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come and speak your mind
#1 last thread was closed cause it got way off topic ((sry pam)) so i am making a more general topic so come and say what you want start a topic and we will talk about it for a week or so....then we MUST start a new topic, its like a debate sort of,.... if the speaking gets stale i will start a new topic if ppl start getting violent over the topic i will change it if ppl continue i will get a moderator and kick the antagonist out.
I think bush and kerry are equally bad candidates for this election and both could just as easily bring america down. ill give reasons later if ppl respond to this.
[Image: fuggyleetsignj8il7.jpg]
Nobody can handle the leetness of this sig.
' Wrote:Who loves orange soda?
Kel'thuzad loves orange soda!
Is it true?
I would love to hear some reason, i believe bush would make a better president then kerry but im not saying if i could vote i would vote for bush there are lots of topics to discuss about this.
[Image: bestsigzt2.jpg]
too many and its been talked alot in current events
i agree.. both candidates suck. id rather have bush currently.. because he has smart people backing him. Who knows thou. i could be considered 'Undecided'
either choice we're screwed. they havent kept their word...then again does politics keep their word 100%...doubtful but thats because they are all friggin monkies.
as it stands we can only have one of them unless we want to vote for the tree hugging hippies ie: nader but even then hes only trying to screw over the democrats i doubt that he has any real political veiws i personally would go for kerry but i still havent picked a party for my self so im still undecided and the reason for me picking kerry is i want some one else handeling war time b/c Bush only planned for war not for peace and the insurgency, if you watched the news today we have the armored hummers and body armou but not other vidal supplies whic is being covered BY THE FAMLIES OF THE TROOPS not bush or the government

I think Bush is addicted to power don't you?
no but i definetly beleive he is manipulated into doing things by his cabinet and out side influences
You all realise there are several other places to talk politics right?
though most of u i agree there is some reason a chick should be pres. most are kind hearted and keep on track un like jackass bush and gay kerry who dihonored the military by throwing his ribbions in a fire just speaking my mind this isn`t to make enone mad.
i agree we should have a female sister for example is one of the most well organized cool tempered and all around responsible person and would be a wonderful president...hopefully soon well will get to see one
we cant have a female president because there are too many god damn sexist jokes about women and i doubt anyone would take her seriously unless she was able to order people around. but then again there are too many idiots out there that wouldnt listen.
um thats pretty sexist in itself.... i take a whole bunch of women seriously i mean dont you take your teacher seriuosly? i know i would be excited to see a women run for president and win. only cause who knows how they can do things in office i think a women has good chances of running and winning

ok now aroun 6:38 i heard the new bin laden tape... this time he definetly did seemed as if he was warning us of an impeding danger not caused by him or al queda weird i dont think hes plannig anything but it deffinetly seemed a a messeage about something else...what does everyone think
i think ur right id take it serously just to be on the safe side just keep an open eye. i may not know what will happen when or where specificly
there has been a women(singular) that ran in the primaries but did not win shame really.....i think any women would be suited yes even mrs. clinton
woman is singular just to let u know, same with "there was a man" and im talking about how most people dont find women to be leaders or dont really take them very seriously
i know it was singular bt for those who didnt for anyreason and out of habit and i feel that women would do a much better job in office then men
The only problem with a female President is that other country's look at women as livestock or a commodity that has no say or pull, although I think the U.S. is at least past that (except the South).
good point, made me laugh too.

ok so i think this thread is a contradiction in its self asking people to speak their mind then talking about a certain subject....

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