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Retribution is getting nerfed into the ground where it belongs, so I'm happy about that. I'm currently rocking my SPriest with a Haunt Lock 2v2 and we are pretty much scratching our way up. Won 9 games in a row then the enormous Arena lag wrecked our record. Ended up 11-4 by the time it was over. We're not great, but with some more gear we'll be unstoppable.

When WotLK comes out, I'm gonna level SPriest, then Prot War, then probably Enhance Shaman or Arcane Mage, and finally my Hunter. Maybe. He kinda sucks. Enhance is gonna be fun with Spirit Wolves. They last so damn long.

I just hope Blizz stops spending our WoW money on D3 and SC2 long enough to fix the arena lag. There's no reason for that crap.

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