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Best Necro Build
Guys wats the current best necro build for PvM? im planning on doing a necro but dont know wat build he will be. im welcome to ur opinion. Thanks!
For pvm maybe summoner might work.
I like poisen nova Necromancers ^^

But it sucks if your going solo, since you can´t harm poisen immunes in Hell (a few in nm)
psn necros pwn
20 pts psn dagger
20 pts psn nova
20 pts psn explosion
rest in lower resist

stomps a$$
bone spirit with its sinergies,bone wall or prison
bone spirit is too good on pvp you can do more than 5k easy
psn necros are better for pvm tho
ok just get a good merc for kill poison immunes
If you makin a posion nova nec, why dont you put 1 point into lower resits my nec can kill posin immunes with lower resists casted. But he also uses Bone Spirt, idk. Here's the build if you want it.

20 Posion Nova
20 Posion Dagger
20 Posion Explosion
20 Bone Spirt
20 Bone Armor
1 Lower Resists
1 into all prequistis

He can duel, and do fine in PvM. Espically if you get Hoto, Bramble, Homunculs, Shako, Maras, 2 SOJ's, Aracnid Mesh, and Silkweave.

Well theres my 2 cents.
trangs set lowers enemies psn resist, so does psn rainbow facet
how about skeleton? will it do well in hell?
no,they will die very easy,poison nova or bone spirit is the better ones
Bone spirits is the obvious choice for pvp..but if your not that dueler kind of person then try a summoner the posoin nova necros arent very good because of psn immunes and about every mosnter in hell has 50 psn resist..
Skeletons will survive hell fine if you have good gear. If not, you just might have to teleport back to first town during a few boss fights to get reinforcements.

The main problem for any necro build in hell is dammage. It will take you FOREVER to get through the smallest battles if you don't have good gear. On the other hand, summoners are very laid back. Most of the time you just walk into a place, watch some TV and wait for your skeletons to clear the place.

If you have good gear, hell is a breeze for summoners. Diablo will still be a pain in the arse, but the other bosses dont do so well. I have lvl 37 mastery on my summoner, and I didn't lose a single skeleton to baal(i lost like 5 mages though).

Summoner is the best necro build for pvm. People will love you for your skeletons.
Yet they will also hate for the MAJOR lag you cause lo-fi internet users
wat stas should i have for a psn necro?
strenght for equipment
dexterity for block(you need it to survive)
vitality (enough for 300-600 without gear)
energy enough for cast many poison nova
iam making a poison necro on useast ladder my acc name is *TheWizKid Talk to me when ur on
What about the equipment for all the kinds of necro? Would trangs set be good or just random items that plus a lot into skills??

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