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help with script plz
after I extract a file and put it in a notepad what do I do?Sad
kaosme69 Wrote:after I extract a file and put it in a notepad what do I do?Sad

after you extract the files you will need to make a profile in the manager and then you will need to open the char comfig file that matches your char in some type of a txt editor
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comper Wrote:after you extract the files you will need to make a profile in the manager and then you will need to open the char comfig file that matches your char in some type of a txt editor
i did made a profile in manager and configure it but it said i didnt configure at all
and also said that I didnt do ntconfig_freespace
kaosme69 Wrote:and also said that I didnt do ntconfig_freespace

can I get you to c/p your char config file in so I can take a look at it for you
thank you
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k heres the site for my character configuration
kaosme69 Wrote:k heres the site for my character configuration character config -

1. on line 14 this - NTConfig_Script.push("ConfigCheck.ntj"); you need to // out that line like this - //NTConfig_Script.push("ConfigCheck.ntj");
2. line 349 - NTConfig_FreeSpace = 0; you need to change the 0 to a 4 like this - NTConfig_FreeSpace = 4; that is if your inventory is set right
the rest looks ok - if you need any other help let me know
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tyvm and can u tell me how to config my bot to pick up things i want? and start picking up essence and keys and hrs like that without droping it
kaosme69 Wrote:tyvm and can u tell me how to config my bot to pick up things i want? and start picking up essence and keys and hrs like that without droping it

you need to go here - D2NT\scripts\NTBot\item_configs\Master - and there will be the files that has all what the bot will and will not pick up - ever line that has // the bot will not pick up and ever line without the // the bot will pick up and keep if it matches the stats on that item
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tyvm for the help ur a nice person
kaosme69 Wrote:tyvm for the help ur a nice person

was you able to open the nip files (pickit)?
and thanks you
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yes but is there anyway to make the bot not buy keys?
kaosme69 Wrote:yes but is there anyway to make the bot not buy keys?

yes there is but it is a good ideal to have it have keys because there is a options if your inventory gets all the way full and when he goes to id items and he can not buy a id scroll it will sell one of the items to make room to buy a id scroll to id the rest of the items - which in turn could have been a good item - but down in the - General configuration part the line - NTConfig_UseKeysForPlaceHolder = true; set to false and it looks like you have the other options set to false already - stop your bot set that to false and remove the keys from your char and then restart bot and it shouldn't go buy more keys
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tyvm and srry to bother sooo much but when my bot either get curse or half way on hp it goes back to town I dont no what to do to make it stop and y doesnt it invite people to party?
kaosme69 Wrote:tyvm and srry to bother sooo much but when my bot either get curse or half way on hp it goes back to town I dont no what to do to make it stop

you have your belt set for all rv - what I would try is remove the first 2 rows of your belt and stash the rv's and add hp in the first row and mp in the 2nd row and change the codes in your char config file
the bot should drink the hp's and not go back to town that much if any at all till it's time for him to go to town - give that a try
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alright I made my first and 2nd slot hp and mp but I just want the bot to drink the rv instead of going back to town when his hp is half full and when I make public games y it wont make tp at entrance or star so people can leech and also invite people for me
kaosme69 Wrote:alright I made my first and 2nd slot hp and mp but I just want the bot to drink the rv instead of going back to town when his hp is half full and when I make public games y it wont make tp at entrance or star so people can leech and also invite people for me

with changing it to drink the hp it shouldn't go back to town unless you take a lot of damage where drinking hp can't keep up
open your char config file and down in this part - General configuration - the very first line -
NTConfig_PublicMode = false; // Enables "Public" features (Partying, Tp'ing etc). (Cannot be true while NTConfig_PartyOnlyLeader is.)
need to change that to true
in your char config file almost every line off to the right has what that line will do - it can save you some time and help you understand how to edit the file and help understand how the bot works
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ah kk ty so much and srry for being annoying its just that i'm new to this so i dont quite understand this so I'm good now Smile
kaosme69 Wrote:ah kk ty so much and srry for being annoying its just that i'm new to this so i dont quite understand this so I'm good now Smile

no you was not being annoying and was glad to help - I was just stating that to help you understand more on how the bot works and what the lines and the options were - so please if you have other questions do ask
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