Afide Wrote:Whenever I use the bot on my barb, I set it to frenzy.. but he will stand completely away from the monster and just frenzy. Is there anyway to make it so the bot will actually approach the monster and frenzy it? He's not killing anything....
I'm having the same problem on my Conc Barb. I'm thinking the problem is in the libs/common/NTMove script. My paladin will constantly re-teleport when his hammers are out of range, but my barbarian will not reuse teleport once he has got to his destination unless he is picking up potions/items.
Has anyone using this bot actually been able to get it to work for a Barb?
Edit: I think i figured out the source of the problem.
Here are some instructions to fix your problem:
1. Open your NTAttack file (should be in scripts\libs\common)
2. About 20 lines from the top a switch begins (Looks like: switch(NTconfig_Attackskill[i]){ )
3. insert the following code on a line between the blessed hammer switch and whirlwind switch for frenzy to work properly:
case 147: //Frenzy
_NTA_SkillRange[i] = 3;
This same method will probably work for any skill whose range is not already formatted properly. The number after case merely corresponds the the skill's id number (found at sdk\skills) and the number after SkillRange[i] = corresponds to the range of the attack. I have set to 3 because this is the absolute shortest range a melee attack can have.
LMK if this helps you.