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i need help...
ok i need some help..
ive been mfing rune hunt and shit and i cant fin dANYTHING RARE!!! can someone tell me wat to wear for a cold sorc that has good mf or how to get good shit,.... caz im pissed on how i cant find anything better then a damn gaze...
ill take the gaze if u dont need it...
ken2520 Wrote:ok i need some help..
ive been mfing rune hunt and shit and i cant fin dANYTHING RARE!!! can someone tell me wat to wear for a cold sorc that has good mf or how to get good shit,.... caz im pissed on how i cant find anything better then a damn gaze...
your a cold sorc. are you a fully syng blizz sorc? if you are then try killing meph by using the moat trick. this is wear you stand on one end of the border across the durace and meph is on the other end. you fire your attacks at him, and if your far enough away, he wont fire back. just keep running meph and you willl eventually get something good.

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