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I need help
Can some1 tell me how to keep my sig pic. It shows for like a few hours then the pic goes away.
Not sure exactly what your problem is but maybe the signatures too big or somethings wrong with it.
What is ur sig, n maybe theres a mod out there to get you, closing your sig = P Just a guess
i think your just unlucky
try uploading your pic on a diff server, try d2sectors uploader:, also make sure that your sig is no bigger than i think 500 x 125 or else it won't show up, u can easily resize things if u got Photoshop or something like that,can also manually resize in MS Paint. finally, make sure that your sig doesn't contain stuff that would be considered bad for the forums (ie nudity and stuff like that), although if a mod/admin removes your sig, they would most likely note it in your sig space (ie "removed by nubli" or something like that), but since it's an "X" in a box, its most likely the server that you stored your pic on is down or something, so try out what i said in the first place.
[Image: 2cxck74.jpg]
i heard if u make a sig pic bigger then the max size its automatically reduced to the maximum size.
No idea, never had a sig, never made one (picturewise)

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