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Talk of drugs, rape, racism, etc
I noticed some of you like to go off topic and start rambling on about drugs, rape, sex, racism, etc. Well just so you know, this isn't the place to discuss those things and is becoming quite annoying. Just so you know, having a marijuana leaf on your sig can be looked at as art, but talking about how good your pot is, or some chick you got drunk and had raped in her sleep, and other such talk, makes D2S look like it's inhabited by a bunch of losers and not gamers. In the future people will start losing points and/or being temp banned. If the problem continues, permanent bans will ensue. I am not doing this just to be a jerk, I'm just tired of seeing D2S littered with garbage talk that you would normally hear in prison.
i hafta agree with CheshireCat
i hafta agree with demonic
i have to quiting d2, and chesire is well to little to be a quiting d2 and quiting this site,
1.)do not give someone like chesire cat power, he cannot handle it
2.)Muderman24<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_109983", true); </SCRIPT> be more like him he knows what hes doing...
3.)you do not no anything about hacking...
4.)wow...u need a life then not to be on these forums al day
5.)you are a dorky little *****, and when ur older u will be drinking and ill bet u smoke
6.)ook...u need to mature its sad... some day ull get this shit

what a good guy then u give him so many privlages and hes a deush well see u well...never d2sector

soon to be banned and happily will be banned because half of u need something else then play d2 all day
I agree with<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_109965", true); </SCRIPT> Cheshire Cat some people think drugs and raping girls is cool.

tisk tisk...<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_109965", true); </SCRIPT>

May I ask WTF is going on?? Sorry Cat to post this here but I can't post ANYWHERE else, I can't MAKE a new thread ANYWHERE hell I can't even Edit my profile or my avatar or anything!

Why is this the only place I can post?? I can't even send a PM Whats going on!?? >_< and wheres my sig??
[Image: IROC.jpg]
Turbos don't suck, they blow!
My Car Domain
killa420 chesire cat does a good job with it so i don't know what your talking about

keep up the good work there chesire cat
hey warslut same as me wow chesire is cool not
killa420 Wrote:i have to quiting d2, and chesire is well to little to be a quiting d2 and quiting this site,
1.)do not give someone like chesire cat power, he cannot handle it
2.)Muderman24<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_109983", true); </SCRIPT> be more like him he knows what hes doing...
3.)you do not no anything about hacking...
4.)wow...u need a life then not to be on these forums al day
5.)you are a dorky little *****, and when ur older u will be drinking and ill bet u smoke
6.)ook...u need to mature its sad... some day ull get this shit

what a good guy then u give him so many privlages and hes a deush well see u well...never d2sector

soon to be banned and happily will be banned because half of u need something else then play d2 all day
1.) I can handle it fine, I'm just sick of losers like you swarming D2S.

2.) Muderman is a great mod, and has his own way of doing things, so do I.

3.) You don't know enough about me to make assumptions like that.

4.) I am NOT on these forums all day, in fact, im on here about an hour a day.

5.) I am quite a bit older than you, and yes I smoke cigarettes, and I'll have a drink once in a while, but I dont run around thinking it makes me look cool like kids your age seem to do.

6.) I am actually quite mature, I don't know where you get off telling me I'm not when you're the one getting pissy because you cant talk about your pot smoking antics.
oOo dis starting 2 be a flame thread. Cant we all jus be cool wit each other...
I like Cat I just want to know what is going on w/ my account?? >_<
[Image: IROC.jpg]
Turbos don't suck, they blow!
My Car Domain
The big cheese's Opinion:
Killa420 - Little immature boy.
CheshireCat - Mature, much older and good mod.

Simple as that. Now dont go arguing with the admin :|
Spitfire Wrote:The big cheese's Opinion:
Killa420 - Little immature boy.
CheshireCat - Mature, much older and good mod.

Simple as that. Now dont go arguing with the admin :|

Lol good reply, Spitfire! I, for one, won't argue with that. And warslut I hope your account thing gets fixed.
i agree with spit killa is an immature boy
yeap sure is
just wondering why does it matter if people smoke, that doesn't change who they are or anything, like i started smoking when i was 12 and it didn't change me (other then the fact i cant run w/o losing my breath)just cause you cant say ya i smoke weed im the best, you quit, not everyone wants to hear your little wissy fits
demonic's got a point. smokin does kinda make u distant from people, but it doesnt change u really.

(i agree wit

It doesn't. I know people that do it every chance they get, it doesn't make them bad people, it's just that D2S isn't the place to discuss those things.
yeah well my bro killed himself while smoking weed so... yeah i do think it changes people...
I love the big cheeses opinion. Couldnt have said it better myself, if only I had gotten here sooner. As for Killa420, he is only against this because, well guess what is in his name? 420. Any skater/punk/goth/druggie I know is obsessed with this, so it's only natural he would be angry. But he really doesn't know what he's saying. CheshireCat does a great job here.
why nubli you dont like punks/goths/sk8ers/druggies etc?

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