10-14-2005, 01:22 AM
ok well l i recently encountered a problem with d2sector which before the update was done to it. You could reply to a thread and if no one replyed after you you could do a quick reply and it would go in your last post instead of making a new one. Well this being i did not know that it changed and i went to make a quick reply and it made a double post even i edited the post and said sorry mods. i guess i should of just hit edit. cuase i did not know that they changed it well i got a warning with 2 points from skidude which in turn it says on p/m that if you have any disputes p/m back well i gave him a day to work it out with me and still no p/m back seening as its my first warning that i would of taking back but seeing as i cant take a post off. I think he could of resloved it. So it dosent make me too happy to be here seeing as i have tried to help people and i have given a few free thing to people in game and i am still freind with them in the game. And i have never talked bad about anyone. So this will be my last post thanks go out to foog for my sig and slimp for the free account to help me out. and anyone else out there that helped me in anyway. its been fun. Thanks for all you guys help. And i know this will probley get flamed but oh well i wont be here to see it.