finally after 2 hours of ez coding/testing, i made it possible to pick EVRYTHNG in the countess tower which includes barrels, racks, caskets, and chests. this code is also lined with the clear lvl code so ur bot kills EVRYTHNG.
it's important that u read the stuff that has // infront of em cuz they describe wat does wat.
if you want to clear the lvls of specific monsters, go to ur NTAttack.ntl with watevr u use to code with, press and hold ctrl F and type in ignore. u'll b directed to lines of code one of them looking like this:
if(_classid >= 258 && _classid <= 263 && monster.mode == 14) // ignore submerged WaterWatchers
return false;
below this piece of code add the following:
//21-devilkin, 162-dark archer, 55-blood clan, and _classid==38 is ghosts
// this piece of code was found on another site and i IN NO WAY take full credit for this work
if( (_classid == 21 || _classid == 162 || _classid == 55) && (me.areaid >= 20 && me.areaid <= 25) ) //Ignore all in Tower except Ghosts and Countess+CountessMinions
return false;
it's important that u read the stuff that has // infront of em cuz they describe wat does wat.
if you want to clear the lvls of specific monsters, go to ur NTAttack.ntl with watevr u use to code with, press and hold ctrl F and type in ignore. u'll b directed to lines of code one of them looking like this:
if(_classid >= 258 && _classid <= 263 && monster.mode == 14) // ignore submerged WaterWatchers
return false;
below this piece of code add the following:
//21-devilkin, 162-dark archer, 55-blood clan, and _classid==38 is ghosts
// this piece of code was found on another site and i IN NO WAY take full credit for this work
if( (_classid == 21 || _classid == 162 || _classid == 55) && (me.areaid >= 20 && me.areaid <= 25) ) //Ignore all in Tower except Ghosts and Countess+CountessMinions
return false;