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Tired of shitty *** Baal Public Games? Well...
Lets start our own clan on Us West for Clan baalin, That way we will all be guarnteed a good *** run full of fun and exp. I was once in a clan that did 200 baal Games a night! Each night! Imagine all the exp you would get in one week! If your intrested in making a clan just for baalin well list your account here. Hopefully if their are enough people willing to join we can get started But if not I guess we stick with does shitty *** public runs Sad
non ladder?
No . Its on ladder sorry for not mentioning that:o
Hmm.. i play on USWest Ladder.. i'm interested in joining a good clan that does good baal runs. I am 2 tired of those crappy 1's that try to tele to baal... die in the first 14secs lol. Hmm i'l join ur clan.. if it will benefit me... whisper me on weekends /w *Newbiz-Kill3r Smile
if you do 200 runs a night, you must find a great load of items [good and bad]. so if i created a ladder account and joined i could get a lot of good items or no? all i would really need is one characters worth of items [either a full pally or javazon] and i would be set to help out. is this possible?
Yay, Well Im on the weekends a lot to and i could tele ...but my res is shit and if their are black souls im a gonner, But if not I get their..........THANKS TO C3P0 Big Grin
how many people are actually in the game for each run?
Back when I was in NLF (Fastest baalin clan) I found a griswold during one of the runs, if that helps hey come right in.

(The reason they are fast is because they use d2loader and make games ahead of time)
Hmm... i dont play on weekdays too much... busy life. Maybe about an hour or less a day. On weekends i play 4 40 hours.. Smile i got shitty res 2 lol. and ya souls annoy me to hell...
8 of course to ge the best of the exp. And if their are a lot of members then we can do multilple runs or just put people on a waiting list to join the run in case some one drops or has to leave for some reason or the other.
Grey_Fox Wrote:Back when I was in NLF (Fastest baalin clan) I found a griswold during one of the runs, if that helps hey come right in.

(The reason they are fast is because they use d2loader and make games ahead of time)

but do you guys actually share the items found? i have no ladder account and will need to be "spiffed-up" a bit.
Well this is what my old clan use to do and it worked great! They would meet up at a certain time in their clan channel every night or day depending on were you live and if their arnt enough people on then they dont run. its very efficientSmile
I never been part of ne clan (well atleast not a d2 one). I wonder wats its like lvling like crazy... Smile
Sure thing, I could lend you some stuff, its not the best of stuff but its some thing. I really dont have that much stuff since i put all my resources towards my new mf sorc.
do this:

find a new clan that does these things and ask them if they donate items to new members so they can get better.

grey fox if you want to talk to me tomorrow, my aim is kewlzboi and msn is [email protected]
You know how it takes forever to get from level 80 to like 85, well in under a hour i got from level 80-88 like nothing.Wink
Hey nubli, if u join or whatever.. i won't mind helping u out.. I always like helping people in need... and taking items from ppl who have too many lol... Smile
Okay Nubli, My msn is [email protected] whisper me when ever.
well... it'll help alot if u left ur acct name here Grey_Fox... ill probably msg u later during the weekend.
Well I hope this forum goes well and im hoping we can get a clan started cause god does public runs suck big you know what. Well i gotta go now finals is this week :S Well i hope all goes well poop , later

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