01-31-2011, 02:02 PM
heya first would like to start off by thanking those who make and supply this bot to players game might have died out long ago if it wasnt for these runners.
also since im a first timer to this site would also like to say this is a very well built site.
okay now that the praises are finished. I am new to d2nt and learning more about it every day where im a little lost on is the toon that i choose to run the bot with does the file that i edit with my charactors name come with its own equipment or do i have to get my toon equiped with the necessorary equipment before using this bot?
and if the NT file that i edit with my toons name does come equip with gear that is able to run through hell successfully with out dying, does that mean i have to remove everything from the toon prior to editing the file and running the bot?
I read many many tutorials regarding these 2 programs listed on the site but I can not find a answer to this.
any help would be appreciated since im a noob to this awesome program.
thanks in advance
also since im a first timer to this site would also like to say this is a very well built site.
okay now that the praises are finished. I am new to d2nt and learning more about it every day where im a little lost on is the toon that i choose to run the bot with does the file that i edit with my charactors name come with its own equipment or do i have to get my toon equiped with the necessorary equipment before using this bot?
and if the NT file that i edit with my toons name does come equip with gear that is able to run through hell successfully with out dying, does that mean i have to remove everything from the toon prior to editing the file and running the bot?
I read many many tutorials regarding these 2 programs listed on the site but I can not find a answer to this.
any help would be appreciated since im a noob to this awesome program.
thanks in advance