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Sorceress Guides
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Welcome to Voltage's Relitavely COMPLETE All-Around Fire Sorc Guide. (rush, pvm, pvp, mf)


Strength: 93
Dexterity: 75
Energy: Enough to have 500 mana without gear on
Vitality: Remainder


Max Firebolt - Synergy + Presquite to fireball
Max Fireball - Main form of attack
10 Fire Mastery - Adds more damage
Max Frozen Orb - Backup for when you run into nasty Fire Immunes
1 Warmth - The points in this will jump with all your gear
1 Static Field - Very Beneficial skill for weakening bosses
1 Shiver Armor - Can't beat the extra def
1 Tele - Gotta get around places
5 Cold Mastery - Adds to the power of Frozen Orb (Great in Hell)
5 Meteor - Great Area Damager


-----Rich People Gear-----
Armor - Skullders Ire (Socketed with Ist/Ptopaz)
Helmet - Harlequin's Crest (Socketed with Ber rune)
Gloves - Frostburn, Chance Guards, or Magefist
Belt - Glooms Trap, Arachnids
Boots - War Travellers
Rings - Dual SoJ's
Amulet - Maras Kaleidescope
Weapon - Wizardspike (Socketed with resist jewel) and Occulus (with Ist) on switch
Shield - Stormshield (with Ist) or Lidless Wall (with Ist)

-----Not-So-Rich People Gear-----
Armor- 4+ socket armor (sockets filled with Ptopaz)
Helmet - Tarnhelm (socket Ptopaz)
Gloves - Any gloves with FCR, MF, and/or Resistances
Belt - Goldwrap
Boots - Any boots with MF and resistances
Rings - Dual Nagelring/1 Nagelring + Resistance Ring
Amulet - Anything similar to Maras
Weapon - A good orb such as + to skills, MF, and resistance
Shield - Rhyme shield (very easy to get runes for, great mods)

Overall look at Gear

What You're really aiming here for gear is alot of resistances, a fair amount of +skills, and MF. Other mods such as +energy, +mana, and +vitality, +life are very wonderful as well, and will work fine.


In this area, i'll explain the following:

1. What Merc?
2. What equipment should I get for my Merc?
3. Where should I lvl up my Merc?

--1.-- For a merc, we're gonna get a holy freeze merc, they'll slow down enemies, rendering them very easy to aim at with Meteor and Fireball.

--2.-- The gear for a merc shouldn't be overall hard to find. some very good items for a merc should be:
Armor: Corpsemourn / Atmas wail (both have great mods for a merc)
Weapon: Bonehew Ogre Axe (the 50% chance to cast lvl 16 bone spear on striking is GREAT!)
Helm: Steel Shade (great def)

For the Poor People
Armor: Skin of the Flayed One (decent def, some okay mods)
Weapon: Pierre Tombale Couante (very awesome merc weap)
Helm: Crown of Thieves (great resists on this)

--3.-- Generally, you should lvl up a merc at places such as cows, baal minions, or just out in the wilderness. Pretty much, you're aiming for places with lots of enemies that your merc can kill generally quick.


Bones for some pointers
Phuck_LegitZ for some skill mistakes
And Myself for spending time to type this


Here we go. Everyone has a preferred MF class, but to be honest Fire/Cold Sorceress are the most popular. Duel tree is easier to level up, but slower on the kill. Fire is good enough, but you simply do not have the speed of Cold.

Use this build correctly, with the right equipment and you'll be able to kill Mephisto, Mephisto's Council Members and Pindle in less than two minutes. Without compromising your killing ability you'll get over 600% Magic Find, which in 1.10 is the bomb.

This section is pretty obvious to be honest. She's pure cold

Frozen Armour: 1 Point
Shiver Armour: 1 Point
Use whichever of these you think is best. You get better Defence bonus from Shiver Armour, but Frozen Armour freezes your attacker for a second or two. But don’t waste more than a point on them, as you just won’t be taking that much damage.

Ice Bolt: 1 Point
Ice Blast: 20 Points
Glacial Spike: Use your leftovers here
Ice Blast will be your killer. You'll get just over 2000 damage, plus all the Synergistic bonuses to and from Blizzard will help you. The only reason to put any further points in Glacial Spike will be for the Blizzard synergy bonus.

Frost Nova: 1 Point
Blizzard: 20 Points
Frozen Orb: 20 Points
Cold Mastery: 20 Points
This is pretty obvious really. Blizzard will be your killer; with just under 3000 damage to its name, you’ll see the big bad drop like flies. Frozen Orb takes a backup role, as you won’t really need it that much, once you’re levelled up. Cold Mastery is a basic no-brainer.

Warmth: 1 Point
Telekinesis: 1 Point
Teleport: 1 Point
The one point in Warmth will give you over 100% Mana Regen once you get your +skills equipment on, so it’s well worth doing. Teleport is just plain obvious.

This is all fairly simple:

Strength: 93
Dexterity: 25
Vitality: All leftovers
Energy: 210

Here’s where the fun begins. Some of this equipment is pretty rare, and expensive to get hold of, but there are always more common alternatives, if you don’t mind losing some Magic Find.

Helm: Harlequins Crest (Socketed with perfect Topaz)
Weapon A: The Oculus (Socketed with Ist rune)
Shield A: Socketed shield with four Ist runes.
Weapon B: Wizardspike
Shield B: Lidless Wall
Belt: Tal Rasha’s Fine Spun Cloth
Armour: Tal Rasha’s Guardianship (Socketed with perfect Topaz)
Gloves: Chance Guards
Boots: War Travellers
Amulet: Tal Rasha’s Adjudication
Ring One: Nagelring
Ring Two: Nagelring
You’ll be wearing three items from Tal Rasha’s Set so you’ll get an additional 65% Magic Find on the partial bonus. Provided you use your socket quests right, you’ll get 74% on your helm, 112% on your armour, 15% on your belt, 40% from your gloves, 50% from your boots, 75% from your Oculus, 100% from your shield and 60% from your rings. If you had perfect Magic Find on all your items you’d get 591% without including your charms.


Normal: This is probably your biggest challenge, but it’s also the easiest to get rushed through. Just in case your lost, I’ll give you a quick run down of this. Act One is easy, just have to kill Andariel. Act Two you need to get the cube, and the two pieces of the staff from the Maggot Lair and the Claw Viper Temple. Once you have this you need to do the Arcane Sanctuary and go through The Summoner red portal. You won’t be able to TP into Tal Rasha’s Tomb, so you’ll have to walk. Kill Duriel and away you go. Act Three is a little quicker, but involves some game juggling. Get whoever is rushing you to make a game, and go to the Travincial, provided the guy who’s rushing you has killed Mephisto you can just walk down into the Durance. Get the WP, then quit and make the game yourself. Walk to Mephisto from the WP and kill him. Act four is easy, just kill Diablo.

Once you’re in Act 5, you need to go back to the beginning and level up some more. You and a friend with a decent character should join a game with eight players in and clear out the following areas, depending on what level your on:

Less than level 15: Catacombs in Act One
Level 16 to 19: Sewers in Act Two, then Arcane Sanctuary
Level 20-24: River of Flame in Act Four, then Diablo’s Minions

Once you hit level 24, get some help killing the Ancients, and this well push you to level 25. At this point you can start doing normal Baal runs. Get a nice group and you’ll be level 40 in no time, you can push to level 50, but beyond this it gets a little sluggish. While your doing this you’d of started to wear most of your exceptional gear. Remember not to waste any points, and they are pretty precious. When our ready kill Baal, and move on to Nightmare.

Nightmare: You will basically kick a$$ in Nightmare. You should have levelled your Frozen Orb and Cold Mastery to at least level 15 each by now. Run through this on your own, and with MapHack you’ll get to nightmare Baal runs in about four or five hours. This is where you will be at your best. You will be able to make and control Baal runs, by teleporting yourself. Baal run yourself to level 71, so you can wear all your gear before you move on to hell difficulty.

Okay, here’s where I explain why you’re carrying a Wizardspike. Switch to your Wizardspike and Lidless Wall and teleport to Mephisto. The reason for the weapon switch is that because your not wearing full Tal Rasha’s set you don’t get that much Faster Cast Rate, so teleporting though Durance on hell can get a little wacky. With high FCR you’ll have no problems. Once there, just teleport over to wake him up, then teleport back over onto the left platform, (as per the below picture) where you can stand far enough away so that you can Blizzard and Ice Blast him without him attacking you back. Don’t forget to switch your weapons back to your Oculus. Depending on where the Council Members are, you may take some Hydra fire while doing this, don’t worry, they won’t kill you. If you feel the need finish them off with a few well placed Blizzard shots. They usually drop better than Mephisto, so try and kill them every time.

[Image: screenshot.jpg]

Provided he isn’t Cold Immune he will die in seconds, but don’t expect him to drop anything special on a regular basis. But for the seconds it takes, once in a while he will surprise you with something nice. To avoid his Undead monsters coming up to you from behind, when you enter Pindle’s room, back right up against the wall to the left of the door, then they won’t see you.

So that’s it, you might be able to get more Magic Find, if you sacrifice killing speed, and you might kill the bosses faster if you sacrifice MF, but this is a nice happy medium that’s worked well for everyone who’s used it. Your resists suck, and a PVP’er will only have to look at you and you’ll drop dead in an instant, but what she can do is Magic Find her little heart out, and bring you all kinds of riches in the process. I have attached the .d2s file zipped up to this thread, to test this build out single player simply download it and place it in your Program Files\Diablo II\Save directory.

Attached Files
.zip (Size: 897 bytes / Downloads: 2,314)
4sylum's MF Fire Sorc Guide

Strength: Enough to wear armor
Dexterity: If you plan on using a shield for good blocking, enough for high block. if not, none.
Vitality: alot, the rest goes here
Energy: somewhere between 170-200

(follow in this order for better lvling)
20 meteor
20 Fire mastery
20 fireball
20 firebolt
(put some points into fire ball and fire bolt untill you get to meteor)

Somewhere in there put 1 into teleport, energy shield, and a cold armor of your choice

also somewhere along the line put as many points in warmth as needed


Helmet - LowTongueeasant Crown
Medium:Lore helm(ort + sol)
HighTonguetopaz Shako

Armor - Low:Skin of Viper Magi
High:Tal Armor(when combined with belt and Amulet it has high MF)

Weapon - Low:Occulus
Medium: Gull Dagger
High: Ist+Ist Blade of AliBaba

Shield - Low:Lidless Wall
Medium:Splendor Shield(Eth+Lum)
High:Rhyme Shield (Shael+Eth)

Belt - Low:String of Ears
High:Tal Rasha's belt(when combined with Amulet and armor it has high MF)

Rings - Low:MF magic rings
Medium:Non-Perfect Nagelrings
HighTongueerfect Nagelrings

Amulet - Low:Skills ammy
Medium:MF Magic/Rare Amulet
High:Tal rasha's Amulet(when combined with belt and armor it has high MF)

Boots - Low:MF magical boots
Medium: Cow Kings Boots
HighTongueerfect War Travelers

Gloves - Low:Magefists
Medium:MF Magical Gloves
High: Perfect Chance Guards

Get alot of MF Small Charms
If ladder get Gheeds Fortune Grand Charm

*Tip* for combat and teleporting, it is always good to have tal orb in secondary weapons and tal helm ready so you can switch back to your MF items when MF'ing*
Frozen Orb Sorc: by Yazzi

All around frozen orb sorc (mostly questing/rush, but still good at pvp)

rest into life as you lvl so by lvl 85 you should have about 250 into vitality.

Skill Tree:
Add 5 into ice bolt as a prerequisite and as a synergy. Add 1 to frozen armor. Add 1 to shiver armor. (You will use shiver armor as your cold armor because it gives the highest defense bonus). 1 into each of the prerequisites for frozen orb, saving as many skill points as you can. Add 1 into teleport, static field, and energy shield, filling in the prerequisites as you go. When you reach level 30, simultaneously add points into frozen orb and cold mastery as long as you can (saved skill points come into play here). Kill baal in norm when frozen orb is maxed. (sorcs can easily norm baal until lvl 50). Then max out cold mastery before maxing out ice bolt as a synergy of frozen orb. Congrats! You're lvl 65 or so and done maxing you main skill! As you lvl put 1 into thunderstorm as you will use this in pvp for a quick stun. Then follow the fire tree down teh right hand side adding 5 into hydra and 3 into fire mastery. Add the rest of your points into any skill of your choice but I suggest shiver armor because it gives crazy insane defense bonus. (my sorc wears a piece of armor with 500 def and has 6k def with this).

Rich People
Helm- Perfect Nightwings socketed with a 5/5 cold facet
Armor-COH with str req of 80 or below
Gloves-Upgraded Frostburns (frostburns+shael+tal+p diamond)
Rings-2 sojs (or caster rings)
Boots-War Travs, Sandstorm, or Imp Shanks
Weapon #1- Hoto/Splendor
Wepon #2- 2 isted ali babas/milabregas (for a quick mf boost)

Medium People
Helm- 'Um' Shako or Shako with 5/5 cold facet
Armor- Cold Ormus with plus to t-storm (as hydra and frozen orb can't be here)
Gloves-Frost burns
Rings-2 sojs or 2 nagels
Weapon #1-Occulus/Splendor
Weapon #2- Alibabas/Milabregas or Lidless

Poor People
Helm-Regular Shako
Armor-Skin of the Vaper Magi/Ormus Robes
Rings-Nagels/resist rings
Belt-String of Ears
Boots-Sandstorm Treks
Weapon #1- Occulus/lidless
Weapon #2- Good sorc item/Lidless

The Rich Person equipment can easily do 1.5k orb damage which is sick. You'll be able to bring down a group of pit lords in hell in the chaos sanctuary in one hit.
Even equipped as a medium person, this sorc can easily do 900 orb damage which is insane considering each orb shoots off between 50-75 spikes (who can actually count?)
A poor person's sorc will still be a good quester and can take down a group of hell pit lords in the chaos sanctuary in 3 or 4 orbs.
Siluru's Blizzard Sorc PvP


Strength: 53

Dexterity: 25

Vitality: Everything else

Energy: 80


20 Blizzard

20 Icebolt

20 Iceblast

20 Glacier Spike

1 Warmth

1 Telekinesis

1 Teleport

Rest in Cold Mastery


*The items listed will be pretty expensive*

Weapon1: Heart of the Oak *Preferably +40 Resist, but any will do*

Shield1: Stormshield *Socketed with a -15% Requirement // +15 All Resist Jewel

Weapon2: Call to Arms *Preferably +6 BO // BC, but any will do.

Shield2: Lidless *+1 skill, boosts BO // BC*

Helm: Nightwings *Preferably perfect 15% - socket with Cold Facet to get 20%*

Armor: 15% Cold 3 Blizzard Ormus' Robes *Socket with Cold Facet to get 20%*

Belt: Arachnids

Gloves: Magefists *Preferably upgraded for more defence*

Ammy: Armageddon Fletch

Rings: Stone of Jordan // Stone of Jordan

Boots: Silkweaves


9x 20 Life 17 Mana SC's

7x 1 Cold 6 Strength Grand Charms

3x 1 Cold 35-40 Life Grand Charms

1x Annihlus *20 Stats is a MUST*

*Note: If you do not have a 20 stat annihlus you will need to put extra stats into strength*
Melee Sorcy Guide: by HEYman

20 Enchant
20 Fire Mastery
20 Telekinis
15-20 Energy Sheild
Enough Strength for items
Enough dex for max block...155 or so
Rest into vitalty
50 energy
Beast Bezerker Axe
Stormsheild Monarch
Mara's (Or Angelic Ammy)
2XSoj (Or 2XAngelic Rings)
Sandstorm Treks
Thundergod's Vigor

To level get an act2 defensive Merc as soon as possible, and leech off of him
1-10 questing in act1
11-15 tristam
16-20 tomb runs or arcane runs (I Suggest Tomb Runs)
21-24 cows
24-25 Ancients
26-40 Norm Baal
41-70 Nightmare Baal
70-99 Hell Baal or Anything Else

P.S. This sorc can also be used to help level your low level characters by casting echant on them..

Sorc Guide: by .hack//virus

Ok heres the idea..... you want a sorc with lots of mana big es and big telek. the reason is sorcs dont get bonus vitality and get lots of bonus mana so it only makes sence to put ur points into mana. and its fun to try.

str: enough to use gear
dex:none or enough to use gear
vit:enough to survive at low lvls


energy shield:20

the rest is up to you i chose fo and didnt like it after i hit hell. so try atack spells.

gear: ok heres a big 1 youll need gear that has dmg reduction and magic dmg reduction and as mutch + to skill as possible. godly is lvl 40 es and telek so you will be rederecting 95% dmg to mana. now y telek you say ? ok heres y with lvl 1 telek and lvl 40 es you take 100 dmg (95% dmg to mana) you take 5 dmg and ur mana takes not 95 dmg but 190 dmg. telek is a synergy to es that reducse the dmg to mana ratio at lvl 40 telek your mana will take 0.75 per 1 dmg so if you get hit for 100 you take 5 and ur mana takes 71.25 (insted of 190). now thats y + to skill gear is essential. the dmg reduction gear is essential because your only taking 5 dmg with max es so if you have dmg reduction of 30 max es and telek you will have to take 600 dmg just to lose 5 hp and sence where putting alota pts into mana it will go back up fast enough to take some hits and heep going.

now the cons: mana burn will **** you up, psn will get past the es and blood mana will **** you off.

so try my energy sorc out and have fun!
written by .Hack//Virus or "Dark" leader of the Dark_Black Clan
POL-Guardian’s PVP Fire Sorc Guide: by POL-Guardian

This is my first ever guide, so please leave a post saying what you think.
Its best to have one element on a PVP Sorceress as it is easier to build a powerful Character.

Skill Tree
Fire Ball 20
Fire Bolt 20
Meteor 20
Fire Mastery 20
Teleport 1
Frozen Armour 1
Energy Shield 1
Thunder Storm 1

Strength- Enough for armour
Dexterity- None
Vitality- Leftovers
Energy- Enough mana to have 550 without items

Poor people-Peasants War Hat

Rich people-Shako (Socket with a fire rainbow facet)

Poor people-Skin of vipermagi

Rich people-Ormus robes (Socket with a fire rainbow facet)

Poor people- Occlus

Rich people- Perfect Eshcutas (Both socket with a fire rainbow facet)

Poor people-Lidless wall

Rich people- Four socketed Monarch Shield with fire facets

Poor people-Maras kaleidoscope

Rich people-Tal Rasha Amulet

2x Sojs (it’s the only ring really

Poor people- Goldwrap

Rich people- Arachnid

Poor people- Frostburn

Rich people- Magefist

Poor people-Silkweave

Rich people-Waterwalk

The best places to level are from 0-8- Blood Moor to Stony Field, 8-15- Tristram to level 13 then Catacombs to 15, 15-20 Arcaine Sanctuary and Tal Rasha Tombs, 20-25 Normal Cows, 25-45 Normal Baalruns, 45-75 Nightmare Baalruns, 75-99 Hell Baalruns.
Blizz Sorc by: BurNin raVe







20-Ice Bolt

[i]20-Ice Blast

20-Glacial Spike


rest in - Cold Mastery


1-Energy Shield

1-Thunder Storm (for fireworks, low lvl cold immunes)

1-Chilling Armor and shiver armor

should add up to around 110[/i]

-edited by rapta111


Mf Gear Sorc--

Helm:Shako w/ P Topaz

Gloves:40 Chancies

Boots:50 War Travs

Belt:Tal Rasha Mesh Belt

Amulet:Tal Rasha Adjucation

Armor:Tal Armor

Weapon:Occy w/ist


--Pure Blizzard Sorcs

Helm: Nightwing Veil (perfect)

Gloves: Magefist


Belt: Arach or Snowclash

Amulet:+3 Cold Skills Amulet with FC mod

Armor:Chains of Honor or Skullders

Weapon: Death Fathom


Overall Look Of Gear:

If you have collected and put on all this gear you should be able to hit off 5-6k blizzard each time and you should get a +13 Skill boost from all items if you have followed this.


If I were to choose a merc I would pick the act 2 one from nightmare (defensive) or a barbarian which ever you choose:

Helmet: Gaze 8/8 with 20% dr would be good enough for your merc

Armor:Stone or if you can't afford ETH carapace or something with DR

Weapon: Act 2 Merc: Eth Tomb Reaver

Act 5 Merc: 250% Grandfather CB

Boss Strategies:


Eliminate all monsters around her (any cold immunes lure them away to a corner and tele away)

Lure her out and dodge her poison moves. When she attacks you with her melee dodge it and attack with a blizzard. Repeat and eventually you'll kill her.


Teleport into him and lure him down till you get to the red portal. Teleport onto the ledge and attack (if he hits you thats a signal to back off a little).


If you have ever ran JHJ's pindle bot teleport to the spot. If you haven't used it teleport across the field until u reach the temple. On your left there should be a wall go there and attack from the wall.


There your done (at last) to making your ultimate blizz sorc... Have fun and keep it cool Cool
Alright, still being bored of regular builds, and after looking at silver's tesladin and Trance's ES whore, I decided to try something new. She is called a Telemental Sorc.

Here is how it works.

Pumped up mana allows you to tank quite a few hits. The 110% FCR bp is all you need for this build, because you can chase down just about anything. The res is sort of low, so all you have to do is tele and not get hit.

Stats -
Str - Enough for Gear ( USE 20 STR RINGS AND AMMYS)
Dex - None
Vit - 150
Nrg - Rest

Skills (max in this order)
Lightning Mastery
Energy Shield

I also put 1 point into a cold armor and 1 point into warmth at the beginning, just so I don't die right away.

Gear - (This is where it all goes to hell Wink)
Helm - Dream Diadem
Shield - Dream Troll nest or Monarch
Armor - Perfect Up'd Um'd Viper
Belt - Arach
Weapon - 5/5 faceted p lit eschutas
Ring 1 - 10 fcr 20str ring
Ring 2 - 10 fcr 20str ring, or SOJ
Gloves - Magefists or Frostburns
Boots - Travs or Treks
Ammy - +3 lit skills w/ str or +2 lit skills w/ str + mana (I use a +2 with 28str and 74 mana)

Inventory -
10x lit gcs (customize to get the highest FHR bp possible)
1x Anni
9x 5res/20life or Mana scs

Weapon - Ethereal Cryptic Axe Infinity
Armor - Ethereal Archon Plate Dragon
Helm - Ethereal Bone Visage Dream


Tele. Your merc's auras and yours combined will take out anything or anyone rather quickly. The only problem you'll have is pvm in hell, because of your low res and low damage.

This has been another build brought to you by PANTALLICA.

"this build has been moved to the sorceress section. thank you for your contribution." (silver_ice1212)
[Image: pantoj9.jpg]
Good idea, but do you really need to max warmth? Couldn't you instead get a decent attack spell?
3KeYz Wrote:Good idea, but do you really need to max warmth? Couldn't you instead get a decent attack spell?

Problem with that is that all the lightning attack skills have like 324234 synergies. The damage wouldn't be that high anyway.

I max warmth cause it means you can tank THAT MUCH MORE with nrg shield.

I'll post a window with her stats in a second.
[Image: pantoj9.jpg]
[Image: Dreamsorc.jpg]Here it is
[Image: pantoj9.jpg]
nice pant, is that in hell mode? coz if it is the res isn't so bad.
Yeah, it's hell. I haven't got all my res sc's yet... those are small vitas.
[Image: pantoj9.jpg]
[Image: OwnedNubs.jpg]
[Image: pantoj9.jpg]
hehe nice, this weekend i'm gonna play. see if we can duel again?
Sure. I should be level 90 by then.

BTW, This sorc is also very good for Countess, Eldritch and Shenk botting. That's what I'm doing now Smile
[Image: pantoj9.jpg]
looks cool

what is the shield u are using?
Dream, made it in a troll nest.
[Image: pantoj9.jpg]

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