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Looking for CoH
Account: Metallica)cK(@USEast on ladder
Character: FuryTheCows-cK
Character Type: Amazon
Looking for a CoH in elite armour.

I offer Ist, 2xDol, Duriel's Shell, Aldur weapon, Ethereal Edge, and some other crap which I'll add later, if anyone at least has the CoH on USEast ladder, PM or post please.
ist is way less then coh in an elite armor.... i have like a 4 soc 588 def superior archon plate for trade though.
What runes for CoH again? Dol Um Ist Ber?
Rapta111 Wrote:What runes for CoH again? Dol Um Ist Ber?
ya those are the 4 runes, but the correct order is Dol+Um+Ber+Ist.
[Image: 2cxck74.jpg]
Thanks. Damn, a Ber rune!!??
Hey, this is what I have right now that I know for a Ber rune:

Trang armour and belt
Duriel's Shell
Lotsa 3 faster run/walk SC
Lotsa 8 FHR LC
Aldur Weap
Ethereal Edge
And some other stuff too.
just to tell u even if u give me those items i'd rather hold pots, waste of space
Adding to the list above.

Shako, 2x Gris armour, just so you know I'm giving all of this stuff for it.... =\
Still no chance.
plz us ethe correct title in the future

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