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runes from hellforge
her character lvl isn'thigh enough.. why is this so hard to explain toyou
i heard that the highest rune from hellforge is GUL...
and i just got that in my last run....

also i found a VEX in pindle after 600 runs...
countess drop shit to me..
yesterday i got a UM rune from the nm soon as im in hell and i do my hoping for a vex..i will be able to make my hoto or enigma
vex isnt a rune in enigma its jah-ith-ber, and you wont get that vex from hellforge.. ive gotten many ofpindy though
no im saying that the countess's clvl may be read wrong by a maphack, think about it
no its not dude... she cant drop it just give it up
ok i'm assuming lo is the highest untill i see otherwise
I've do about 1100 countess runs a day, and I am up to about a high rune a day.
She drops ists like mad.. (9 per day).

And if you don't believe me, I'll show you my logs from d2jsp.
Whats da higest rune she drops in hell and nightmare..(answer both)
The highest rune that forge drops, is in Hell dificulty and it is a Gul rune.
I honestly have no idea the highest rune countess drops in NM. Although, since I've gotten Cham off her once in hell, I'd assume she can drop Zod.
Also does mf count on countess runs? I usualy dont use mf but I nvr really saw a difference cept she would drop some rare items
Countess drops *** items. But it's not about the items. It's about the RUNES! I'll take an ist rune off of a tal armor ANY DAY OF THE WEEK!
shes dropped a couple arreats before, but the best ive gotten off her is ist so far.
Since pindle supposedly drops good runes, like vex, ive done about..oh i dunno maybe 2k-2.5k runs and i havent gotten a single high rune.. Maybe i just got bad luck.
mf doesnt count on countess's rune drops and does ne1 have a good like 2 a countess bot? couldnt fine 1 god damn good 1
if everyone had a countess bot the economy would be ruined.
Can some1 please send me a Maphack file alrdy rdy to use. send it to me at [email protected] plz do it asap. (I realize this is off topic)
than ya wanna pmme the link? :p
I use d2jsp with countess.d2j. They both can be found at You can try to find d2jsp (for free) on other sites, but most of them contain trojans that will steal your account.

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