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Beginning: For a fairly balanced PvPvE Warlock, such as mine, start out leveling to five, where you get your imp. Get Blood Pact for your imp, and rank 2 firebolt as soon as you can. Then, let your imp taunt and draw enimies while you sit back for ranged attacks with shadow bolt and use your afflictions.

Level 10: At level ten, you get your second pet available, that is moderatly good with damage. Join some battlefields and get honor points, which you can then trade in for elite equipment. Continue on to levels 15 and 20, where you get a new pet for each of those.

*Imps do not lose usefulness when you get other pets, in fact, they are one of the main sources for getting your soulshards. Summon your imp, attack it, and right before it dies, cast for the shard. Work on getting an extended shard pouch, that can hold about 45 soul shards. They are expensive, but well worth it.

Also, Warlocks may be limited to cloth armour, but they can wield things such as swords, so long as they are proficient in the weapon skill.

To be updated soon: Zerokool.

Guide created and updated by Zerokool.
You can run....but you'll just die tired.
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where did u get this info from?? you don't get a pet at lvl 15 and 20. The highest soul shard pouch u can get has 28 slots.
I would not goto a BG at lvl 10 because of all the twinks u would not get any honor and be a waste of time. Lvls that u get pets are below

lvl 5ish: Imp (blood pact is good for when u are in a grp, +stam)
lvl 10: voidwalker (Good for tanking, solo)
lvl 20: succubus (Crowd Control)
lvl 30: felhunter (In pvp, especially against casters as it has a silence skill)
lvl 51: felguard (like a voidwalker but better dmg and has charge ability, Must be demo spec to use this pet)
This really isn't a guide. I mean...if you can't figure this stuff out in game...I would suggest you see a doctor because you may be retarded.
No compassion- like having a straight faced orgasm.
We don't need a doctor to see that.
Zero, you are either dire at this game or have never played a Warlock ;o

1) Do not enter BG's early, especially at level 10, since you will be in the 10-19 bracket and will get destroyed by virtually everyone. In addition, at low levels you get very little honour (~1-5 a kill or so) and since the only BGs that you can do are AB and WSG, which suck for honour anyway, you will be in for a major waste of time. All the BG items cost ~thousands of honour, so this will not be a viable way of getting gear. In addition, it will make you feel stupid if you spend days getting this item and a few levels later discard it because you got a way better one from a simple quest.

2) Like somone already said, bigges soul pouch is 28 slots and it is actually quite pricey. You shouldn't concentrate on getting it before lvl70, unless this lock is your alt and you have tons of gold to spend.

3) Warlock is definately not fairly balanced. It's probably one of the best 1v1 classes out there for PvP. In addition, warlocks completely dominate DPS meters in endgame raiding.

4) Using your imp to tank is pretty silly, since you have to wait for him to recover, while you can just bandage / eat / drink / Life Tap. If a warlock is played correctly, you'll have virtually no downtime whatsoever.

5) As for a spec, Affliction is definately win for leveling. Go deep affliction (however when I was leveling my lock, I put 5/5 Fel Stamina [I think that's what it was called, 1st tier talent in Demonology tree] until level 50. At level 50, you can either choose to continue as Affliction, or you can spec Demonology for the Felguard. Felguard will certainly make your leveling a lot easier (it's like having a mediocre dps warrior with you), however if you've grasped the basics, you shouldn't have any problems with leveling as Affliction as well. However, Felguard is the definate solo build.

As you hit 70, I'd recommend speccing back to Affliction for instance running. Demonology is fine as well, but it will gimp your dps and it's certainly not a PvE build. Once you have some decent gear and already have Karazhan on farm, you can spec Destruction, which has a slighly higher damage output on a single target. For 25man raiding, either Affliction or Destruction are fine, while the former is preferred.

edit: the extra 15% Stamina 5 point talent is Demonic Embrace. After you have that, I'd recommend Improved Corruption immediately, definate win.
FraterPerdurabo Wrote:Zero, you are either dire at this game or have never played a Warlock ;o

1) Do not enter BG's early, especially at level 10, since you will be in the 10-19 bracket and will get destroyed by virtually everyone. In addition, at low levels you get very little honour (~1-5 a kill or so) and since the only BGs that you can do are AB and WSG, which suck for honour anyway, you will be in for a major waste of time. All the BG items cost ~thousands of honour, so this will not be a viable way of getting gear. In addition, it will make you feel stupid if you spend days getting this item and a few levels later discard it because you got a way better one from a simple quest.

2) Like somone already said, bigges soul pouch is 28 slots and it is actually quite pricey. You shouldn't concentrate on getting it before lvl70, unless this lock is your alt and you have tons of gold to spend.

3) Warlock is definately not fairly balanced. It's probably one of the best 1v1 classes out there for PvP. In addition, warlocks completely dominate DPS meters in endgame raiding.

4) Using your imp to tank is pretty silly, since you have to wait for him to recover, while you can just bandage / eat / drink / Life Tap. If a warlock is played correctly, you'll have virtually no downtime whatsoever.

5) As for a spec, Affliction is definately win for leveling. Go deep affliction (however when I was leveling my lock, I put 5/5 Fel Stamina [I think that's what it was called, 1st tier talent in Demonology tree] until level 50. At level 50, you can either choose to continue as Affliction, or you can spec Demonology for the Felguard. Felguard will certainly make your leveling a lot easier (it's like having a mediocre dps warrior with you), however if you've grasped the basics, you shouldn't have any problems with leveling as Affliction as well. However, Felguard is the definate solo build.

As you hit 70, I'd recommend speccing back to Affliction for instance running. Demonology is fine as well, but it will gimp your dps and it's certainly not a PvE build. Once you have some decent gear and already have Karazhan on farm, you can spec Destruction, which has a slighly higher damage output on a single target. For 25man raiding, either Affliction or Destruction are fine, while the former is preferred.

edit: the extra 15% Stamina 5 point talent is Demonic Embrace. After you have that, I'd recommend Improved Corruption immediately, definate win.

You win, also AB is 20+, 10-19 is only WSG =)
fleaflickerx Wrote:AB is 20+, 10-19 is only WSG =)
Nice to know ;o

Yea lock definte a dominate PVP 1on1 class in arena i take them out fairly easily with my rogue (coldblood premed evicerate for about 3k-3.5k) and the cloak of shadows and vanish cheapshot to finish.( and my insgnia helps for the death coil)

Although sorry my lock friends your fear is getting nerfed so which has to be done as when i get feared for like 7 secs and still take massive dmg.

But for lvling i find deinite afflicition all the way especially improved corruption, i use that and my void walk for minimal mana waste.
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Yeah, rogues are pretty much the only class that can kill locks comfortably (can Warriors as well?). Good news is that from next patch onwards, Resilience will affect DoT damage, so that's another lock nerf (Y)

And those ****ing mace spec stuns for Warriors and Rogues are getting nerf. Thank ****ing god, I swear I was about to quit arena today because of that bullshit.
Thats what my paladin helaer arena partner is waiting for but also its is said the warrior pvp/arena dmg will be getting a big nerf.

Not a mace rogue but it was big bull anyway also made me wan to quit arena.

Also waiting for resilence to effect dot dmg as the unbalanced classes of druids/who can at a touch of button be dps/tank/ overtime heals is killing my arena spirit and also the shaman dps/lesser healing wave and dps priests/the become healers is really getting me down.
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FrogMan Wrote:Thats what my paladin helaer arena partner is waiting for but also its is said the warrior pvp/arena dmg will be getting a big nerf.

Not a mace rogue but it was big bull anyway also made me wan to quit arena.

Also waiting for resilence to effect dot dmg as the unbalanced classes of druids/who can at a touch of button be dps/tank/ overtime heals is killing my arena spirit and also the shaman dps/lesser healing wave and dps priests/the become healers is really getting me down.
I'm not sure you've got the right idea about arena though. Well, Warriors and Rogues are not getting a damage nerf, it's the stun proc from mace spec and (Thunder / Deep Thunder / Stormherald) that is getting nerfed, so stuns have a smaller chance to proc. And yes, Rogues are Warrior's bitches on a kite.

And there is no way in hell that you can call Druids an imbalanced class (I play one, by the way), people just think that all druids have the 61/61/61 spec. The reality is that:
a) Balance spec delivers decent burst, has high armor, but has no utility. Can heal a little, which makes you go oom very, very fast (Moonkins have extremely low mana-efficiency).
b) Feral. Feral arena utility in a nutshell: "Capable of delivering high amounts of non-lethal damage". In fact, Ferals have a difficult time killing anything but rogues, and a rogue with the right spec is a massive issue for a Feral (Mutilate spec is a pain). No, a Feral practically cannot heal (2-3 Healing Touches and you'll be hurting for mana).
c) Resto. Resto is arguably one of the best healers in the 2v2 bracket (I hit 1800 rating without a single piece of PvP gear) because of instant cast HoTs, however Resto PvP gear is close to laughable. My current PvE Healing chest (I raid as resto) has more +healing than the entire S2 unsocketed. Also, Resto druids are the squishiest healers in the game (Pallys have bubble, plate armor, shield, Stun, Priests have their own bubble, AoE fear, need I mention Resto shamen? With their shields, mail, practically no spell interruption from damage). Resto Druids have Barkskin (12 sec every 2 minutes), Roots (laughable) and Bear form (effectively CC'ing yourself).

Resto druids make good healers for 2v2 because it's difficult for casters to nuke them down (a lock can kite me forever, but he cannot kill me, same for a mage and a shadow priest) but they are considerably weaker in melee than other healers (a warrior or a rogue on me = death). When we hit 1800 rating, I was playing with a MS warrior and we were up against another MS Warrior and a Frost Mage. They managed to nuke my Warrior down pretty fast, so I was left in 1v2 against the two (warr was on 20%, mage on 100%) and I managed to kill them both with Moonfire, rofl.

Anyway, who do you play arena with and in which bracket? If you have decent gear, I'd recommed you to try 2v2 with a Disc priest, Rogues go very well with those. I have a friend that does pretty well in arena (he seems to have dropped a lot now, but he was close to 2000 pts in all 3 bracets). Also, once of my old Counterstrike clan mates was #1 in all brackets for a while:
The Armory
He also went to one of those Blizzard organized LANs a while ago and did pretty decently.

By the way, which realm / server do you play on?
Yea if we got our dmg nerfed again i'd quit wow, (70 warrior) people cry way too damn much about warriors, we put SO much effort into crafting the stuff to get it nerfed, its stupid....that why i went and crafted a lion heart blade or blood moon not the mace, becuase we could stun lock clothies to death!!!! and they cried with the 5% stun lock proc i think it was from mace spec then with the mace...

At least locks are getting nerfed FINALLY, i say cut all dmg in half, now their balanced....
Yeah I pray to god this guide was a joke....
fleaflickerx Wrote:Yea if we got our dmg nerfed again i'd quit wow, (70 warrior) people cry way too damn much about warriors, we put SO much effort into crafting the stuff to get it nerfed, its stupid....that why i went and crafted a lion heart blade or blood moon not the mace, becuase we could stun lock clothies to death!!!! and they cried with the 5% stun lock proc i think it was from mace spec then with the mace...

At least locks are getting nerfed FINALLY, i say cut all dmg in half, now their balanced....
Your damage in PvP is fine, it won't be nerfed. The stun is getting nerfed because it's imba.

And unfortunately the argument: "I put so much effort into my gear so I deserve to be able to play with only WIN buttons" just doesn't cut it.

And BS weapons are not difficult to get. Farm some primals every day, run some heroics for badges and nethers. Not to mention that the 3rd upgrade is a joke to get. If you are in a decent SSC / TK guild you can get all your vortexes in one night.
1580 rating group Aerie Peak Europe is mu bracket... if i can get on to a char clothie/druid i can pretty much kill them without a breaking a sweat and a hunter is also pretty easy.

Problems with shamans and that instant cast heal that they have.

Worst char for me to take down is a pally healer bec a good one has got a great flash of light so i have to time my kick quite well and ofcourse the holy shield, unless it is a complete idiot and is wearing cloth then i can take it down.

My gear is not great at all got vets bracers and boots, vindicators band with mongoose and just got my mercy shoulders from arena, so better gear would help me out alot.

But i have heard that the dmg from warriors is getting nerfed slightly though... but there are as always lots of rumours flying around WoW.
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Disc priests will be a shitton more useful (even though they already are) now that Pain Suppression can be able to cast on others with a 1 minute cooldown. I need to find a good partner for when that patch comes out.

Edit: If only I was able to partner with Furi. The Armory
He uses both twinblades of Azzinoth as well lol
[Image: fuggyleetsignj8il7.jpg]
Nobody can handle the leetness of this sig.
' Wrote:Who loves orange soda?
Kel'thuzad loves orange soda!
Is it true?
For the record, all those screaming that Locks are OP and need Fear nerfed 500 more times..........go jump off a cliff please.
You can run....but you'll just die tired.
[Image: 150.gif]
Twin blades of Azzz... this man has no life what so ever, and locks do need fear suppersion how come fear is instant cast and i can still take dmg and you guys have three different types of fears....= bull
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But the Plus side is, many of them, like rogues, are pre-pubescent boys and have no skill whatsoever.
[Image: fuggyleetsignj8il7.jpg]
Nobody can handle the leetness of this sig.
' Wrote:Who loves orange soda?
Kel'thuzad loves orange soda!
Is it true?
Thats true... reported one last night like the spitefull person i am, i was duealing some1 which i killed but then he chipped in and killed me (alliance killing alliance) got him very easily to insult me and then i acted like the ass i am and reported him.
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