07-30-2004, 01:37 PM
ok i downloaded the newest d2hackit from the post etanol wrote. i hit the loader , it says its loaded in my game. it says type .help for help menu. i type .help. says unable to find help. i want to use th tele.zip anni hack, i just dont know how to do this. do i need a different version of d2hackit? i put the whole d2hackit folder in my d2 folder and put the tele pick file in there too. i just cant get hackit to work right. can u tell me what im doin wrong? i read the previous post, and did all that stuff........ it still says unable to find command, even when i tried etanol's anim8 thingy. i gotta be missin someting. if anyone has had this problem, and fixed it please tell me whats up.