06-25-2004, 11:44 PM
Post From lld101.com
ok those of u who dont know there is a small feature since 1.10 came out that will ensure every drop u get is failed-set or better and without the usual gold or potions and crap like that, this is called the Quest drop.
1) All Act bosses have a Quest drop
2) Quest drops are given when any Character kills a boss, who is without the quest for it. (u do not have to get the quest to do this)
remeber u must NOT have the quest to get this and therefore the character must stay in that act to perpetually do this.
3) Quest kills are of rare or higher quality (sometimes u do get magicals bc those are failed set) u need NO mf to get this,, however mf is still checked and can help with sets and uniques
simply have a friend make a game with a charcter who has the quest for the particular boss completed (or just join a game and see if u "cannot complete"), then use the character without the quest to get the kill. Watch, as aboout 4-6 rare, set, or unique items fall from them everytime.
it is possible to do this all by yourself, you can make the game with 1 charater, quickly exit, and then re-nter with the new character. do this in under 10 seconds and it should work fine. i do this often enough to know it works.
Baal(mlvl 60) and Diablo(mlvl40) in normal are probably the best places for this (NM andy(mlvl 49) does not need this as there is already a bug for her)*
I find Baal to be my favorite.. But baal will not drop all the nice exceptionals that all u LLD wish, only up to about qlvl 40, (this is the first 2 or 3 on the list of exceptionals when u check arreat summit).
for the rest of them u need to check NM andy. or do the same quest drop trick with NM Mephisto, But keep in mind its real tough to get qlvl 45-55 (things like Nagas, harpoons, gothic bows) from NM meph to spawn with alvl 34-39 mods.
another thing i want to bring up is the popularity of circlets. (not coronets or higher)
+2 skill trees are obviously the most popular and this is alvl 40
so on a circlet u want ilvl 37+ (so killing Monsters at lvl 37 would be wise)
Diablo would be IDEAL to utilize the quest reward feature on, 1/40 kills will land u a cirlect, and its at a perfect Ilvl for LLD.
since gambling is clvl -5 to +4 u would do so at Clvl 42 to ensure u could get +2 skills everytime. since u could also get as high as ilvl 46, this yields alvl 49 mods, here is a list of the mods that would go over the 30 req
of prescision
of enlightenment (req 30 perhaps?)
of the locust
of the giant
confusion (necro needs not worry)
teleport (sorc need not worry)
twister (druid need not worry)
i do not know there exact req lvl... but on most of them i am sure they would be above 30,
note that magical only mods exist but i left them out.
another option on rare circlets is the 6 skull option. circlets are not that common, and whenever u can amass some Perfect skulls u might as well use them to there fullest LLD potential.
remeber that circlets get a +3 to their Alvl bc of thier magiclvl bonus.
this means u want to stay at the ilvl 37 during cubing
since 6 pskulls ilvl = clvl *.4 + ilvl*4
if u use a character at lvl 58 u can maintain the ilvl at 37 or 38 with a circlet from Diablo after the 2nd time in the cube.
ok those of u who dont know there is a small feature since 1.10 came out that will ensure every drop u get is failed-set or better and without the usual gold or potions and crap like that, this is called the Quest drop.
1) All Act bosses have a Quest drop
2) Quest drops are given when any Character kills a boss, who is without the quest for it. (u do not have to get the quest to do this)
remeber u must NOT have the quest to get this and therefore the character must stay in that act to perpetually do this.
3) Quest kills are of rare or higher quality (sometimes u do get magicals bc those are failed set) u need NO mf to get this,, however mf is still checked and can help with sets and uniques
simply have a friend make a game with a charcter who has the quest for the particular boss completed (or just join a game and see if u "cannot complete"), then use the character without the quest to get the kill. Watch, as aboout 4-6 rare, set, or unique items fall from them everytime.
it is possible to do this all by yourself, you can make the game with 1 charater, quickly exit, and then re-nter with the new character. do this in under 10 seconds and it should work fine. i do this often enough to know it works.
Baal(mlvl 60) and Diablo(mlvl40) in normal are probably the best places for this (NM andy(mlvl 49) does not need this as there is already a bug for her)*
I find Baal to be my favorite.. But baal will not drop all the nice exceptionals that all u LLD wish, only up to about qlvl 40, (this is the first 2 or 3 on the list of exceptionals when u check arreat summit).
for the rest of them u need to check NM andy. or do the same quest drop trick with NM Mephisto, But keep in mind its real tough to get qlvl 45-55 (things like Nagas, harpoons, gothic bows) from NM meph to spawn with alvl 34-39 mods.
another thing i want to bring up is the popularity of circlets. (not coronets or higher)
+2 skill trees are obviously the most popular and this is alvl 40
so on a circlet u want ilvl 37+ (so killing Monsters at lvl 37 would be wise)
Diablo would be IDEAL to utilize the quest reward feature on, 1/40 kills will land u a cirlect, and its at a perfect Ilvl for LLD.
since gambling is clvl -5 to +4 u would do so at Clvl 42 to ensure u could get +2 skills everytime. since u could also get as high as ilvl 46, this yields alvl 49 mods, here is a list of the mods that would go over the 30 req
of prescision
of enlightenment (req 30 perhaps?)
of the locust
of the giant
confusion (necro needs not worry)
teleport (sorc need not worry)
twister (druid need not worry)
i do not know there exact req lvl... but on most of them i am sure they would be above 30,
note that magical only mods exist but i left them out.
another option on rare circlets is the 6 skull option. circlets are not that common, and whenever u can amass some Perfect skulls u might as well use them to there fullest LLD potential.
remeber that circlets get a +3 to their Alvl bc of thier magiclvl bonus.
this means u want to stay at the ilvl 37 during cubing
since 6 pskulls ilvl = clvl *.4 + ilvl*4
if u use a character at lvl 58 u can maintain the ilvl at 37 or 38 with a circlet from Diablo after the 2nd time in the cube.
Quote:the andarial bug is more specific and also appears to be with duriel as well...it has to do with talking to an npc after doing all the quests in order.
this is documented by individuals i mentioned above (and they even traced the code that was doing it so its very legit info imo) so dont dismiss this as false.... i keep one good character like this for NM and Hell andy and i get rare or better every time. (well,, unless its failed set or gems/runes etc)
the process is.. you must complete all the quests in act 1 in the proper order
1 2 3 4 5 and then finally andarial,, as soon as u get andy u must then talk to an NPC (that usually happens anyway as u talk to warriv to go to lut) when that happens her drop is reset to the 1st kill for you.
some FAQs that i dont know
1) not sure if getting malus = quest,. u might need to also use the imbue (wich i do to be sure)
2) not sure if the person with the bug has to make game for it to work (i think yes)
3) im quite positive it must be the one with the bug activated on them who gets the kill for her to drop 1st kill
many players have expeirence what VoicesLLD is mentioning.. and it seems to be with ALL bosses...
if someone who makes the game has the quest and someone who needs quest kills, the drops on bosses are 1st kill.
this is NOT 100% trust worthy, "documented" info by code readers,
it does seem to work....i do/did that all the time on NM baal (team of me and another) and certainly was getting lots of rare or better.. its nice,, however when we tried this on hell baal it does not seem to work.
(u can even get the countess chest to open every time.. i swear i have done this)