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Piracy Is not Right!
People spend hours and hours searching for thing to make there character better.But you take all the fun away by a click of a couple of buttons you have destroyed that persons work.these aurakillers out there are hoggin the democratic pwoer of bnet.the legislative branch wil not stand 4 this.aurakillng is just wrong piracy is wrong.your downloading items that are stole nfrom other websites or scammed off of someone.its just not right!u've wreeked the benefiet of u cant make a new open charatcer wihtout worrying about being immedtiely destryoed by a 248 aura.we have 2 overload ressit and absorbs which can take up much space of your inventory and slow ur rate of joining games making it nearly impossiible 2 join any game.making your new character completely usless!i will kill that went off and shared hsi item with someother perso nwho copied it half a million times and shared it with other newbs making newbs having laughs over ppl who spent alot of time making there characters.
Captian Becard Wrote:People spend hours and hours searching for thing to make there character better.But you take all the fun away by a click of a couple of buttons you have destroyed that persons work.these aurakillers out there are hoggin the democratic pwoer of bnet.the legislative branch wil not stand 4 this.aurakillng is just wrong piracy is wrong.your downloading items that are stole nfrom other websites or scammed off of someone.its just not right!u've wreeked the benefiet of u cant make a new open charatcer wihtout worrying about being immedtiely destryoed by a 248 aura.we have 2 overload ressit and absorbs which can take up much space of your inventory and slow ur rate of joining games making it nearly impossiible 2 join any game.making your new character completely usless!i will kill that went off and shared hsi item with someother perso nwho copied it half a million times and shared it with other newbs making newbs having laughs over ppl who spent alot of time making there characters.

Cant understand all that..but why dont you just make PRIVATE in password protected...
[Image: zerosumsiggy.jpg]
Ok all I get was that ...uh... sumthing about aurakilling and piracy.
maby he is talking about open bnet
Maybe he should play on closed bnet instead then..its just the same. just with the luxury of hero editor
[Image: zerosumsiggy.jpg]
also, people should learn to speek coherently and organize their thoughts before posting
defaultstring2 Wrote:maby he is talking about open bnet
if he doesnt like all the hackers, then maybe he should get off of Open B.NetWink
Abiosis that is a freeky *** pic you got looks like some marlyn manson dude....super freaky
im tellin u dat captain is drunk
Lol the whole speech should've been more concise and less blah,blah, blah...
Piracy is not hacking... Hacking is having fun on a computer and looking at someone elses files, Piracy is illegal and its stealing from someone elses ideas computer or destroying high powered networks, Aka. Blizzard.

There I summed it up.

BTW There is nothing wrong with piracy **** the RIAA.
RIAA? whats that?
Lycshiftz Wrote:Piracy is not hacking... Hacking is having fun on a computer and looking at someone elses files, Piracy is illegal and its stealing from someone elses ideas computer or destroying high powered networks, Aka. Blizzard.

There I summed it up.

BTW There is nothing wrong with piracy **** the RIAA.

So your saying if you work for several months and then your customer refuses to pay you, you have no problem with that.
That is what piracy is..
Yeah I dont care Im in a band Its about the music not the fricken money. It pisses me off that one of my favorite band of all time started it.
umm i dont understand wut he's saying!
lol when i first read the thread title i thought this was gunna be about p2p programs and stuff like that, heh piracy, interesting topic, makes me think back to that simpsons episode, like "Lisa vs. the 10 Commandments", good episode. well, i don't know what the first dude (captain dude) is talking about, but in general we all know that piracy is back, we all acknowledge it, but we do it anyways, its just something that adds to the crazy world we live in todayWink
[Image: 2cxck74.jpg]
i dont understand you Lyschits, :S

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