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Greatest Bands/Artists ever
lol running outta patience?? and ur telling me to cool my jets lol

either way in my OPINION i think metal is better than hendrix or zepplin

hey trogdor i wonder how many posts ive done today lol (inside joke thing)
You've done enough to deplore all the hopes I ever had of homeostasis in this Forum. In other words you have ruined my day. Wink
Ok first off we need to get some facts straight:
1. The Beatles should have been on the list... I have em on the list on my Live Journal it just slipped my mind here...
2. Becoming_Cold...I've seen some of the bands you mentioned live...3 as a matter of fact...A Perfect Circle, Mushroomhead, and Static-X...they are great bands (especially APC since Maynard is god) but I wouldn't list them as some of the greatest bands ever...when it comes to Maynard Tool is his best work...
3. Smashing will not allow Billy Corgan to make an appearance on my list...he sold out and his guitarist now plays for A Perfect Circle and non of the band members want to be around Billy anymore really...
4. If it were not for Zepplin, Hendrix, Ac/Dc and GREAT bands like that we wouldn't have modern day metal...besides those guys...guess what...they played Becoming_Cold you're devotion is in the right place you just need to get your facts straightened out...the most influential bands of modern music...metal wise...are Tool, SlipKnot has become a huge influence for hardcore, Sepultura/Pantera depending on which floats your boat more, Metallica, and Nine Inch Nails...
"I'm not a geek, I'm just coolness challenged."
i cant stand the beatles nor elvis presley,probably the two top bands/artists in history just because someone has to
Update (In no order):
Pink Floyd
Led Zepplin
The Doors
Nine Inch Nails
Jimmy Hendrix
Maynard James Keenan
The Beatles (Making up for a previous injustice...sorry John)
David Bowie (Someone I left out)
Rage Against the Machine (Also bad)
The Ramones
The Sex Pistols
Elvis Presley
Notorious B.I.G.
Grand Mast Flash (Yet another of the fogotten)

P. Diddy and Run DMC still in debate...

Forgotten comment:
becoming_cold...about your Jonathon Davis comment "who can argue with the vocals of john davis?" I can...KoRn sold out my friend...plain and simple...they were good...and I enjoy listening to the old albums...their peak was Life is Peachy...their fall was Issues...I'm sorry I just can't bring myself to add them...
"I'm not a geek, I'm just coolness challenged."
You know who else we should add? Definately Cheap Trick.
Notorious B.I.G. with ease.
Bah his life was too short and nowhere near as influential as TuPac. But Cheap Trick was god for a while...
Cheap Trick...a good one...
"I'm not a geek, I'm just coolness challenged."
Susperia - Petrified Big Grin
[Image: IROC.jpg]
Turbos don't suck, they blow!
My Car Domain
Never heard of em...but I'm thinking of adding the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Primus so that we can have to ridiculously awsome bass players get some recognition (Flea and Les Claypool)
"I'm not a geek, I'm just coolness challenged."
Fine, then I'm adding Credence Clearwater Revival and Lenard Skinnard.
Lynard Skynard I have no problem adding
"I'm not a geek, I'm just coolness challenged."
sweet home alabama, tech. thats country right
Technically I think you could classify that song as country but Freebird is rock
"I'm not a geek, I'm just coolness challenged."
it was like country and rock, country tunes and rock instuments
Sorry for my spelling errors Sad And sorry for forgetting two very crucial bands: Wings and of course The Eagles (Welcome to the Hotel California...I love that damn song)
Damnit Eagles were on my Livejournal list as well but I forgot to put them on here >.< also since it just came on my winamp 311
"I'm not a geek, I'm just coolness challenged."
You remember Wings?
damn im such a wigger, i dont know any bands from 'white' music

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