plus to vitality
-faster hit recovery
-faster run/walk
-massive poison resistance
Beast in a berserker axe
-level 9 fanaticism aura when equipped
-increased attack speed
-Enhanced damage
-crushing blow
-open wound
Up'ed Herald of Zakarum
-high defense
-bonus to attack rating
-plus to strength
-plus to vitality
-plus to resistance
-plus two to all paladin skills
-plus two to paladin combat skills
-socketed with Um rune for extra resistance
-20/20 Paladin Torch
-20/20 Annihilus
-9x combat skill grand charms with life
-10x faster hit recovery small charms with resistance
Vengeance - 20:
This will be your main attack in duels.
Holy Shield - 20:
The higher that this skill is the better defense you hill have and thus the less chance you will get hit.
Conviction - 20:
This will be the aura you will use in duels, since vengeance is mostly elemental damage using this will lower you opponents resistances and defense making your attacks deal more damage.
Resist fire - 12:
Resist cold - 12:
Resist lightning - 11:
You will even out you last couple points onto these skills in what ever proportions you would like this is just a suggestion of about what you should do at level 95 you can experiment out what will do the most damage possible if you would like, but for now I am not going to.
And thus ends another character build, I hope you will have some fun messing around with this character, through my own experiences this is the best gear and skill usage for this character if you would like to change anything go ahead but I advise that you still use a Beast and the conviction aura, using your own fanaticism and a weapon like Breath of the Dieing will only reduce your damage, and if you have and questions or comments feel free to post them, or even if you just find the optimal spread for the resistance skills, until next time so long, and thanks for all the fish.
And now for something a completely different.... Ok so if you're tired of all the same old character builds and want to try something a bit different I think that this build is worth a try.
Just enought to be able to wear your gear, there is no need to add extra points into your strength.
You are going to want to put up your dexterity until you have max block with holy shield cast, this is self explanatory.
Put all the rest of your points into this, the more you have the better health you will have.
None, you should get enough mana from your gear.
The Gear:
Crown of ages
-plus one to all skills
-Damage reduced (an extra 16% if socketed with Ber runes)
-Faster hit recovery
Angelic Wings
-plus 75 to health
Angelic Halo x2
-plus 20 to health
-massive attack rating boost
Both angelic wings and angelic halo are needed to get the massive attack rating boost, and a second ring will add even more attack rating, if you feel that the second angelic halo is not needed then a Raven Frost would be your next best option because it also gives a great attack rating boost but also has plus to dexterity, cannot be frozen, and cold absorb.
Chains of Honor
-plus two to all skills
-life steal
-plus to strength
-plus to resistances
-damage reduction
Verdungo's Hearty Cord
-Faster hit recovery
-plus to vitality
-damage reduced
Dracul's Grasp:
-plus to strength
-life steal
-open wound
-chance to cast life tap
Sandstorm Treks
-plus to strength
-plus to vitality
-faster hit recovery
-faster run/walk
-massive poison resistance
Beast in a berserker axe
-level 9 fanaticism aura when equipped
-increased attack speed
-Enhanced damage
-crushing blow
-open wound
Up'ed Herald of Zakarum
-high defense
-bonus to attack rating
-plus to strength
-plus to vitality
-plus to resistance
-plus two to all paladin skills
-plus two to paladin combat skills
-socketed with Um rune for extra resistance
-20/20 Paladin Torch
-20/20 Annihilus
-9x combat skill grand charms with life
-10x faster hit recovery small charms with resistance
Vengeance - 20:
This will be your main attack in duels.
Holy Shield - 20:
The higher that this skill is the better defense you hill have and thus the less chance you will get hit.
Conviction - 20:
This will be the aura you will use in duels, since vengeance is mostly elemental damage using this will lower you opponents resistances and defense making your attacks deal more damage.
Resist fire - 12:
Resist cold - 12:
Resist lightning - 11:
You will even out you last couple points onto these skills in what ever proportions you would like this is just a suggestion of about what you should do at level 95 you can experiment out what will do the most damage possible if you would like, but for now I am not going to.
And thus ends another character build, I hope you will have some fun messing around with this character, through my own experiences this is the best gear and skill usage for this character if you would like to change anything go ahead but I advise that you still use a Beast and the conviction aura, using your own fanaticism and a weapon like Breath of the Dieing will only reduce your damage, and if you have and questions or comments feel free to post them, or even if you just find the optimal spread for the resistance skills, until next time so long, and thanks for all the fish.