01-16-2004, 05:46 PM
Warmth always helps a sorc and in 1.10 warmth helps other skills. Fire wall is a great skill and it would be useful in normal but no fire skills give it synergies and it gives no synergies to other fire skills so then you would want to use this with fire mastery then it would last a lot longer. Enchant is a good skill if you use swords plus it adds attack rating witch is very helpful and warmth gives it a bonus but that all comes down to you and what weapon you use. Meteor is a good skill, a good cast rate makes this a lot better and mastery would be maxed out with a sorc that concentrates in fire skills obviously. Most of the other fire skills can give synergy bonuses so you’d give points to them to.
You should also put points into cold spells because they chill (I wish blizzard would make frozen orb freeze the enemy not chill then you wouldn’t have to worry about them shattering or not) you’d probably chill the enemy than attack with your fire skills.
Please don’t criticize me if you don’t like something about this I don’t want to argue
You should also put points into cold spells because they chill (I wish blizzard would make frozen orb freeze the enemy not chill then you wouldn’t have to worry about them shattering or not) you’d probably chill the enemy than attack with your fire skills.
Please don’t criticize me if you don’t like something about this I don’t want to argue