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where is the best spot for finding ladder runes
trav and chests in mephy's durace give good runes too, i got a ko today from a chest, i know its low but it all helps
I've got ohm from a chest.. Wink

I have a friend who claims he dropped Vex from a rock in Stony Field(single player unmodded).. I know the kid IRL and I doubt he'd want to lie....
Well i was goin through with one of my friends in hell (rushin ourselves) and in act 2 i kicked a jar on accident and out poped a gul so i was happy Big Grin
wut about the anchient tunnles in act 2 (the door is in the lost city) i herd that wus good
countess can only drop vex thats it
ya so do you do hell coutess runs? i should try it
cows drops runes all the time... ive found ohm ist and a few ums and guls
trav, countess, forge, mef's council member guys are all good
I usually find cows drop a lot of runes.
sure... now i hear about cows.... they should get a cowbot soon....
countess can drop up to ist, and the mobs around the countess can drop up to zod... so its a win win situation... ^_^
the good thing about countess is that it ALWAYS drops a rune, even if it IS a el..
Any place lvl 81 or above ...see list below for locations.

MF Made easy!
Act 1 - Cave 5______________7_________39__________85________Pit Level 1_________________
Act 1 - Cave 3 Treasure_____4_________38__________83________Underground Passage Level 2
Act 1 - Cave 4 Treasure_____5_________39__________81________Hole Level 2
Act 1 - Cave 5 Treasure_____7_________40__________85________Pit Level 2
Act 1 - Crypt 1 A___________3_________37__________83________Crypt
Act 1 - Crypt 2 A___________3_________37__________85________Mausoleum
Act 1 - Tower 2_____________________________________________Forgotten Tower
Act 1 - Crypt 3 A___________7_________38Halls of the Dead Level 1
Act 2 - Tomb 2 B____________13________45__________81________Halls of the Dead Level 2
Act 2 - Tomb 3 A____________14________47__________82________Claw Viper Temple Level 1
Level 2
Act 2 - Tomb 2 Treasure_____13________45__________82________Halls of the Dead Level 3
Act 2 - Tomb 3 Treasure_____14________47__________83________Claw Viper Temple Level 2
Act 2 - Lair 1 A____________17________45__________84________Maggot Lair Level 1
Act 2 - Lair 1 B____________17________45__________84________Maggot Lair Level 2
Act 2 - Lair 1 Treasure_____17________46__________85________Maggot Lair Level 3
Act 2 - Sewer 2 A___________17________46__________85________Ancient
Act 3 - Kurast 2____________22________52__________81________Kurast Bazaar_______________
Act 3 - Kurast 3____________23________52__________81________Upper Kurast________________
Act 3 - Kurast 4____________24________53__________81________Kurast Causeway_____________
Act 3 - Travincal___________24________54__________82________Travincal___________________
Act 3 - Spider 1____________21Level 1__________
Act 3 - Dungeon 1 B_________21________51__________81________Swampy Pit Level 2__________
Act 3 - Dungeon 2 A_________22________51__________81________Flayer Dungeon Level 1______
Act 3 - Dungeon 2 B_________22________51__________82________Flayer Dungeon Level 2______
Act 3 - Dungeon 1 Treasure__21________51__________82________Swampy Pit Level 3__________
Act 3 - Dungeon 2 Treasure__22________51__________83________Flayer Dungeon Level 3______
Act 3 - Sewer 1_____________23________52__________84________Sewers Level 1______________
Act 3 - Sewer 2_____________24________53__________85________Sewers Level 2______________
Act 3 - Temple 1____________23________53__________84________Ruined Temple_______________(In Kurast Bazaar)
Act 3 - Temple 2____________23________53__________84________Disused Fane________________(In Kurast Bazaar)
Act 3 - Temple 3____________23________53__________84________Forgotten Reliquary_________(In Upper Kurast)
Act 3 - Temple 4____________24________54__________85________Forgotten Temple____________(In Upper Kurast)
Act 3 - Temple 5____________24________54__________85________Ruined Fane_________________(In Kurast Causeway)
Act 3 - Temple 6____________24________54__________85________Disused Reliquary___________(In Kurast Causeway)
Act 3 - Mephisto 1__________25________55__________83________Durance of Hate Level 1_____
Act 3 - Mephisto 2__________25________55__________83________Durance of Hate Level 2_____
Act 3 - Mephisto 3__________25________55__________83________Durance of Hate Level 3_____
Act 4 - Town________________________________________________The Pandemonium Fortress____
Act 4 - Mesa 1______________26________56__________82________Outer Steppes_______________
Act 4 - Mesa 2______________26________56__________83________Plains of Despair___________
Act 4 - Mesa 3______________27________57__________84________City of the Damned__________
Act 4 - Lava 1______________27________57__________85________River of Flame______________
Act 4 - Diablo 1____________28________58__________85________Chaos Sanctum
Expansion__________________________________________________ _____________________________
Act 5 - Town________________________________________________Harrogath___________________
Act 5 - Barricade 1_________25________59__________81________Rigid Highlands_____________
Act 5 - Barricade 2_________26________60__________81________Arreat Plateau______________
Act 5 - Ice Cave 1__________29________61__________82________Crystalized Cavern Level 1__(Crystalline Passage)
Act 5 - Ice Cave 1A_________29________61__________83________Cellar of Pity______________(Frozen River)
Act 5 - Ice Cave 2__________29________61__________83________Crystalized Cavern Level 2__(Glacial Trail)
Act 5 - Ice Cave 2A_________29________61__________84________Echo Chamber________________(Drifter Cavern)
Act 5 - Barricade Snow______27________60__________81________Tundra Wastelands___________(Frozen Tundra)
Act 5 - Ice Cave 3__________29________62__________82________Glacial Caves Level 1_______(Ancient's Way)
Act 5 - Ice Cave 3A_________29________62__________83________Glacial Caves Level 2_______(Icy Cellar)
Act 5 - Mountain Top________37________68__________87________Rocky Summit________________(Arreat Summit)
Act 5 - Temple Entrance_____32________63__________83________Nihlathaks Temple___________
Act 5 - Temple 1____________33________63__________83________Halls of Anguish____________
Act 5 - Temple 2____________34________64__________84________Halls of Death's Calling____(Halls of Pain)
Act 5 - Temple Boss_________36________64__________84________Halls of Vaught_____________
Act 5 - Hell 1______________39________60__________81________Hell1_______________________(Abaddon)
Act 5 - Hell 2______________39________61__________82________Hell2_______________________(Pit of Acheron)
Act 5 - Hell 3______________39________62__________83________Hell3_______________________(Infernal Pit)
Act 5 - Baal Temple 1_______39________65__________85________The Worldstone Keep Level 1_
Act 5 - Baal Temple 2_______40________65__________85________The Worldstone Keep Level 2_
Act 5 - Baal Temple 3_______42________66__________85________The Worldstone Keep Level 3_
Act 5 - Throne Room_________43________66__________85________Throne of Destruction_______
Act 5 - World Stone_________43________66__________85________The Worldstone Chamber

Furthermore, all areas with level 83 or 84 are also very interesting for "Magic Find" of Elite items, because the lower boss monsters and their minions reach level 86 and 87 respectively here, and champion monsters level 85 and 86. All these high-level areas are also very well suited to level up advanced characters, because the amount of experience points gained per killed monster depends, among other things, of their level. By the way, to find the highest rune in the game, the ZOD rune, normal monsters have to be just level 81 since patch 1.10 or, in other words, come from an area that is level 81 or higher.
Want the rest of this guide look here
yeah, but zod isnt the rune worth the most, is it? i thought cham/ber/vex were worth more anyways.
cham,ber,jah,vex,ohm are usually the top priced runes.... jah n ber are because there are usually 2x as many casters then meleers whenever i enter games even though jah+ber are duped the most.

back to topic: i seem to find good runes from pindle, shenk can drop zod, and some of the act bosses or quest bosses are good for runes, coldworm is the best for dropping Lo i hear, and blood raven is the best for vex
I was gonna say Blood raven was an ez kill lol she is lvl 82 i think so she can drop pretty good shit.
[Image: fuggyleetsignj8il7.jpg]
Nobody can handle the leetness of this sig.
' Wrote:Who loves orange soda?
Kel'thuzad loves orange soda!
Is it true?
[Image: fortune.jpg]
nm and hell hellforges work nicely
do u guys know whether any of the countess' minions have cold immunes, cause im too lazy to go on right now to find out.
yes countess minions are cold immune and the countess is always cold+fire immune
Silver did you hero-editor that? There is no way you got that many ists and ums lol

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