Poll: have u ever boughten anything from dupes to items?
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baught d2 crap?
who has ever actually boughten anything whether it being a fake dupe or items from d2legit and such?
i dont want to admit this addiction to d2 so buying things would say i am really into it so much i need help from money to get things i want.... and including money into mix changes things for me anyways
dont they all are duped like evrey store has their own dupe its not permed.
d2legit is a ripoff, find someone on ebay with good feedback 200+.. ebay is much cheaper, i planned to ebay items once but i decided it was a waste of money.
I had $1 on my desk, thought of something i could spend it on, went to ebay, clicked CoH, buy now, and i still had a penny left. This was a year or 2 ago, in my juvinile days though.
I've never done it, and I never will. What's the point? Once you get godly, the game gets so much more tedious... At the moment, I am loaded with Ists and have 1100+fg @ d2jsp, there's nothing left to do.
you do realise that the public D2SECTOR poll is this exact question? take a look there for ur answer
doesnt that ruin the game if u ebay.. my friend does it daily.. its retarded
i've only bought an item once. it cost me $1 for a mal rune. 100% legit didnt poof for the 2 weeks i had it, then traded it. just thought it was worth it so i bought it. the site has other d2 items, each item is different becuase it is found, and not duped. not sure if ill get in trouble if i post the site here (im new) so if you would like it, PM me.
i mean i can understand maybe something that's a good deal like whoever was talkin about a coh for 1$ but people that go online and spend like 50+ on shit for a video game i mean come on that's more than u paid for the entire game........kinda retarted to do that, lol.
cuz once u start getting decent items i would just get d2jsp and run it...the game gets so much easier once u get there and don't gimme the crap that getting hr's is way to hard because i did it when i started and so did so many other people when they first started.
is d2jsp a bot? pindle or something? sorry im kidna new too d2 also.
yeah it's a bot that you can set to do w/e bosses u want, it's pretty handy...although i've heard that trav doesn't work idk if it's true or not but yeah.
i ebayed once i restarted again because i didn't have the time or patience to be honest to get good items, and mfing with a ratty ass ptopaz's 4 sock armor sorc is lame as hell
Tant if you ebay ill slap you lol. This is why im playing hc now i am to "Rich" for my taste on Sc. I started all over on hc got a faith and Coh from jsp and now im just manual mfing over and over. Shenk Eld Pindle and pit with my Strafe/Multi (1 Point) Zon ^^
lol to rich? people quit sc cuz they rape duels.. ill take u on if u loose ur not rich Big Grin but honestly if u buy items u sorta ruin the whole point in it its like baal botting i know a guy who got to lvl 98 MANUAL not even mh now thats real
Invisible Wrote:lol to rich? people quit sc cuz they rape duels.. ill take u on if u loose ur not rich Big Grin but honestly if u buy items u sorta ruin the whole point in it its like baal botting i know a guy who got to lvl 98 MANUAL not even mh now thats real

Yeah, hey good thing that 20$ I spent really directly affected how you play the game.

Shut up. It's none of your business how other people spend their money. It's like.. "oh yeah, i'm way holier than thou. I refuse to spend money my own money that I make on what I want too. Even if I wanted to EBay I wouldn't because i'm just that cool."

Get out.
rofl i just said it ruins the game if u do? or unless u just wunna beat it as fast as u can or get gg.. i personally like doing it real the way it was ment to be played its really your choice.
Invisible Wrote:rofl i just said it ruins the game if u do? or unless u just wunna beat it as fast as u can or get gg.. i personally like doing it real the way it was ment to be played its really your choice.

I play d2 mainly to rush people, chaos, and/or chat. Ideally, without generous friends (which is basically the same as buying; walking into godly stuff) you would start with a Blizz sorc, build her up, and then rush for NM forges (praying you get a pul or um) until you strike gold mfing Pindle or Meph.

At twenty years old, and at the time with a job that got me 35 hours a week and 13.72 an hour, a somewhat active social life, very little patience, and wanting to have a hammerdin that wouldn't die..

yes, I had 20 bucks. I had a lot of money at the time, and to be perfectly honest, had I not spent it on D2 I would have really spent it on something foolish.

yeah, so GG to you. I didn't have 3 months to spend mfing, praying I find a Hoz or Arach.
Just to clear somthing up i didnt/havnt ever bought items off ebay/d2 stores. I started botting and it got boring and boring and boring ect. So hc is fun now i started playing it with 4 friends and i out lasted all of them lol. gg
In conclusion: You guys are douches for downplaying how people spend their money, despite how "childish" you may see it as.

You guys remind me of people who are so against things like occasional "hard" drug use, yet drinks themselves to sleep every night.

"OMFG I'm so holy your choices in life suck. You're inferior and your decision making sucks just because it's different than mine."

Yet again, I win. It's not hard when the competition consists of total idiots.

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