07-09-2010, 03:10 PM
My d2nt bot keeps picking up ethereal trash like nonmagical ethereal chain mail,sorceress orbs,gauntlets,greaves ect. All of the items are ethereal nonmagical (gray text).Here is my normal item pickit file
// ##### Helms #########################
//[Type] == helm && [Class] >= elite && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] != ethereal # [Sockets] == 3 && [EnhancedDefense] >= 15 // Delirium or Dream
// ##### Armor #########################
//[Name] == MagePlate && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] != ethereal # ([Sockets] == 0 || [Sockets] == 3) && [EnhancedDefense] >= 15 // Enigma
[Type] == armor && [Class] == elite && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] != ethereal # ([Sockets] == 0 || [Sockets] >= 3) && [EnhancedDefense] >= 15 // Variable
//[Name] == SacredArmor && [Quality] == normal # [Defense] >= 880 && [Sockets] == 0 // Cubing
//[Type] == armor && [Quality] == normal # [Defense] >= 1000 && [Sockets] >= 3 // Variable
// ##### Shields #######################
//[Type] == shield && [Class] == elite && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] != ethereal # [Sockets] == 3 && [EnhancedDefense] >= 15 // Dream
[Name] == Monarch && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] != ethereal # ([Sockets] == 0 || [Sockets] == 4) && [EnhancedDefense] >= 15 // Phoenix or Spirit
// ##### Gloves ########################
// ##### Boots #########################
// ##### Belts #########################
// ##### Barbarian Helms ###############
[Type] == primalhelm && [Class] == elite && [Quality] <= superior && [Flag] != ethereal # [Sockets] == 3 && [SkillBattleOrders]+[SkillBattleCommand] >= 6 // Delirium
[Type] == primalhelm && [Class] == elite && [Quality] <= superior && [Flag] != ethereal # [Sockets] == 3 && [SkillBattleOrders]+[SkillFindItem] >= 6 // Delirium
[Type] == primalhelm && [Class] == elite && [Quality] <= superior && [Flag] != ethereal # [Sockets] == 3 && [SkillBattleOrders]+[SkillShout] >= 6 // Delirium
// ##### Druid Pelts ###################
[Type] == pelt && [Class] == elite && [Quality] <= superior && [Flag] != ethereal # [Sockets] == 3 && [SkillHurricane]+[SkillTornado] >= 6 // Delirium
// ##### Paladin Shields ###############
[Type] == auricshields && [Class] == elite && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] != ethereal # ([Sockets] == 0 || [Sockets] >= 3) && [EnhancedDefense] >= 10 && [FireResist] >= 30 // Dream or Spirit
[Type] == auricshields && [Class] == elite && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] != ethereal # ([Sockets] == 0 || [Sockets] == 4) && [EnhancedDefense] >= 10 && [EnhancedDamage] >= 45 // Phoenix
[Type] == auricshields && [Quality] <= superior # [Defense] >= 250 && [Sockets] == 4 && [FireResist] >= 30 // Exile
// ##### Necromancer Shrunken Heads ####
//[Type] == voodooheads && [Class] == elite && [Quality] <= superior && [Flag] != ethereal # [Sockets] == 2 && [SkillBoneSpear]+[SkillBoneSpirit] >= 6 // Splender
//[Type] == voodooheads && [Class] == elite && [Quality] <= superior && [Flag] != ethereal # [Sockets] == 2 && [SkillPoisonExplosion]+[SkillPoisonNova] >= 6 // Splender
// ##### Axes ##########################
[Name] == BerserkerAxe && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] != ethereal # [Sockets] == 5 && [EnhancedDamage] >= 15 // Grief
[Name] == BerserkerAxe && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] == ethereal # ([Sockets] == 0 || [Sockets] == 6) && [EnhancedDamage] >= 15 // Breath of the Dying
// ##### Bows ##########################
[Type] == bow && [Class] == elite && [Quality] == superior # ([Sockets] == 4 || [Sockets] == 6) && [EnhancedDamage] >= 15 // Faith or Breath of the Dying
[Name] == GreatBow && [Quality] == superior # [Sockets] == 0 && [EnhancedDamage] >= 15 // Faith
([Name] == CrusaderBow || [Name] == HydraBow) && [Quality] == superior # [Sockets] == 0 && [EnhancedDamage] >= 15 // Breath of the Dying
// ##### Crossbows #####################
//([Name] == GorgonCrossbow || [Name] == ColossusCrossbow) && [Quality] == superior # [Sockets] == 4 && [EnhancedDamage] >= 15 // Faith
// ##### Daggers #######################
// ##### Javelins ######################
// ##### Maces #########################
//[Name] == Flail && [Quality] <= superior && [Flag] != ethereal # [Sockets] == 4 // Heart of the Oak
// ##### Polearms ######################
[Type] == polearm && [Class] == elite && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] == ethereal # [Sockets] == 4 && [EnhancedDamage] >= 10 // Insight for Chaos
[Name] >= Thresher && [Quality] == normal && [Flag] == ethereal # [Sockets] == 0 // Cubing
[Type] == polearm && [Class] == elite && [Quality] <= superior && [Flag] == ethereal # [Sockets] >= 4 // Variable
// ##### Scepters ######################
[Type] == scepter && [Quality] <= superior # [Sockets] == 5 && [SkillBlessedHammer]+[SkillConcentration] >= 3 // Call to Arms
[Type] == scepter && [Quality] <= superior # [Sockets] == 5 && [SkillFistOfTheHeavens]+[SkillConviction] >= 3 // Call to Arms
// ##### Spears ########################
[Type] == spear && [Class] == elite && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] == ethereal # [Sockets] == 6 && [EnhancedDamage] >= 5 // Breath of the Dying
// ##### Staves ########################
// ##### Swords ########################
//[Name] == CrystalSword && [Quality] <= superior && [Flag] == ethereal # [Sockets] == 5 // Call to Arms
//([Name] == Zweihander || [Name] == ColossusBlade) && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] != ethereal # [Sockets] == 5 && [EnhancedDamage] >= 15 // Grief
//[Name] == ColossusBlade && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] == ethereal # ([Sockets] == 0 || [Sockets] == 6) && [EnhancedDamage] >= 15 // Breath of the Dying
//[Name] == PhaseBlade && [Quality] <= superior # ([Sockets] == 0 || [Sockets] == 6) // Last Wish
// ##### Throwing ######################
// ##### Wands #########################
//[Type] == wand && [Quality] <= superior # [Sockets] != 1 && [SkillBoneSpear]+[SkillBoneSpirit] >= 5 // White
// ##### Amazon Weapons ################
//[Type] == amazonbow && [Class] == elite && [Quality] == superior # [Sockets] == 4 && [EnhancedDamage] >= 15 && [BowAndCrossbowSkillTab] >= 3 // Faith
// ##### Assassin Katars ###############
[Name] == Suwayyah && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] != ethereal # [Sockets] == 3 && [EnhancedDamage] >= 10 // Chaos
[Name] == ScissorsSuwayyah && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] != ethereal # [Sockets] == 3 && [EnhancedDamage] >= 10 // Chaos
[Name] == FeralClaws && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] != ethereal # [Sockets] == 3 && [EnhancedDamage] >= 10 // Chaos
[Name] == RunicTalons && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] != ethereal # [Sockets] == 3 && [EnhancedDamage] >= 10 // Chaos
// ##### Sorceress Orbs ################
// ##### Circlets ######################
[Type] == circlet && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] != ethereal # [Sockets] == 3 && [EnhancedDefense] >= 15 // Dream
// ##### Runes #########################
//[Name] == ElRune
//[Name] == EldRune
//[Name] == TirRune
//[Name] == NefRune
//[Name] == EthRune
//[Name] == IthRune
//[Name] == TalRune
//[Name] == RalRune
//[Name] == OrtRune
[Name] == ThulRune
[Name] == AmnRune
[Name] == SolRune
[Name] == ShaelRune
[Name] == DolRune
[Name] == HelRune
[Name] == IoRune
[Name] == LumRune
[Name] == KoRune
[Name] == FalRune
[Name] == LemRune
[Name] == PulRune
[Name] == UmRune
[Name] == MalRune
[Name] >= IstRune && [Name] <= ZodRune
// ##### Gems ##########################
//[Name] == ChippedAmethyst
//[Name] == ChippedDiamond
//[Name] == ChippedEmerald
//[Name] == ChippedRuby
//[Name] == ChippedSapphire
//[Name] == ChippedSkull
//[Name] == ChippedTopaz
//[Name] == FlawedAmethyst
//[Name] == FlawedDiamond
//[Name] == FlawedEmerald
//[Name] == FlawedRuby
//[Name] == FlawedSapphire
//[Name] == FlawedSkull
//[Name] == FlawedTopaz
//[Name] == Amethyst
//[Name] == Diamond
//[Name] == Emerald
//[Name] == Ruby
//[Name] == Skull
//[Name] == Sapphire
//[Name] == Topaz
//[Name] == FlawlessAmethyst
//[Name] == FlawlessDiamond
//[Name] == FlawlessEmerald
//[Name] == FlawlessRuby
//[Name] == FlawlessSapphire
//[Name] == FlawlessSkull
//[Name] == FlawlessTopaz
//[Name] == PerfectAmethyst
//[Name] == PerfectDiamond
//[Name] == PerfectEmerald
//[Name] == PerfectRuby
//[Name] == PerfectSapphire
//[Name] == PerfectSkull
//[Name] == PerfectTopaz
// ##### Potions #######################
//[Name] == GreaterHealingPotion
[Name] == SuperHealingPotion
//[Name] == GreaterManaPotion
[Name] == SuperManaPotion
//[Name] == RejuvenationPotion
[Name] == FullRejuvenationPotion
// ##### Keys ##########################
[Name] == KeyOfTerror
[Name] == KeyOfHate
[Name] == KeyOfDestruction
// ##### Essences ######################
//[Name] == TwistedEssenceOfSuffering
//[Name] == ChargedEssenseOfHatred
//[Name] == BurningEssenceOfTerror
//[Name] == FesteringEssenceOfDestruction
[Name] == TokenOfAbsolution
// ##### Gold ##########################
[Type] == gold # [Gold] >= 5
As far as I can tell he shouldn't pick that crap up.Can anyone help me out?
// ##### Helms #########################
//[Type] == helm && [Class] >= elite && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] != ethereal # [Sockets] == 3 && [EnhancedDefense] >= 15 // Delirium or Dream
// ##### Armor #########################
//[Name] == MagePlate && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] != ethereal # ([Sockets] == 0 || [Sockets] == 3) && [EnhancedDefense] >= 15 // Enigma
[Type] == armor && [Class] == elite && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] != ethereal # ([Sockets] == 0 || [Sockets] >= 3) && [EnhancedDefense] >= 15 // Variable
//[Name] == SacredArmor && [Quality] == normal # [Defense] >= 880 && [Sockets] == 0 // Cubing
//[Type] == armor && [Quality] == normal # [Defense] >= 1000 && [Sockets] >= 3 // Variable
// ##### Shields #######################
//[Type] == shield && [Class] == elite && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] != ethereal # [Sockets] == 3 && [EnhancedDefense] >= 15 // Dream
[Name] == Monarch && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] != ethereal # ([Sockets] == 0 || [Sockets] == 4) && [EnhancedDefense] >= 15 // Phoenix or Spirit
// ##### Gloves ########################
// ##### Boots #########################
// ##### Belts #########################
// ##### Barbarian Helms ###############
[Type] == primalhelm && [Class] == elite && [Quality] <= superior && [Flag] != ethereal # [Sockets] == 3 && [SkillBattleOrders]+[SkillBattleCommand] >= 6 // Delirium
[Type] == primalhelm && [Class] == elite && [Quality] <= superior && [Flag] != ethereal # [Sockets] == 3 && [SkillBattleOrders]+[SkillFindItem] >= 6 // Delirium
[Type] == primalhelm && [Class] == elite && [Quality] <= superior && [Flag] != ethereal # [Sockets] == 3 && [SkillBattleOrders]+[SkillShout] >= 6 // Delirium
// ##### Druid Pelts ###################
[Type] == pelt && [Class] == elite && [Quality] <= superior && [Flag] != ethereal # [Sockets] == 3 && [SkillHurricane]+[SkillTornado] >= 6 // Delirium
// ##### Paladin Shields ###############
[Type] == auricshields && [Class] == elite && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] != ethereal # ([Sockets] == 0 || [Sockets] >= 3) && [EnhancedDefense] >= 10 && [FireResist] >= 30 // Dream or Spirit
[Type] == auricshields && [Class] == elite && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] != ethereal # ([Sockets] == 0 || [Sockets] == 4) && [EnhancedDefense] >= 10 && [EnhancedDamage] >= 45 // Phoenix
[Type] == auricshields && [Quality] <= superior # [Defense] >= 250 && [Sockets] == 4 && [FireResist] >= 30 // Exile
// ##### Necromancer Shrunken Heads ####
//[Type] == voodooheads && [Class] == elite && [Quality] <= superior && [Flag] != ethereal # [Sockets] == 2 && [SkillBoneSpear]+[SkillBoneSpirit] >= 6 // Splender
//[Type] == voodooheads && [Class] == elite && [Quality] <= superior && [Flag] != ethereal # [Sockets] == 2 && [SkillPoisonExplosion]+[SkillPoisonNova] >= 6 // Splender
// ##### Axes ##########################
[Name] == BerserkerAxe && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] != ethereal # [Sockets] == 5 && [EnhancedDamage] >= 15 // Grief
[Name] == BerserkerAxe && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] == ethereal # ([Sockets] == 0 || [Sockets] == 6) && [EnhancedDamage] >= 15 // Breath of the Dying
// ##### Bows ##########################
[Type] == bow && [Class] == elite && [Quality] == superior # ([Sockets] == 4 || [Sockets] == 6) && [EnhancedDamage] >= 15 // Faith or Breath of the Dying
[Name] == GreatBow && [Quality] == superior # [Sockets] == 0 && [EnhancedDamage] >= 15 // Faith
([Name] == CrusaderBow || [Name] == HydraBow) && [Quality] == superior # [Sockets] == 0 && [EnhancedDamage] >= 15 // Breath of the Dying
// ##### Crossbows #####################
//([Name] == GorgonCrossbow || [Name] == ColossusCrossbow) && [Quality] == superior # [Sockets] == 4 && [EnhancedDamage] >= 15 // Faith
// ##### Daggers #######################
// ##### Javelins ######################
// ##### Maces #########################
//[Name] == Flail && [Quality] <= superior && [Flag] != ethereal # [Sockets] == 4 // Heart of the Oak
// ##### Polearms ######################
[Type] == polearm && [Class] == elite && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] == ethereal # [Sockets] == 4 && [EnhancedDamage] >= 10 // Insight for Chaos
[Name] >= Thresher && [Quality] == normal && [Flag] == ethereal # [Sockets] == 0 // Cubing
[Type] == polearm && [Class] == elite && [Quality] <= superior && [Flag] == ethereal # [Sockets] >= 4 // Variable
// ##### Scepters ######################
[Type] == scepter && [Quality] <= superior # [Sockets] == 5 && [SkillBlessedHammer]+[SkillConcentration] >= 3 // Call to Arms
[Type] == scepter && [Quality] <= superior # [Sockets] == 5 && [SkillFistOfTheHeavens]+[SkillConviction] >= 3 // Call to Arms
// ##### Spears ########################
[Type] == spear && [Class] == elite && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] == ethereal # [Sockets] == 6 && [EnhancedDamage] >= 5 // Breath of the Dying
// ##### Staves ########################
// ##### Swords ########################
//[Name] == CrystalSword && [Quality] <= superior && [Flag] == ethereal # [Sockets] == 5 // Call to Arms
//([Name] == Zweihander || [Name] == ColossusBlade) && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] != ethereal # [Sockets] == 5 && [EnhancedDamage] >= 15 // Grief
//[Name] == ColossusBlade && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] == ethereal # ([Sockets] == 0 || [Sockets] == 6) && [EnhancedDamage] >= 15 // Breath of the Dying
//[Name] == PhaseBlade && [Quality] <= superior # ([Sockets] == 0 || [Sockets] == 6) // Last Wish
// ##### Throwing ######################
// ##### Wands #########################
//[Type] == wand && [Quality] <= superior # [Sockets] != 1 && [SkillBoneSpear]+[SkillBoneSpirit] >= 5 // White
// ##### Amazon Weapons ################
//[Type] == amazonbow && [Class] == elite && [Quality] == superior # [Sockets] == 4 && [EnhancedDamage] >= 15 && [BowAndCrossbowSkillTab] >= 3 // Faith
// ##### Assassin Katars ###############
[Name] == Suwayyah && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] != ethereal # [Sockets] == 3 && [EnhancedDamage] >= 10 // Chaos
[Name] == ScissorsSuwayyah && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] != ethereal # [Sockets] == 3 && [EnhancedDamage] >= 10 // Chaos
[Name] == FeralClaws && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] != ethereal # [Sockets] == 3 && [EnhancedDamage] >= 10 // Chaos
[Name] == RunicTalons && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] != ethereal # [Sockets] == 3 && [EnhancedDamage] >= 10 // Chaos
// ##### Sorceress Orbs ################
// ##### Circlets ######################
[Type] == circlet && [Quality] == superior && [Flag] != ethereal # [Sockets] == 3 && [EnhancedDefense] >= 15 // Dream
// ##### Runes #########################
//[Name] == ElRune
//[Name] == EldRune
//[Name] == TirRune
//[Name] == NefRune
//[Name] == EthRune
//[Name] == IthRune
//[Name] == TalRune
//[Name] == RalRune
//[Name] == OrtRune
[Name] == ThulRune
[Name] == AmnRune
[Name] == SolRune
[Name] == ShaelRune
[Name] == DolRune
[Name] == HelRune
[Name] == IoRune
[Name] == LumRune
[Name] == KoRune
[Name] == FalRune
[Name] == LemRune
[Name] == PulRune
[Name] == UmRune
[Name] == MalRune
[Name] >= IstRune && [Name] <= ZodRune
// ##### Gems ##########################
//[Name] == ChippedAmethyst
//[Name] == ChippedDiamond
//[Name] == ChippedEmerald
//[Name] == ChippedRuby
//[Name] == ChippedSapphire
//[Name] == ChippedSkull
//[Name] == ChippedTopaz
//[Name] == FlawedAmethyst
//[Name] == FlawedDiamond
//[Name] == FlawedEmerald
//[Name] == FlawedRuby
//[Name] == FlawedSapphire
//[Name] == FlawedSkull
//[Name] == FlawedTopaz
//[Name] == Amethyst
//[Name] == Diamond
//[Name] == Emerald
//[Name] == Ruby
//[Name] == Skull
//[Name] == Sapphire
//[Name] == Topaz
//[Name] == FlawlessAmethyst
//[Name] == FlawlessDiamond
//[Name] == FlawlessEmerald
//[Name] == FlawlessRuby
//[Name] == FlawlessSapphire
//[Name] == FlawlessSkull
//[Name] == FlawlessTopaz
//[Name] == PerfectAmethyst
//[Name] == PerfectDiamond
//[Name] == PerfectEmerald
//[Name] == PerfectRuby
//[Name] == PerfectSapphire
//[Name] == PerfectSkull
//[Name] == PerfectTopaz
// ##### Potions #######################
//[Name] == GreaterHealingPotion
[Name] == SuperHealingPotion
//[Name] == GreaterManaPotion
[Name] == SuperManaPotion
//[Name] == RejuvenationPotion
[Name] == FullRejuvenationPotion
// ##### Keys ##########################
[Name] == KeyOfTerror
[Name] == KeyOfHate
[Name] == KeyOfDestruction
// ##### Essences ######################
//[Name] == TwistedEssenceOfSuffering
//[Name] == ChargedEssenseOfHatred
//[Name] == BurningEssenceOfTerror
//[Name] == FesteringEssenceOfDestruction
[Name] == TokenOfAbsolution
// ##### Gold ##########################
[Type] == gold # [Gold] >= 5
As far as I can tell he shouldn't pick that crap up.Can anyone help me out?
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Well I’m not there all the time you know Some people, some people, some people, Call it insane, yeah they call it insane, (sugar) I play russian roulette everyday, a man’s sport, With a bullet called life, yeah called life,(sugar)