09-04-2004, 12:31 AM
SpoonMan999 Wrote:First off CMM I made that post to mock his argument. Apparantly you didn't catch that, big surprise. And considering I'm a music major in college and lyricist and study the dynamics of music...it's not that damn hard. Oh and those costumes are part of putting on a good show, if they just play the music and that's it what's the point of going to see them? And rappers don't have costumes? Actually now that I think about it you're right it's more of a uniform though isn't it? Fubu with as many shiny objects as they can have in their mouth and around their necks.
hmmm...putting on a good show? You like to see that shit? It's not like they do it just for the show...they go to award shows looking like that and thats how they look all over there album....all the pictures of them......it's retarted.....that's why i only like old school rock.You know? and spoon you don't have to burn me in the arguments you make.....try to stay focused and argue about the topic.<_<.If its so easy to do....Do it.....make a album with all these hit songs.....get rich....i mean you can...it's so easy you know....>_>