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Best dueler
I think the best dueler would have to be a trap assassin or a zealadin with a eth botd zerk. What do u think
your not suppose to make 2 threads of the same thing.....
hes making a shitload of useless dumbass threads im just pretty much ignoring most of em. anywayz trapasins are gay *** duelers they require no skill whatsoever they just plant traps and hide in em.
[Image: fuggyleetsignj8il7.jpg]
Nobody can handle the leetness of this sig.
' Wrote:Who loves orange soda?
Kel'thuzad loves orange soda!
Is it true?
True True trap assasins are gay and they are cheap duelers but they are strong in there own way but the best dueler id have to say is a foh paladin.
they tele plant traps mb at the right time and have to evade barbs from wwing and chasing them, it takes some skill
everybody have to find it out by his self. My barb was an duelz owa, butI think I know how to play barbs. My pala (zealotd) sucks in duels, but I play him since 2 weeks so it need some time, too. My highest char, my sorc, ruled them all (with orb Big Grin) cause often the duel enemys don't get full resi *lol*
Ya so don't think best char trap asn than pala and than sorc or what. just find it out by ur self
i love my hammerdin and charger for duel though
He Demonic how did u skilled ur Hammadin, so i mean stats points, I've got 50 free don't know why skill in vita cause he stands good in hell Big Grin
Hammerdin are supringsinly fun in duels Smile
hammerdins are good in duels especially with enigma, hoto, soj, etc.
Hey Guess Wat Ur All Wrong!!!! Ww Assassin Is The Best Character Out Off All!!!!! Muahahahahaha
yea id have to say i enjoy the zealers too but i have a assn and i also think their cheap but i never use her ne way so but i really sorta even though they get owned alot they r still fun 4 the ones that have weak resistances is the light zons there funnnnnn:Big Grin Smile
javazon or cold sorc

javazon bein my first pick ^_^

cold sorc (blizz/orb) bein my second :\
ww assassin are the best trap assasin get owned by babrs with 2 lightsabres and so do foh palidans but ww assasin freaking pwn

mine does 1.5k psn damage over 0.4 seconds i hit around 5 times a whirlwind lol it hurts like ***

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