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help me please
Hey your all probly gonna get mad at me but some of thoughs links in the tutorial link thing wont open, but thats not my question my question is where can i get some visual tutorials like movies for photoshop 7.0, and do you think if i do a search on google ill find anything cause i couldnt befor mabye im adresing it wrong...please help me...
Hey i was checking out some links that jedimaster86 showed me and i was reading one of the tutorials i tried it so many times it by murderman24
I tried too do it but all mine did was come out pitch black everytime can somone explain why i did it all exactly the way he did step by step The same way. Any opinions?
you missed a step and/or steps, it works everytime i follow it, and i put as simple as i could
mabye im just dumb ill try a few more times.
If making your own isn't working out for you, you could check out the sig/ava request thread.
Not too be rude but i will never pay or ask for somone too do somthing like that for me theres no reason not that its stupid its cool but if i give up that easy then why should i even be on a computer? Computers are a complicated piece of machinery its not somthing im gonna give up on, Sorry for sounding so defencive im just not brought up too give up yeah know? Thanks for the idea though.

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